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3521: What Is Zen
... of focusing on the moment. It has spanned two thousand, six hundred years from India to China to Japan to right here. Zen is a philosophy designed to accomplish the Buddhist goal of seeing the world just as it is, that is, without the mind being cluttered by thoughts and feelings. This attitude is called no-mind , a state of consciousness where thoughts come and go without leaving any trace. Unlike ... in meditation (Japanese za-zen) while they simply observe, without thought, whatever may be happening. The Zen belief is that nature cannot be grasped by any system of fixed definitions or classifications. Reality is the world as it is, apart from any thoughts an individual has about it. One of the original teachers of Zen, Shakyamuni Buddha said to his students one day in a talk that has been recorded as ... entire body and mind to the present experience. It is going past hesitation and reference points, past confusion and fabrication and into our actual lives. Liberation means freedom from the need to hide from our world and ourselves; it means finding out who and what this really is, what this world really is. Buddhadharma, the Teaching of Awakening, is the practice of sitting, walking, breathing, working and speaking with mindfulness ...
3522: Managing the Transition from Maturity to Decline: Diamond Power Corporation
... of the soot blower. Diamond had the market to itself for a number of years, but eventually two competitors sprang up to challenge Diamond: Copes-Vulcan and Bayer Company. Competition did not become fierce until World War II, when the soot blower became a major commodity used by the U.S. Navy to clean boilers on board its ships. At this point, the soot blower industry became a seller's market ... original plan to keep ahead of the game. By the 1970's, the mission to supply replacement parts and service became one of Diamond's top priorities as it opened parts and service plants in New Jersey, Georgia, Ohio, Texan, Colorado, North Dakota, California, and Washington. Diamond Power's goals over the years seem to stay pretty congruent with its mission up until the early 1980's. Basically, Diamond's goals ... of minifactories that offered service and replacement parts that could be delivered in a matter of hours to industries in need. Diamond's high market share on soot blowers allowed the company to lower its new equipment prices and recoup any losses through its replacement part division. This resulted in increased sales in both new equipment and parts. Diamond's competition, Cope- Vulcan, did not have any service centers and ...
3523: Ernest Hemingway
... 1899. Hemingway is known to be one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. He has written more than one hundred short fiction stories, many of them to be well known around the world. Some of these short stories had just as powerful an impact as his novels. As a young man, Hemingway left from his hometown to Europe, where he worked for the Red Cross during World War I. His time spent there inspired him to write some of his most famous novels. Most of which spoke of the horrors of the war (Benson xi). Hemingway's short stories, "Soldier's Home" and "Another Country" are used to show the damaging psychological and physical effects of World War I. Hemingway knew first hand the horrors of war. In May of 1918, Hemingway became an honorary second lieutenant in the Red Cross, but could not join the army because he had a ...
3524: Skittles
... the D.C. waterfront. There it will be easily accessible to a large cross section of consumers and make it possible to provide patrons with a safe and controlled environment. Our establishment brings a relatively new concept to the Districts restaurant industry. What we provide is an everchanging mix of live entertainment to customers while serving all of their drinking and dining needs as well. We are somewhat of a one ... still very confident in the ability of this concept and restaurant to thrive and succeed in the District. SITUATION ANALYSIS We, the owners of Skittles, are very enthusiastic about our chances of success with this new and exciting restaurant concept. Our enthusiasm was bolstered even more by what was revealed to us after performing a situation analysis for the company. The analysis showed that as a company, our strengths and the ... there are the internal weaknesses that we have as a business and they include, first our inexperience with being managers and operators of a business as well as the inexperience in dealing with the real world, unforeseen problems that are bound to arise with a new business. Secondly, there is the fact that as of yet we don't have an established customer base to rely on. Also, we also ...
3525: Lord Of The Flies - Primitive
... soul. Secondly, it will be discussed how primitive peoples gain satisfaction from conducting the act of sacrifice. Moreover, this research will go into depth about the transformation into a higher being and development of a new identity through ritualistic actions. Finally, primitive society’s emphasis on fear-provoking, irrational behavior in comparison to modern society’s insistence on rationality will be addressed. In a primitive society, chanting is designed to provide ... as it is the finest animal on the island. In due course the boys eat the meat of their kill, that being the primary intention of their grisly hunt. The third topic, development of a new identity through ritualistic actions, is a significant one when analyzing Jack Merridew’s preparation for the hunt. During hunting rituals in primitive societies, symbolic forms on clothing, utensils, and in some cases the human body ... note that when Jack’s colourful mask is being applied, he feels "liberated from shame and self-consciousness", and stares at his reflection in the water as if it were an "awesome stranger". With his new appearance, Jack has received a new, stronger, almost god-like identity. He has abandoned all of his doubts and insecurities, and exchanged them for a powerful, revered selfhood. The markings masking his face contributed ...
3526: Who Was Mother Theresa
... name of Teresa, honoring both saints of the same name, Teresa of Avila and Therese of Lisieux. In keeping with the usual procedures of the congregation and her deepest desires, it was time for the new Sister Teresa to begin her years of service to God's people. She was sent to St. Mary's, a high school for girls in a district of Calcutta. Here she began a career teaching history and geography, which she reportedly did with dedication and enjoyment for the next 15 years. It was in the protected environment of this school for the daughters of the wealthy that Teresa's new "vocation" developed and grew. This was the clear message, the invitation to her "second calling," that Teresa heard on that fateful day in 1946 when she traveled to Darjeeling for retreat. The Streets of Calcutta ... and practicalities abounded. She had to be released formally, not from her perpetual vows, but from living within the convents of the Sisters of Loreto. She had to confront the Church's resistance to forming new religious communities, and receive permission from the Archbishop of Calcutta to serve the poor openly on the streets. She had to figure out how to live and work on the streets, without the safety ...
3527: Crude Operatons - Oil And The Environment
... and until something is done about the oil being put into the sea, our oceans are at risk. So just how much oil is put in the oceans? According to a study conducted by the World Research Institute, "…between 3 and 6 million tons of oil are discharged into the oceans every year" (Gorman 48). To put this in perspective, that is approximately 4 football stadiums filled to the top with ... ends up in the oceans. One method is through drilling accidents and another is through spillage from tankers and other transports. In 1990 alone, 1/8 of the total oil discharged "…occurred daily in the New York - New Jersey Harbor" (American Oceans Campaign). And this is only an eighth of the total oil spilled. Take a moment and just think about how much oil was spilled…that one eighth of 6 million ...
3528: Women As News Anchors
... to television news anchoring is a rocky one, where only a few women survive and many fail. Where progress was once thought to have been made, there aren't many females getting ahead in the world of television news. Today, there is a very slow, if any, gain in the numbers of women who succeed. There are many questions surrounding the subject of women in television news, and I will attempt ... her individual experience of being fired on the basis of her looks and her age. I realized from reading her story that she had a "nose for news", a passion for telling it to the world, and a unique spark that made her a good journalist, yet those qualities weren't enough in her case. She took that passion and spark, filed a sexual discrimination case and won. Hard News: Women ... that there were individual stories from anchorwomen telling of their experiences. This provided stories about the women who have succeeded within the field--why and how. There was a round table discussion conducted by The New Mother Jones magazine with television newswomen Linda Ellerbee, Marion Goldin, Ann Rubenstein, and Meredith Vieira. This provided first-hand opinions about what these women see going on in the business. Women in Television News ...
3529: The Olive Branch
... of God, who intern wanted to cleanse the earth of immoral people and evildoers. Chosen survivors, for example Noah, as well as present day Christians believe that the Flood was a marking point for a new covenant between God and themselves. However, the myths that have accumulated from each culture provide great colorful characters and death defying heros against the angst of the gods. Often times the bible is compared to ... a boat. This basic myth emerges from the “Gilgamesh Epic” but neighboring civilization, such as Sumeria, retell the same with different protagonist gods. Traveling east into China the flood legend seems to take on a new meaning. The myth is recorded around 1000 b.c. by the Chou Dynasty. “The main difference between the Chinese flood myth and that of Western cultures seems to be the emphasis on why there was ... mankind. The Feathered Serpent, who is the Mayan creator, first created man from mud, but they were without sight or substance. The gods decided to start over with a man made out of wood. The new and improved man could walk, talk, reproduce, build but had lack of appreciation for life and no heart to feel. Disappointed in his two failures , the Feathered Serpent made the heavens pour out rain ...
3530: Farm Subsidies - A Necessary Evil?
... good at the market. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, farmers were given price supports for not growing crops. These allowed farmers to mechanize, which was necessary because of the scarcity of farm labor during World War II (Reische 52). During World War II, demand for food increased, and farmers enjoyed a period of general prosperity (Reische 52). In 1965, the government reduced surplus by getting farmers to set aside land for soil conservation (Blanpied 121). The ... 82). Small family farms have the lowest total family incomes (Long 83). Farming is following a trend from many small farms to a few large farms. Competition among farmers has increased supply faster than demand. New seed varieties, better pest control, productive machinery, public investments in irrigation and transportation, and better management will increase farm output. The resulting oversupply of farm products, which creates a low profit margin, drives smaller ...

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