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3461: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
... vastly contrasting circumstances, free white women of the North were entirely different creatures than the slaves of the South. As a result of the explosive Industrial Revolution, massive economic growth and the birth of a new middle class in the early part of the nineteenth century, Northern women were experiencing a total reform of society. Nancy Woloch states in Women and the American Experience “middle class Americans had rising incomes, expectations ... 67). The atmosphere was charged with growth and transformation. It was out of this shift in society that the “cult of true womanhood” was born. This idyllic view of women’s appropriate sphere “celebrated the new status of the middle class woman, along with her distinctive vocation, values, and character” (Woloch, p.68). True Women reigned in the domestic realm, whereas men controlled the outside world of politics, business, individuality, intellect, etc. True Women were submissive to men. Their purpose was simply to provide a warm, happy, comfortable home for their husbands and children. According to these ideals, a True ...
3462: Anselm's Ontological Argument and the Philosophers
... of going away soon. It is an argument based solely on reason, distinguishing it from other arguments for the existence of God such as cosmological or teleological arguments. These latter arguments respectively depend on the world's causes or design, and thus may weaken as new scientific advances are made (such as Darwin's theory of evolution). We can be sure that no such fate will happen to Anselm's Ontological Argument (the name, by the way, coined by Kant). In ... food for believers like Gaunilo who wished see what results the tool of dialectic will bring if applied to the question of God. While today the argument seems weak, or even whimsical, it is a brave attempt to go without dogma in explaining God. The argument "must stand or fall by its sheer dialectical force. A principal reason of our difficulty in appreciating its power may well be that pure ...
3463: Emily Dickinson 3
... riddles were also created and sustained through the use of reversal - both rejecting, and needing a concept (such as her puritanical background) and the juxtaposition of the two resulting in a apposite order and a new creative energy. ...delight in the impossible possession of the desired . Riddle was also achieved through oxymoron - which served as the main language structure for her sense of the indecipherable ambiguity of existence. Its form like ... on in the same vein of the satire in stanza1 - a play on the then current Christian concept of death and resurrection. Dickinson plays ironically with the Protestant consolatory language, using typology. In 1861, a new second stanza was written, that sways towards horror. This "nihilistic" second stanza contrasts completely with the somewhat cloyingly sentimental tone of the first stanza achieving a quasi-ironical effect. In the poem, the small comfortable ... space and unending time. The poem s conclusion is more implicit, and expressed through suggestive images - ie: important dignitaries surrender and die, and this is of the same significance as specks on snow - that the world out there is vast, cold and impersonal. Later, she wrote a further two replacement stanzas for the last, which sentimentalise death in keeping with the tone of the first stanza. This, apparently was at ...
3464: Helen Keller
... going to a special school called the Boston Institute for the Blind that her parents had heard of that helps children with disabilities. She did not really understand that words stood for things in the world. She did not know what words meant. Although she did not give up easily.(Howell 1) Up until the age of seven, when her teacher Anne Sullivan put her hand under water did she know that things in the world had meanings. Anne being half blind herself had the ways of knowing how to teach Helen. In about two hours she had mastered over sixty words. Her and Anne developed a way of communicating through ... it well. Her and Anne came to be very close friends. They now shared a house and farm together. Anne Sullivan was always known to Helen as teacher. Teacher was the first word that Helen new to say before water. Anne was very fond of Helen. Anne was sent to Helen at the age of six. She taught at the Boston Institute for the Blind. When Helen was brought to ...
3465: European Integration - An Overview
... of its nuclear programmes. Economically, the EEC treaty legalised, over a twelve-year period, the elimination of trade barriers among member nations, the development of a common tariff for imports from the rest of the world, and the creation of a common policy for managing and supporting agriculture. Politically, the treaty gave a greater role to national governments than had the earlier ECSC treaty, though it did provide for the EEC ... common European Currency Unit (ECU) was introduced by which central exchange rates could be set. The introduction of a European Single Currency is a significant event which will have profound consequences for people around the world. The Euro will become the currency in which individual citizens are paid and represent the price of all goods, services and labour across the whole Economic Monetary Union area. In the following pages the european single currency will be discussed in more detail and whether or not the United Kingdom should join. Joining A Single European Currency Early in the new century Britain will have to make a decision which will affect our future economic stability and our whole position in the world. We shall have to decide whether or not to join the single ...
3466: Comparative Essay On The Lord
Comparitive Essay on the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit A fantasy is an imaginary world where all things imaginable can be brought to life. J.R.R Tolkien portrayed fantasy through his use of skilled craftsmanship and a vivid imagination, which was presented in each piece of literature he wrote ... brought to life through three essential elements, heroism, magic and retribution. Heroism is shown through the character’s courage and bravery in situations where conflict arises and this enables them to be seen in a new light. Magic is a form of extraordinary power seemingly through a supernatural force; it is used in a combination of combat and mystical items to aid the companions on their journey. Retribution is paid to ... Dwarves or anyone else, made a great difference to Mr. Baggins.” (144) There are numerous other opportunities to experience heroism in The Hobbit, one of which is near the conclusion of the tale when the brave and noble Bard kills the sinister dragon Smaug. As a child this character encountered Smaug for the first time while fleeing the ruination of their city; now even though Bard was overcome with the ...
3467: The Baseball Life of Babe Ruth
... food. Whatever anybody else ordered for a meal, Ruth had doubles or triples. In the war-shortened 1918 season, Ruth was 13-7 and hit .300. The Red Sox won another pennant and their third World Championship in four years, beating the Cubs, 4 games to 2, in the Series. Earlier that season, Boston captain Harry Hooper had noticed that attendance soared whenever Ruth pitched. He figured it was Ruth's ... led the league with 114 RBIs and 29 home runs. Nobody had ever hit so many home runs, and few believed it could be done again. On January 6, 1920, Ruth was sold to the New York Yankees. On Opening Day, he dropped a fly ball that cost his new team a 3-1 loss to Philadelphia. The next day, he struck out three times, once with bases loaded. So the first few days weren't to good for Ruth. Ruth did not hit ...
3468: The Roswell Incident
... and Sightings, often deal with aliens and UFO's. Many people believe in other life-forms and some will do anything to convince themselves of their existence. Many of societies thoughts and views toward the world as a whole, aliens and UFO's, and toward the government have been sparked by one single incident. This incident occurred on July 4, 1947 in a town in New Mexico: Roswell. What occurred in Roswell may have changed the way American society views the government forever. The issue of trust between the government and the people is and was at stake. Since it will ... different opinions and accounts of what happened in Roswell on in July, 1947, but either way, this one single incident has changed the way a countless number of people think about the government and the world today. These truths are found in books, on television, and in the public's words. The man credited with first finding the UFO crash site is Mac Brazel, who found some "strange, metallic debris ... ...
3469: Adolescence
... effect, and to reason logically and consistently. Whether these changes in cognitive ability are a result of the developmental stage, as Piaget suggests, or should be considered the result of accumulating knowledge that allows for new mental and moral perspectives, an enlarged capacity for making distinctions, and a greater awareness of and sensitivity to others, is a question that psychologists continually debate. Behaviorists such as Harvard's B. F. Skinner did ... must make in their search for an identity. The effects of physical change, the development of sexual impulses, increased intellectual capacity, and social pressure to achieve independence are all contributor to the molding of a new self. The components of identity formation are connected to the adolescent's self-image. This means adolescents are greatly affected by the opinions of people who are important in their lives and interact with them ... the transition from reliance on the family to relative independence. There is a common language amongst adolescents, whether it is clothing, music, or gossip, these forms of expression allow them to display their identity. This new form of association helps to ease the anxiety of leaving their past source of reference to their identity. Parent-Adolescent Relations: The family has traditionally provided a set of values for young people to ...
3470: The Team v.s. The CEO
... mighty and all-powerful CEO's. However, this long desired position may quite possibly be dwindling away in the years to come. In a recent article in Business Week, John Byrne talks about how the new way of the future will not be the power driven CEO, but a collaboration of co-workers working together on a team. Yes, a team. He talks about how chaotic the business world is becoming today, with such large and demanding companies. He believes that there is no way that the CEO's of the past can keep up with such large companies. It is really a pretty ... rather than one individual, there are almost no limitations as to what they may accomplish. He believes working together in a collaborative manner is going to be the way of the future companies of the world. As with everything in life there are always drawbacks to a good thing. Granted that team management does sound like a great idea, there are many obstacles along the way that you will need ...

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