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3371: In The Skin Of A Lion
In the novel, “In the Skin of a Lion,” by Michael Ondaatje, the main character, Patrick Lewis, searches for identity and light. Without these elements, he lacks love and cannot survive the world. A passage in chapter three describes him as a lonely man that is isolated from the world around him. “Clara and Ambrose and Alice and Temelcoff and Cato- this cluster made up a drama without him. And he himself was noting but a prism that refracted their lives. He searched out things ... up the Muskoka Hotel. He becomes a criminal like Caravaggio by breaking into the Waterworks. When Patrick is without light to reflect, he is without identity. When Clara leaves Patrick, he is thrust into a world of darkness. Only when Alice re-enters his life can he begin to have an identity again. Just like Alice's story of several actresses sharing the animal pelt to tell the story, the ...
3372: AT&T
AT&T The AT+T Corporation, formerly known as The American Telephone and Telegraph Company, was incorporated on March 3, 1885 in New York as a wholly owned subsidiary of The American Bell Telephone Company. Its original purpose was to manage and expand the burgeoning toll (long distance) business of American Bell and its licensees. It continued as ... functioned as a legally sanctioned, regulated monopoly. No competition was apparent until the 1970's. Since the break up in 1984, AT+T has become the largest telecommunications company in the United States, and a world wide leader in communications services. Its main businesses include long distance services, AT+T Wireless Services, AT+T World Net services, AT+T Solutions consulting services and the AT+T Universal Card. AT+T has a very strong global presence tha t dates back to 1882 when it opened a plant in Antwerp , ...
3373: Anti-semitism In Nazi Germany
... not only for the consolidation of power at home, but as the instrument of Nazi policy that was used to stir up discontent abroad and a means of gaining support in all parts of the world. Anti-Semitism was already existent, and in some ways, deeply rooted in the western world. It provided an excellent tool with which the Nazis could galvanize and diffuse pro-Nazi sentiment. The Nazi slogan "Without a solution of the Jewish problem there is no mankind" found sympathetic ears among unscrupulous ... and civic rights and privileges. November 1938 saw the intensification of the campaign against the Jews. Until that time the repression had been mainly political, but the Nazi party took the hatred of Jews to new depths. It was at this time that Nazi anti-Semitism took on all forms of terror and violence. On November 10th (later given the name 'kristellnacht') the Nazi Gestapo, claiming to be acting in ...
3374: Causes of Civil War
Causes of Civil War In 1860, arguably the world's greatest nation was locked in Civil War. The war divided the country between the North (Union) and South (Confederate). The war lasted five years and by 1865 the Confederate forced were truly beaten. Out of this horrendous war though, where some 600,000 men died grew a greater sense of nationalism than is today, unrivalled around the world. The American Civil War is interpreted differently by many historians but most see the catalyst as slavery, the motivation as economic, the outcome was unified national identity. Slavery was a major issue that triggered the ... own country, The Confederate States of America. The South began to see that the North was going to take action against the South's inhumane slave policy. In early 1860, South Carolina formed under a new flag, Confederate States of America flag, so that they could continue to operate their slave trade. What followed was an ordinance of succession which saw the other slave populated states also swear an oath ...
3375: Software Piracy
... quantity of available software programs have increased dramatically. Although approximately 70% of the worldwide market is today supplied by developers in the United States, significant development work is occurring in scores of nations around the world. But in both the United States and abroad, unauthorized copying of personal computer software is a serious problem. On average, for every authorized copy of personal computer software in use, at least one unauthorized copy ... software is nonexistent (i.e., Kuwait); in others, laws are unclear (i.e. Israel), or not enforced with sufficient commitment (i.e., the PRC). Significant piracy losses are suffered in virtually every region of the world. In some areas (i.e., Indonesia), the rate of unauthorized copies is believed to be in excess of 99%. Why do People Use Pirated Software? A major reason for the use of pirated software is ... speeds are considered to be extremely slow when it comes to transferring enormous amounts of data. Most of the programs and games nowadays are on CD-Roms which if full, contain 650MB of data. The new X2 Technology, Cable modems, ISDN modems and DirecPC satellite dishes could solve the long download time problems a little better considering that all the above mentioned modems are two to fourteen times faster in ...
3376: Babe Ruth
... 1895-1948) The crowd that jammed Chicago's Wrigley Field booed when the big man with the barrel-shaped body and pipestem legs came up to bat. It was the third game of the 1932 World Series between the Chicago Cubs and the New York Yankees. The score was 4-4 in the fifth inning. Cub pitcher Charlie Root threw one strike, then another. Grinning, the batter stepped back and seemed to point to the distant center-field bleachers ... the imagination of baseball fans, as did everything about this great player. The Babe's achievements loom larger in the record books. The left-hander held or shared about 60 records, with 28 made in World Series games. Among them were his record of pitching 29 consecutive scoreless innings in World Series play and his total of 714 major league homers not including 15 World Series homers. George Herman Ruth ...
3377: Is The Bible From God
... provided a degree of social recognition and legal protection to slaves that was advanced for its time (Exodus 21:20-27; Leviticus 25:44-46). In ancient times, slavery existed in every part of the world. Slaves had no legal status or rights, and were treated as the property of their owners. Even Plato and Aristotle looked upon slaves as inferior beings. As inhumane as such slavery was, we must keep ... was an alternative to the massacre of enemy populations in wartime and the starvation of the poor during famine. It was to the people of this harsh age that the Bible was first written. In New Testament times, slave labor was foundational to the economy of the Roman empire. About a third of the population were slaves. If the writers of the New Testament had attacked the institution of slavery directly, the gospel would have been identified with a radical political cause at a time when the abolition of slavery was unthinkable. To directly appeal for the ...
3378: Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt, The Social Worker As the wife of a popular United States president, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York City, October 11, 1884, and died November 7, 1962. She was an active worker for social causes. She was the niece of President Theodore Roosevelt, and was raised by her maternal grandmother after the ... the human race into one vast equalized family, and did a good job at it. All of Eleanor’s motivation to accomplish her tasks came from her childhood. As a child, she would travel the world with her father and meet different people. When she met these people, she would try to see how they think and feel. Her experiences led her to feel compassion for everybody no matter what their ... race, or gender. She learned how to get things done by simply living life as it is. One thing that life has taught Eleanor is: "If you are interested, you never have to look for new interests. They come to you. They will gravitate as automatically as the needle to the north. All you need to do is to be curious, receptive, and eager for experience. When you are genuinely ...
3379: Array
On November 22, 1963, while being driven through the streets of Dallas, Texas, in his open car, President John F. Kennedy was shot dead, apparently by the lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald. The world had not only lost a common man, but a great leader of men. From his heroic actions in World War II to his presidency, making the decisions to avert possible nuclear conflict with world superpowers, greatness can be seen. Kennedy also found the time to author several best-selling novels from his experiences . His symbolic figure represented all the charm, vigor and optimism of youth as he led ...
3380: Human Genetic Engineering
... ever considered human genetic engineering? What is Human Genetic Engineering? Lets start by looking at the cell and the source of heritable traits. We know that all organisms are made up by cells and that new cells can only spring from existing cells. Cell growth depends upon the production of new cells and within each cell exists DNA. DNA contains the hereditary instructions need for each organism to grow and develop. Every parental organism gives the correct amount of DNA to its offspring. Humans give their ... has been a movie recently released called GATTACA that is all about whether it is right or wrong, and the effects genetic engineering could have on society. Don’t forget the consequences of creating a new species. Won’t isolations and prejudice then occur? What about the absence of genetic variation? When there are a lot of people out there with similar genetic make-ups, the threat of disease will ...

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