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3441: Satellites
... has used this communications satellite (top right) ever since the late 1950s. TVS and radios are also turning to the use of satellites. RCA and Sony have released satellite dishes for Radio and Television services. New technology also allows the military to use satellites as a weapon. The new ION cannon is a satellite that can shoot a particle beam anywhere on earth and create an earthquake. They can also use it's capability for imaging enhancement, which allows you to zoom in on ... satellite. He was born on October 5, 1882. He earned his Masters and Doctoral degree in Physics at Clark University. He conducted research on improving solid- propellant rockets. He is known best for firing the world's first successful liquid-propellant rocket on March 16, 1926. This was a simple pressure-fed rocket that burned gasoline and liquid oxygen. It traveled only 56m (184 ft) but proved to the world ...
3442: Multiculturalism in the United States
... know who is an American. I believe that this difficulty has to do with the multiculturalism that exists in this country. The United States doesn't have a unique culture. In fact it is the world's most multicultural country. The country has a lot of different cultures, and not one is similar to the others. No culture is better or worse than another. USA is different from other countries because that in this country are living representatives of all cultures. It is normal to meet people from all over the world in most every city; what is not normal is the idea of understanding that a lot of people are Americans, people born and raised in the US. These citizens might not seem to be Americans ... in America, and where did he learned to speak English. His answer was that he had been born in the US and that his family had been there for three generations (Takaki 486). As the world is changing, people have to realize that Multiculturalism is a part of the United States. Americans have to accept and be proud of their heritages. According to Kenneth T. Jackson in his article “Too ...
3443: Facing Reality
... used for guided missiles to destroy other humans, families, and their homes but to monitor our earth's atmosphere for changing weather conditions and incoming events. The system is also our means for connecting the world together in a mass network of communications to promote the possibilities of peace. Furthermore it is used to explore our universe and its inhabitants to teach scientists a little more about the world in which we live. All this might help prevent death from others and cure diseases, whereas this is why we need to develop new technology. I think new technology must strive on the details of perfecting old technology so there will be fewer imperfections for people to find. As for the new technology with devices intended to predict ...
3444: Spy Games - Creative Essay
Spy Games - Creative Essay Being an international spy is no walk in the park. Death can be waiting for you around the corner or around the world. However when you're only 17 years old, death is the furthest thing from your mind. So here we were on a hot summers day playing international espionage. Of course to six of us playing ... sneak out at night. Agents do their work best under the cover of darkness you know. Today our meeting was going to be a good one. Last Thursday we had decided to draw up entire new names and careers for ourselves. Agents usually have more aliases than friends, so we decided to change ours every month. It was kind of hard juggling school work and memorizing new alias information each month. Yet when we were out in the `real world' doing maneuvers it all seems worth it. The table was round, so there really was no one at the head of ...
3445: Copyrights And Patents
Everyday businesses provide the world with products and services. People in general are just not self-sufficient. Who has time to make their own clothes, own meals,clean their own house, or even watch their own kids? Today’s every growing business world and advancements in technology make it extremely easy to obtain anything one could ever desire provided they have the money to buy it. Many people gained great success and wealth from their original product and ... is known as bootlegging. this is where someone copies a program, CD, performance, etc., and sells it on the streets. According to Mike Edward’s of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry claims that world wide CD piracy accounts for 6.5% of the industries annual sales. A different approach to borrowing one’s idea doesn’t nessacarily copythe product. Instead it involves misleading the consumer. As in one ...
3446: Magnificent Minds Of The Renai
The high renaissance of the 1500's was a time of scientific, philosophic, and artistic awe and inspiration. Many new discoveries were being made in the field of science, and philosophers expressed their assumptions on the world and universe around them. In addition, many individuals were gifted with artistic dexterity and skill. The amazing achievements of Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci are considered significant to the Renaissance period. In this paper ... the name of Raphael. In Raphael's early years, he became inspired by his father, the painter Giovanni Santi, and began painting at an early age. At the age of 22, and in search of new painting techniques, Raphael began studying some of the famous artists of his day such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. After years of studying, and observing Leonardo and Michelangelo's art, Raphael developed his ...
3447: Heart Of Darkness - Ignorance And Racism
... man was cursing us, praying to us, welcoming us - who could tell?" (Conrad 37). The end result of Conrad's ignorance of not knowing the behavior of African people concluded his division of the social world into two separate categories: "us," the Europeans, and "them," the Africans. Achebe concludes Conrad's ignorance towards the natives by stating, "Heart of Darkness projects the image of Africa as 'the other world,'... a place where man's vaunted intelligence and ferment are finally mocked by triumphant bestiality" (252). "Heart of Darkness was written, consciously or unconsciously, from a colonialistic point of view" (Singh 278). Conrad didn't ... the Heart of Darkness," "Conrad sets up Africa 'as a foil to Europe, a place of negations... in comparison with which Europe's own state of spiritual grace will be manifest.' Africa is 'the other world,'..." (281). Bibliography Achebe, Chinua [An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness.] Heart of Darkness. By Joseph Conrad 3rd ed. Ed. Robert Kimbrough. New York: Norton Critical 1988. Conrad, Joseph Heart ...
3448: Theological Consequences In Ki
... is reactionary to certain Calvinistic implications communicated in Leir. Shakespeare's negation of Leir's theological values are not, however, a necessary affirmation of a different theological stance. It might be the foundation of a new theological view, or it could be an utter negation from which, to quote the King himself, "Nothing can come of nothing"(1.82). The question of what truly follows from "nothing" is at the heart ... course, such a mystical experience, as Lear may have had, would not necessarily be distinctly Christian. Part of what makes a mystical experience mystical, after all, is the transgression beyond the delineations of the conventional world, religious delineations, and the various dogmas of Christianity included. In any case, as both Lynch and Calderwood seem to lead us, if Shakespeare is making an appeal to a new brand of Christianity, it is a living, breathing, experiential brand of Christianity. It has been traditionally recounted, however, that mystical experiences generally have some sort of inherent, redemptive value. They classically result in periods ...
3449: Russia
... of people were arrested and either harassed or killed. Stalin then decided to concentrate on improving military strength and building on improving the Soviet economy, rather than follow Lenin's revolutionary goal of dominating the world. In order to obtain the immense amount of money needed to maintain his militia, he began a series of five year programs which would force the average farmer to meet a quota by the end ... defending themselves. Khrushchev concerned himself with bettering the plight of the individual, attempting to increase the supply of food and making goods such as home appliances, making automobiles somewhat available, and providing more housing. A new policy of efficiency and quality control was brought in. Leadership was somewhat decentralized to allow common managers and directors more power to run their production units. Although Krushchev started a process of slight reform he ... their own needs. Brezhnev had now assumed control of the Union. A rigid Stalinist with hard-line ethics, Brezhnev's goal was to make the USSR into one of the strongest political superpowers in the world. The military was richly funded and the authoritative influence of Brezhnev could be felt in the asperity of the population. When Brezhnev died in 1982, he left behind an empire with one of the ...
3450: JFK: His Life And Legacy
On November 22, 1963, while being driven through the streets of Dallas, Texas, in his open car, President John F. Kennedy was shot dead, apparently by the lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald. The world had not only lost a common man, but a great leader of men. From his heroic actions in World War II to his presidency, making the decisions to avert possible nuclear conflict with world superpowers, greatness can be seen. Kennedy also found the time to author several best-selling novels from his experiences . His symbolic figure represented all the charm, vigor and optimism of youth as he led ...

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