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3401: Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution
... to show how government could oppress people. This novel is in many ways similar to Russia during the 1920’s and 1930’s. In both situations, the working class overthrew its leader and started a new society. In Animal Farm, Mr. Jones was the farmer who was overthrown by the animals, who represent the Russian working class. The animals of Manor Farm overthrew Mr. Jones because they wanted to work less ... their families. The focus of their efforts was to take care of the monarchy, Czar Nicholas and his family. Leaders of the working class started telling people that their lives could be different under a new system of government. These leaders believed that all people should and could share equally in the wealth of the country. The first leader of the animal revolution was Old Major, a prized-boar belonging to ... working class in Russia was a laboring class of people that received low wages for their work. Like the animals of Manor Farm, the people in Russia thought there would be no difficulties in a new society because working people would equally share all the riches and hold all the power. Another character represented in the book is Mr. Jones. He symbolizes the Russian Czar Nicholas who treated his people ...
3402: What The United States Can Learn From Japan
... some of these industrial policies to help foster emerging high tech businesses and help existing U.S. business remain competitive with East Asia. In Japan the government both during the Meiji period and the post World War II period followed a policy of active, sector selective industrial targeting. Japan used basically the same model during both historical periods. The Japanese government would focus its tax incentive programs, subsidies, and R&D ... industries. During the Meiji period Japan focused it's attention on emulating western technology such as trains, steel production, and textiles. The Meiji leaders took taxes levied on agriculture to fund the development of these new industries. Following World War II Japanese industries used this same strategic industrial policy to develop the high-tech, steel, and car industries that Japan is known for today. Some American industries are currently heavily supported by the ...
3403: Buddhism
Buddhism By Elizabeth Chandler Buddhism is recognized as one of the great religions of the world. To call Buddhism a religion by itself would do injustice. Buddhism is a school of moral thoughts and principles as well as a religion to worship. Unlike other religions Buddhism's' sole purpose is not ... that are separated from what you love and now have the suffering from having a sense of thinking you are unloved. 2. Objective and Subjective Existence In Buddhism one is to understand how real the world is. For instance his/her birth is known due to his existence, but one is to grasp the organs it has because of birth. A nose that smells, and eye that sees, and a tongue ... birth as a human the rest can go into re-birth as an animal, denizen of hell, or a hungry ghost. . Thus only humans and Hindu Gods can go on to teach Buddhism in their new life. Buddhism is also different from other religions in that one can go to hell for a short period of time after death. This can be used as a punishment, so you can do ...
3404: Bolshevik Revolution
... Russia. This period can be divided into two distinct eras. Firstly, there was the period from 1917-1924, which included the decision to seize power, the civil war and a consolidation of power under the new economic policy. The second period occurred after Lenin's death, where opposing factions emerged in the party, and a leadership struggle occurred. Out of this, Stalin emerged as an authoritarian leader and used various forms ... consists only in his ability to say what these people want to say but don't know how to say. " Lenin's genius combined with the harsh conditions suffered in the cities during the first world war, and the failure of the provisional government meant that the Bolsheviks were able to gain a majority of in both the Petrograd and Moscow soviets by October 1917. The Provisional Government became increasingly separate ... have the support of the armed forces, which meant that they were able to stay in power. Another problem was the armistice signed on December 15, 1917, which ended Russia's involvement in the First World War. The treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed on March 16, 1918 and meant that Russia underwent a humiliating loss of territory including Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Lenin's wisdom probably saved ...
3405: The Gothic Novel
... novels, The Gothic Quest, Montague Summers examined the Gothic novel within its historical background. He argued that both the Gothic and Romantic literary modes "suggest an aspiration for something beyond the deadening familiarity of this world, a longing for the past"(Kilgore 219). Summers asserts that the gothic is escapist literature: "To escape thus form mundane reality is a primitive desire, and, in itself, it is excellent and good. The world, if we had not our dreams, would, God knows, be a very dull place. Of course, as precisians will never fail to tell you, there is a danger in dreams. But, if we had not ... as it is with family rivalry, and with a satanically ambiguous villain whose self-sufficiency is both his glory and his damnation. . . With its theory of an underlying reality, psychoanalysis helped give the gothic a new "profundity", by seeing it as the revelation of a the private life of either the individual or his culture that had been buried by habit, the conscious will, and forces of individual and social ...
3406: The War Ridden Soldier
Throughout the world many individuals believe love is the cure for everything. In the novel, A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway, is a typical love story between a nurse and a war soldier. Their love affair must survive the obstacles of World War one. Hemingway develops this theme by means of characters, tone, and setting. Hemingway expresses the theme through the use of two main characters, Frederick Henry and Catherine Barkley. Frederick henry is a young American ambulance driver in the Italian army during World War one. At the beginning of the novel Henry never experienced love he believed it was an elaborate game. When he is wounded and sent back to the American hospital where Catherine works their ...
3407: Endangered Species Of South Am
... and the inability to adapt to survive competition and predation. Since the 1600's, however, the rate of extinction has accelerated rapidly because of human population growth and resource consumption (17). Today, most of the world's habitats are changing faster than most species can adapt to such changes through evolution, or natural selection. The current global extinction rate is estimated at about 20,000 species per year, exponentially greater than ... the brink of extinction (2). Virtually entire families of plants such as cactus, orchids and cyads are considered threatened or endangered because of over-collection for commercial purposes (2). Non-native species introduced to a new ecosystem have caused serious native species declines. The non-native, or exotic, species may be introduced either accidentally or intentionally, and either out-compete the native species or prey on them (Newman 92). Native plants ... organisms in freshwater lakes and destroy large tracts of forested land (Microsoft 3). In any effort to produce global biodiversity and encourage the study, restoration, and sound management of endangered species the IUCN and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) maintain a global list of endangered species and vulnerable animals called the Red List. A framework for international conservation efforts, the Red List database accesses the status of, and threats ...
3408: Atom And Qi
... perceivable by human senses. The notion of atoms was conceived by ancient Greeks and was developed over thousands of years of scientific inquiry. The concept of qi as the most basic substance of which the world (everything) is comprised, was understood by the ancient Chinese. Both ¡¥atom¡¦ and ¡¥qi¡¦ are believed to exist by human beings and both are considered to be unseen objects (until we could see atoms recently). However ... it could be developed into a scientific theory. HISTORICAL PROGRESSION TOWARDS A BELIEF IN ATOMS The concept of the atom originated in Greek philosophy around six hundred B.C. with the question: ¡§What is the world made of ?¡¨ (Sachs, 9). Thales first suggested that ¡§water [is] the basic building block of the world¡¨, and air, sand, and stone could be different forms of one fundamental substance (web page). Yet, Anoimenes believed ¡§mist or air was the cornerstone of matter¡¨ (Clagett, 49). These ancient thinkers made simple and ...
3409: Franz Joseph Haydn
... Later on, he was employed by the Esterhazy family and was given the chance to conduct an orchestra and write symphonies. It was at this time and place that Haydn was "completely isolated from the world…he could experiment…improve, alter, add, or cut as boldly as he pleased." This was the start of a magnificent career. To understand why Haydn was a great classical composer, it is important to understand ... history of music, it is important to understand not only his work but also what characteristics or themes of Classical music that have been accredited to him as a composer. During the Classical period, three new genres of music were formed. They were the symphony (use of orchestra), the string quartet, and the piano sonatas. Haydn showed exemplary usage of all three of these. He is often referred to as the ... a wonderfully simple hymn and used its melody as a theme for a set of variations. The emperor of Austria was so impressed that he made it the Austrian National Anthem until the end of World War I. The piano sonatas were also part of many of the new genres of music we can attribute to Haydn being that in these sonatas developed the sonata form, a type of structure ...
3410: Romanticism’ in Jude the Obscure
... Obscure” there is no hope for happiness for Jude Fawley, Sue Bridehead, Arabella and Phillotson. Their Romantic ideals are so strongly inherent in their personalities, that they are better off dead than living in this world. In Jude, Hardy exposes more strongly than ever the impracticalities and dangers of Romanticism (the deaths of Jude's children bears testimony to the force of Hardy's vision) in modern society. Hardy creates Jude ... made his first connection with a woman when he spent an evening with Arabella. The point, which should be stressed here, is that the relationship between the two sexes is the strongest relationship in the world. Jude’s plan was to spend half an hour with Arabella and then resume his study. However, the warmth of Arabella’s hands kept him busy several hour. The idea of Jude about graduation crashes ... its originality and profundity. We see in the opening pages of the novel, that Hardy shows us that not only does Jude have a strong imagination, but that there is a disparity between his imaginative world and the real world. The strength of Jude's imagination is Romantic: but what is un-Romantic about his imagination is that it is unfounded in reality The relationship that exited between Jude and ...

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