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3381: Swift's "A Modest Proposal"
... place. It was a place where the pain of life was so great that it overcame any moments, however minuscule, of the joy and happiness that made life worth living to the rest of the world. As a deeply religious man, the collective attitude that the life endowed by God upon the Irish peasantry was not worth living profoundly disturbed the conscience of one man in particular, that of Jonathan Swift. How could a person, much less a group of people, be so consumed by the pain of the sin-filled world that they could not feel any of the magnificence with which God had created the world? In answering this question, Swift discovered a series of social vices and injustices that perpetuated the painful poverty of the Irish peasantry, and due to his resulting anger felt that it was his God- ...
3382: Lucid Dreaming
... help people achieve goals in their waking lives. There are many ways that individuals can use lucid dreams to prepare for some aspect of their waking activities. Some of these applications include: rehearsal (trying out new behaviors, or practicing them, and honing athletic skills), creative problem solving, artistic inspiration, overcoming sexual and social problems, coming to terms with the loss of loved ones, and physical healing. If the possibility of accelerated ... In an Out-of-Body Experience (or OBE) a person feels that they are separated from their body and are free to float or fly about. They feel as if they are perceiving the physical world from a location outside of their physical body. The OBE has also been linked with the Near-Death Experience (or NDE) wherein a person who is at the brink of death has an OBE. The ... dream which felt like an OBE but was just a dream. Further research into this area is certain to be done in the future. Since we spend about 9% of our lives in the dream world it would make sense to make the most of that time. By exploring that world with a conscious awareness one can see the inside of their own head, actually see their thoughts being formed. ...
3383: Australia
... amount that would otherwise have been deductible to the employee under the income tax provisions if the amount had actually been incurred by the employee State and Territorial Government Australia is divided into six states - New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania - and two territories: the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. The states and territories each have a capital city, flag, and even their own ... encompass community matters such as urban planning, roads, water reso urces, parks and recreation grounds, and public libraries. International Trade Australia has long been a significant trading nation, and in 1948 ranked sixth as a world exporter. The past four decades have seen that position eroded somewhat as successive governments have struggled with a basic adjustment in the direction and composition of Australia's position in international trade and, in the past two decades, falling world commodity prices. The first battle was to overcome the loss of its traditional trading links. The success of that re-orientation can be seen in the direction of Australian trade. In 1957, when Australia ...
3384: Gatsby Essay For Rocco's Fat Ass.
The Greatest Modernist Writer After the death and destruction of World War One, people and the world had changed. People no longer conformed to the traditional ways but rebelled and sought out new idea and ways of doing things, this rebellion also flowed into literature. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses uncertainty, disjointedness, and disillusionment for the content of his story. The reason why he ...
3385: Are UFOs Real?
... centuries, man has wondered on his position in the universe. Is he alone? Is he the divine creature? Is he descended from an ape or a godly being? Finding its major roots just recently after World War II, the idea of extraterrestrial life existing and visiting our planet has held us captivated. The probability of alien visitors, although not entirely proven, is growing in acceptance due to an overwhelming amount of evidence and public support. Many things have happened that lead people to believe in aliens. However our Government feels the need to hide this. Many people feel the incident at Roswell New Mexico actually happened. There is definitely enough credible information to continue with the Roswell investigation. The acronym UFO means unidentified flying objet. It is also take to mean any aerial phenomena not readily explainable (Doherty ... several states, this could have added to the strength of the theory that the Roswell crash actually happened. Sometime during the first week of July 1947, something crashed near Roswell. W.W. "Mac" Brazel, a New Mexico rancher, saddled up his horse and rode out with the son of neighbors Floyd and Loretta Proctor to check on the sheep after a fierce thunderstorm the night before. As they rode along, ...
3386: The African Queen
THE AFRICAN QUEEN Short Summary: "The African Queen" is the tale of two companions with different personalities who develop an untrustworthy love affair as they travel together downriver in Africa around the start of World War I. They struggle against the climate, the river, the bugs, the Germans and, most of all, against each other. In the course of much misery, they develop love and respect for each other. Detailed ... his spinster, prudish sister Rose Sayer, who is utterly devoted to her brother. Rose is also very naive and pious. She thinks, God would not permit a war between England and Germany or the whole world.. Some day, German troops marches into that village. Merciless, without any warning, these troops invade the village, they burn down the huts and the church. Livestock, poultry, pots and pans and foodstuffs even the portable chapel had been taken by the German soldiers. Only the mission bungalow was spared. Samuel goes on praying the awful calamity of war which has descended upon the world would soon pass away, so that slaughter and destruction would cease and that when they had regained their sanity men would turn from war to universal peace. Because of this war they were cut ...
3387: All Quiet on the Western Front: An Analysis
All Quiet on the Western Front: An Analysis Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front is a novel that takes you through the life of a soldier in World War I. Remarque is accurately able to portray the episodes soldiers go through. All Quiet on the Western Front shows the change in attitudes of the men before and during the war. This novel is ... be wounded.” (P 131) Even the big men like Himmelstoss are scared to go fight. They too go through the mental illnesses like stir crazy and shell shock. “He is in a panic; he is new to it too. But it makes me mad that the young recruits should be out there and he here.” (P 131) This quote is Paul talking about Himmelstoss. Remarque also describes the battlefield very well ... excluded by Remarque. Some of the most important parts omitted were the lives of women and the effects the war had on the home front. The role of women changed greatly during the years of World War I. Women went from being housewives and maids to becoming high income businesswomen, mathematicians and any other jobs that the men at war would normally do. The war also had drastic effects on ...
3388: Heart of Darkness: Ignorance and Racism
... man was cursing us, praying to us, welcoming us - who could tell?" (Conrad 37). The end result of Conrad's ignorance of not knowing the behavior of African people concluded his division of the social world into two separate categories: "us," the Europeans, and "them," the Africans. Achebe concludes Conrad's ignorance towards the natives by stating, "Heart of Darkness projects the image of Africa as 'the other world,'... a place where man's vaunted intelligence and ferment are finally mocked by triumphant bestiality" (252). "Heart of Darkness was written, consciously or unconsciously, from a colonialistic point of view" (Singh 278). Conrad didn't ... the Heart of Darkness," "Conrad sets up Africa 'as a foil to Europe, a place of negations... in comparison with which Europe's own state of spiritual grace will be manifest.' Africa is 'the other world,'..." (281). Bibliography Achebe, Chinua [An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness.] Heart of Darkness. By Joseph Conrad 3rd ed. Ed. Robert Kimbrough. New York: Norton Critical 1988. Conrad, Joseph Heart ...
3389: Song For Simeon
... end. Looking at the poem as a whole, two main themes stand out. First, the focus of it changes from beginning to end. The first stanza of the poem gives a broad view of the world itself with little focus on the speaker, while the last stanza's focus is almost entirely on the speaker and what he does or does not want. This change toward egocentrism may be an attempt to convey that people in the future will be more concerned with themselves than the world as a whole. The second theme is the change away from traditional ways that occupies the speaker's mind. It is as though the traditional ways are a rope that the speaker feels is beginning to fray. As the rope of tradition frays, a new rope will be created (modernity) that provides a different route to climb through life. People will continue to climb the rope of tradition until only one strand of the rope is left to support ...
3390: The Kondratieff Wave
The Kondratieff Wave The Kondratieff Wave has its basics in what’s called long wave cycles. These long wave cycles involve economics (world economics), important moments in history and of course human affairs. Long waves have to do more with “accumulated” massive structure problems in world economies. Problems that governments try to correct sometimes only stalling the inevitable. I try to associate these long waves with actual living system behavior. All live behaves in cycles, some longer than others but all with a similar pattern, starting point, rise or development, plenitude and decline. The K-wave follows such a pattern, this means that the world itself then is also a true living system where every continent, country or culture is interconnected and liable for the turn of events in general. It is very important to understand the long wave ...

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