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351: Polygamy
... religious denomination, and all the inhabitants of the great republic will patronize this periodical." ("The Seer", Orson Pratt, January 1852 issue, p.7, see also Doctrine & Covenants section 132. 1st published 1876 SLC.) 1856, The new Republican party selected for it's national platform a call to abolish the "Twin Relics of Barbarism, Slavery and Polygamy". ("The Mormons and the Law: The Polygamy Cases", Orma Lindord, Utah Law Review, p. 312 ... Utah's women were given the right to vote, following the lead of their sister State Wyoming. Due to timing of election dates women in Utah were the first in the nation to exercise this new power. "The Church gave to its women the first exclusively women's organization in all the world; and it was representatives of this organization in mass-meeting assembled to enter their vigorous protest against the pending legislation which was intended to affect them seriously in their lives. [Note that the Relief ...
352: History of the World Bank
History of the World Bank The WB was created by the Bretton Woods Conference and evolved by adding additional institutions as additional tasks were identified. The initial objective of the WB was to provide loans for the rebuilding of ... Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency) and 6. ICSID (International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes). The IBRD was created in 1946 for two purposes: the reconstruction of Europe after WWII and for investment in the developing world. The initial priority (reconstruction of Europe), ends in 1955 and all lending to Europe ends in 1967 and doesn't resume until 1989 with assistance to Central and eastern Europe. Investment in the developing world is done by lending for projects unable to attract private financing, neoliberal philosophy is followed to decide what is considered economic development. The IBRD is the largest source of development assistance. The IBRD is ...
353: Roaring Twenties
THE ROARING TWENTIES Americans, in the years following the end of World War I found themselves in an era, where the people simply wished to detach themselves from the troubles of Europeans and the rest of the world. During the years of the Twenties, the economy was prosperous, there was widespread social reform, new aspects of culture were established, and people found better ways to improve their lifestyle and enjoy life. The 1920's exemplified the changing attitudes of American's toward foreign relations, society, and leisure activities. ...
354: Click Vs Brick: An Exploration Of Mp3 File Sharing And Onlin
... piracy are enormous and are felt throughout the music value chain. The victims include the artists whose creativity gets no reward; governments who lose hundreds of millions of tax revenues; economies that are deprived of new investment; consumers who get less diversity and less choice; and record producers who are forced to reduce their artist rosters because it is impossible to compete against theft.” Having established the far-reaching consequences of ... hear the music on the radio or television. If a whole generation of people become used to not paying for music, the industry may never recover and aspiring musicians will have no motivation to create new music. The ethics become even more questionable when it is pointed out that a lot of people make a lot of money from online music piracy. The IFPI claim the global pirate market is worth ... the purchase: it’s a case of try before you buy. These findings, however, are contradicted by the most recent industry sales figures produced by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. In their 2001 world sales report they affirmed that global sales fell by 5% in value since 2000. This is attributed to new technologies assisting an increase in illegal downloading and CD copying. “Piracy has grown alarmingly in ...
355: Main Causes Of The Great Depre
By: Paul Alexander Gusmorino 3rd The Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one, which spread to virtually all of the industrialized world. The depression began in late 1929 and lasted for about a decade. Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression; however, the main cause for the Great Depression was the combination of the ... first industries to prosper were those that made materials for cars. The booming steel industry sold roughly 15% of its products to the automobile industry23. The nickel, lead, and other metal industries capitalized similarly. The new closed cars of the 1920's benefited the glass, leather, and textile industries greatly. And manufacturers of the rubber tires that these cars used grew even faster than the automobile industry itself, for each car would probably need more than one set of tires over the course of its life. The fuel industry also profited and expanded. Companies such as Ethyl Corporation made millions with items such as new "knock-free" fuel additives for cars24. In addition, "tourist homes" (hotels and motels) opened up everywhere. With such a wealthy upper class many luxury hotels were needed. In 1924 alone, hotels such as the ...
356: Professional Sports: The Hidden Greed
... work stoppages) in professional sports, and the growing disparity among team payrolls. Most recognize these issues as major problems; however, others overlook the greed and see validity in the financial aspect of today's sports world. They argue that professional sports are thriving and should not be modified. They also contend that sometimes lockouts are unavoidable and are often the only way to work out problems. The opposition reasons that professional ... that most players work hard to become great athletes and therefore they deserve enormous salaries. They also plead that lockouts are healthy for professional sports because they help each sport continually evolve and adapt to new problems it faces. While the opposition does not notice the greed problems greed causes, others do. Greed is obvious in today's sports world. Plain and simple, the salaries of sports figures these days are too high. In the NBA, Michael Jordan makes over $13 million dollars per year for the Chicago Bulls (Verducci 46). That means he ...
357: A Breif History Of Comics
Comics: In the Beginning The modern comic, as we know it, began in Joseph Pulitzer's New York World on February 17,1895. The comic, drawn by Richard F. Outcault, was based on the life of Mickey Dugan, an Irish immigrant child in the city. Although the strip had no name, people have dubbed ... an experiment in yellow ink by the newspaper. Eventually the comic came to be known as "Hogan's Alley." Soon comics were recognized for the selling potential and were published in newspapers all over the world. After the success of the World, a competitor, William Randolph Herst of the New York Journal, hired Outcault to draw Hogan's Alley for Hearst's Journal. The World continued publication of the strip ...
358: Turkey Vultures
Turkey Vultures Vultures are large birds of prey closely related to hawks and eagles. They are divided into New World vultures and Old World vultures, both belonging to the order Falconiformes. The New World vultures, in the family Cathartidae, consist of seven species in five genera. Among the New World vultures include the Cathartes aura, also known as ...
359: The United States and National Security, and Dominant Party in Balance of Power
The United States and National Security, and Dominant Party in Balance of Power The emergence of the United States as a dominant party in balance of power equations is a relatively new phenomenon in world history. New military technology coupled with increased global integration has allowed the United States to reinvent the fundamental assumptions of international diplomacy while propelling itself to the top of the hegemonic stepladder. This positioning was achieved ...
360: The Beat Poets and Movement
... The "Beat Movement" in modern literature has become an important period in the history of literature and society in America. Incorporating influences such as jazz, art, literature, philosophy and religion, the beat writers created a new and prophetic vision of modern life and changed the way a generation of people sees the world. That generation is mow aging and its representative voices are becoming lost to eternity, but the message is alive and well. The Beats have forever altered the nature of American consciousness. The Beat Generation of writers offered the world a new attitude. They brought to society a consciousness of life worth living. They offered a method of escape from the stultifying, unimaginative world we live in, through the exploration of one's intellect. ...

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