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3391: David Livingstone
... 1873 Chitambo, Northern Rhodesia Life Span: 60 years, 1 month, 12 days SELDOM ARE GOD'S GREAT GIANTS HONORED by the worldbut Livingstone joins the class of men who rank as the greatest explorers the world has ever produced. Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Charles Lindbergh, Edmund Hillary, and Neil Armstrong all have thrilled the world with their exploits. Add the name of Livingstone who opened up Africa to civilization and Christianity. No wonder the natives gave him the longest funeral procession in history, after burying his heart under a tree ... but to a hill region where health conditions surely must be better. He, his family, and a fellow explorer named Oswell found Chief Sebituane on the Chobe River, which they had discovered by taking a new route. Now came one of life's crucial decisionsthe family. Where health was safe, hostile tribes lived. Where friendly people lived, health conditions were bad. He decided to send his wife and children back ...
3392: Cuban Missle Crisis
Many agree that the Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war; but exactly how close did it come? The Crisis was ultimately a showdown between the United States and the Soviet Union from October 16 to October 28, 1962. During those thirteen stressful days, the world’s two biggest superpowers stood on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe. The Crisis started as a result of both the Soviet Union’s fear of losing the arms race, and Cuba’s fear of ... Kennedy immediately scheduled two meetings for that morning. At the first one, he looked over the photos. The missiles he saw had a range of 1,100 miles and could hit major US cities including New York, Washington DC, and Philadelphia. At the time, the missiles were not yet operational, nor did they have nuclear warheads, but they soon would. At the second meeting, Kennedy hand-picked a group of ...
3393: Luxembourg
... the mountainous region of Luxembourg. Bon Pays: French for "good land", it refers to the fertile farmland in the southern region of Luxembourg. Expressionist Painter: An artist that paints in a style made popular after World War I, in which the painting expresses emotion, instead of just showing a scene. Hereditary: Passed on to the offspring. Monarchy: A government run by a monarch, such as a king, queen or other ruler. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fodor's Belgium and Luxembourg. Ed. Richard Moore. New York: Fodor's Travel Publications, Inc., 1989. Hoffman, Mark S., Ed. World Almanac Book of Facts. New York: Random House, Inc., 1987. Johnson, Otto, et al., eds. Information Please Almanac Atlas and Yearbook. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1992. Lepthien, Emilie V., Luxembourg. Chicago: Children's Press, ...
3394: JFK Assasination
... had that effect on the entire nation. Men and women, Democrats and Republicans, adults and children mourned the loss of their fallen leader. President Johnson, the Warren Commission, and every fascinated watcher-on in the world would closely scrutinize that day and the following events. The facts of the day are still hotly contested even now. Politicians have made their careers on the case. Conspiracy theorists have had a field day ... Harvey became very attached to his stepfather but, in the summer of 1948, her mother divorced Ekdahl, causing great grief for Lee Harvey. When Lee Harvey Oswald was 13, he and his mother moved to New York City to live with John Pic, who was stationed there with the Coast Guard. Although he had no prior history of truancy or bad behavior, Lee Harvey became a very threatening problem for the ... had threatened John Pic’s wife with a knife. Lee Harvey spent time in Youth House, a home for young men where he went through psychiatric observation, (Case Closed, pg. 11). Three years after leaving New York and one year after a failed attempt to join, Lee Harvey was enlisted in the Marines at age 17. He spent time in Japan before leaving the Marines in 1959. He had shown ...
3395: The Life of Jackie Robinson
... track and field meet in Pomona, California, he competed in the long jump. His final jump was twenty five feet and six inches. Not only did he win the meet, but he also set a new record. (Stealing Home) After his impressive performance that day, several major universities offered him scholarships for his last two years of athletic eligibility. Jackie chose the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) to finish ... left UCLA early before getting his degree, with high hopes of earning a living by playing sports. To his dismay, one year later he was drafted into the army to serve from 1942-1944. During World War II, he went to officer candidate school and became a second Lieutenant. During the time that Jackie was a Lt. in the army, he was court marshalled for refusing to vacate a seat in ... in Major League Baseball and was not the first Afro-American who was a star athlete. But his importance to baseball and sports in general cannot be exaggerated. His success in baseball proved to the world that not only could blacks and whites co-exist, but work together as a team as well. (Athlete of the Century 1997) In 1955 the Brooklyn Dodgers won the World Series. In 1956 Jackie ...
3396: Online Censorship
... We must also examine the meaning of the concept to “seek and receive” and to “impart” information. National restrictions on speech have a direct and negative impact on the ability of Internet users around the world to “seek and receive” information and ideas, as well as their right to “impart” information. For example, if citizens of one country are prohibited from discussing political issues online, then not only are their rights infringed upon, but also the rights of others around the world to “seek and receive” that information are directly impaired. Similarly, a country’s efforts to block certain content from outside its border infringes the right of those in other countries to “impart” the information. A new rule is called for: that only objectionable content that can be prohibited is that content which all ( or virtually all ) countries agree is objectionable. The vast majority of Internet use is for legitimate and ...
3397: The Apathy Of Generation X
... Dole, I think he is making himself look older by speaking about certain issues we (young people) can not relate to. When asked to give an example the student stated, "he made a reference to World War I, I thought he was going to say he fought in that one too!" (www.mtv.com/chooseorlose). While Bob Dole is a isolated instance, many youthful voters feel that there is a ever ... are not the only ones who can use a hassle-full life as an excuse not to get involved. There is another major reason that young people feel isolated and set apart from the political world. For those who take the time to educate themselves, and to participate in what activities they can; they soon find that the major candidates have paid little, if any attention to the issues that effect ... if only menial support needs to be showed to young people to get them out to the voting booths, is that that all they will ever be showed by the candidates? When asked about this new question student, and mother of one child Rebecca Smitten said "its kind of a double-edged sword. I dont want to show support for someone whose has mentioned little about my issues, but I ...
3398: Jimmy Carter
... the two countries. The treaties were approved by Panama in a plebiscite on October 23, 1977, and the United States Senate gave its advice and consent to their ratification in March and April 1978. The new treaties went into effect October 1, 1979 (Yahoo.com). The new treaties, passed under the Carter administration and Panama’s head of state Omar Torrijos would give Panama full control of the canal on December 31, 1999, at 12:00 midnight. All of the canal’s assets would also be turned over to Panama (Lycos.com). The ratification of the Panama Canal treaties was an important step involving a decrease in Third World hostility toward the United States (Dumbrell 212). Carter and his advisors agreed even before the inauguration that the canal negotiations should be an immediate priority. If the United States did not successfully complete negotiations, ...
3399: JFK: His Life and Legacy
... and Legacy On November 22, 1963, while being driven through the streets of Dallas, Texas, in his open car, President John F. Kennedy was shot dead, apparently by the lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald. The world had not only lost a common man, but a great leader of men. >From his heroic actions in World War II to his presidency, making the decisions to avert possible nuclear conflict with world superpowers, greatness can be seen. Kennedy also found the time to author several best-selling novels from his experiences . His symbolic figure represented all the charm, vigor and optimism of youth as he led ...
3400: My Lost Love
... look away for what seemed like 5 hours. We talked in the park for about an hour and a half. She told me her name was Kristeen Thorne and told me that she was a new student at Orangeville High School; the same school I attended. We found that we had six out of seven classes together, which was a very good thing. I asked her to go out with me ... Tommy Hilfiger feather down jacket. I spent Christmas with her. We went to the park. It was snowing. The snow, so white, made me realize what I had. I was the luckiest man in the world. I had someone who cared about me. Someone who understood my problems. Most of all, I had someone who I could snuggle with in the coldness of the harsh winter. I had true love! New Year's Eve came around, and our relationship couldn't be going any better than it was. Matt, our party hardy friend, had another one of his parties. We counted down the New Year, ...

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