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3291: American Dream Of African Amer
American Dream of African American soldiers after WWI During World War I many things changed, lives were destroyed; dreams shattered, and many soldiers who went to war came back with a different view of life. This lost generation was one of the main reasons why ... used to describe the soldiers who were returning from the war. Most of the soldiers returning from the war had seen so much death and violence that they had lost faith in society. The First World War was simply too violent and inhuman to be rationalized by and absorbed into the cultural fabric of early twentieth century Western thought. As a result, those who experienced the tragedy first hand, and many ... The result of all this was automatically a great decline in American Society as we know it. It is now known as the Great Depression. There were two distict versions of the American Dream during World War I, the white soldier version, and the African American version. They may have been different, but they shared one common thing. They were both part of a group that formed the lost generation . ...
3292: Nazism
Nazism The most merciless and cruel party in the world, was under the role of Adolf Hitler, their violence remained a deep gash in the western world history. Nazism was originated in Germany in the early 1920s. It was the doctrines or practices of the Nazi party. Nazism was a shortened version of the tern National Socialism, denoting the doctrine and form ... storm troopers and communists had contested the streets on fairly equal terms. Now, three days after the formation of Hitler's cabinet, communist meeting were banned in Prussia. To enforce such measures, there was a new and ominous agency. A minor department in the Berlin police, detailed to watch anticonstitutional activities, was put under Goring's command. As of April 26, 1933, this old Department IA of the Prussian political ...
3293: Looking For Alibrandi
... loneliness and uncertainty that Nonna Katia would have felt. She says on page 117, "I just sat there, glad that I live in these times.. I don't think I could ever handle the quiet world she lived in." Another important discovery which is threaded throughout the book is Josephine's discovery on the whole issue of sexual relationships. We can see throughout the novel there is great pressure from Josephine ... could not get a single job interview in the husband's profession. Ms Rauber, the mother and wife of the family says, "We left our country, our families. We came to Australia to start a new life for us and our children." The author of the article, John Masanauskas writes, "Ms Rauber explained how the dream turned to a nightmare". The Rauber family, mentioned in the article, would have experienced much ... compares to the Rauber family's experiences. The article emphasises the fact that immigrants to Australia always face great difficulties, especially initially. This matches what Josephine discovers about her Grandmother's first days in the new country. 2. "No sex please, we're waiting" - non-literary magazine article from the Australian, New Idea, January 1999. This article discusses the pressures that young people face in the area of having sexual ...
3294: Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: The chosen task is number 6- a book reviewed by a newspaper (my own doing). A unique cooperation between the New- York Times, the most influential newspaper in the world, Mark Twain, one of the most popular novelists ever lived: Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel about a young boy’s coming of age in the Missouri of the mid-1800s. It is the story of Huck’s struggle to win freedom for himself and Jim, a Negro slave. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was Mark Twain’s greatest book, and a delighted world named it his masterpiece. To nations knowing it well - Huck riding his raft in every language men could print - it was America’s masterpiece (Allen 259). It is considered one of the greatest novels ...
3295: Dreaming
... help people achieve goals in their waking lives. There are many ways that individuals can use lucid dreams to prepare for some aspect of their waking activities. Some of these applications include: rehearsal (trying out new behaviors, or practicing them, and honing athletic skills), creative problem solving, artistic inspiration, overcoming sexual and social problems, coming to terms with the loss of loved ones, and physical healing. If the possibility of accelerated ... In an Out-of-Body Experience (or OBE) a person feels that they are separated from their body and are free to float or fly about. They feel as if they are perceiving the physical world from a location outside of their physical body. The OBE has also been linked with the Near-Death Experience (or NDE) wherein a person who is at the brink of death has an OBE. The ... dream which felt like an OBE but was just a dream. Further research into this area is certain to be done in the future. Since we spend about 9% of our lives in the dream world it would make sense to make the most of that time. By exploring that world with a conscious awareness one can see the inside of their own head, actually see their thoughts being formed. ...
3296: Jungle Book
... these animals go and meet after the camel heard has stampeded. The animals conversation is overheard by an officer in the army. Each animal describes what his life is like and how each is more brave than the next. Then as each animal get to talking about their duties they realize that they are all needed for the war because each of their jobs take a special talent which only their ... stories was Mowgli. He was a quiet, well tanned, strong, long haired boy who was quite intelligent and was able to learn anything he put his mind to. He was kind, gentle, loyal, honorable, and brave. We can see this in the way he deals with the jungle animals, and also in the way in which he deals with his enemy Shere Khan. Some minor characters were Shere Khan, Bagheera, Baloo ... the temperament of a cat. He was a quiet little mongoose that only tried to please the people who were taking care of him. He would walk around through the garden and try and learn new things which would be useful to him. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi was loyal, trustworthy, and brave. We can see some examples of these in the way in which he deals with his dilemma of the ...
3297: Dreaming
... help people achieve goals in their waking lives. There are many ways that individuals can use lucid dreams to prepare for some aspect of their waking activities. Some of these applications include: rehearsal (trying out new behaviors, or practicing them, and honing athletic skills), creative problem solving, artistic inspiration, overcoming sexual and social problems, coming to terms with the loss of loved ones, and physical healing. If the possibility of accelerated ... In an Out-of-Body Experience (or OBE) a person feels that they are separated from their body and are free to float or fly about. They feel as if they are perceiving the physical world from a location outside of their physical body. The OBE has also been linked with the Near-Death Experience (or NDE) wherein a person who is at the brink of death has an OBE. The ... dream which felt like an OBE but was just a dream. Further research into this area is certain to be done in the future. Since we spend about 9% of our lives in the dream world it would make sense to make the most of that time. By exploring that world with a conscious awareness one can see the inside of their own head, actually see their thoughts being formed. ...
3298: Franz Joseph Haydn
... Later on, he was employed by the Esterhazy family and was given the chance to conduct an orchestra and write symphonies. It was at this time and place that Haydn was completely isolated from the world he could experiment improve, alter, add, or cut as boldly as he pleased. This was the start of a magnificent career. To understand why Haydn was a great classical composer, it is important to understand ... history of music, it is important to understand not only his work but also what characteristics or themes of Classical music that have been accredited to him as a composer. During the Classical period, three new genres of music were formed. They were the symphony (use of orchestra), the string quartet, and the piano sonatas. Haydn showed exemplary usage of all three of these. He is often referred to as the ... a wonderfully simple hymn and used its melody as a theme for a set of variations. The emperor of Austria was so impressed that he made it the Austrian National Anthem until the end of World War I. The piano sonatas were also part of many of the new genres of music we can attribute to Haydn being that in these sonatas developed the sonata form, a type of structure ...
3299: Illegal Drugs
... the price of drug abuse: more cops and prisons more hospitols and treatment centers and many lives lost. But drug users hurt themselves more than anybody because they are supporting violent crimes in the drug world. Just by using drugs they become part of that drug world. They are already commiting acrime. But the relationship between drug use and crime often means that drug users go on to commit crimes like robbery,burglary,assult, and murder. Drug addiction means that the brain ... selling a drug than they may be sentenced no more than a year and or a fine of 3,000 In 1970, the U.S. congress passed the Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act. this new act created five catagoriess of different drugs depending on how dangerous they were. It also made drug laws tougher than they were in the past. In 1981 the U.S. declared war on drugs, ...
3300: Computer Crime: The Crime of the Future
Computer Crime: The Crime of the Future English II Explosive growth in the computer industry over the last decade has made new technologies cheaper and simpler for the average person to own. As a result, computers play an intricate part in our daily lives. The areas in which computers affect life are infinite, ranging from entertainment to finances. If anything were to happen to these precious devices, the world would be chaotic. There is a type of person that thrives on chaos, that is the malevolent hacker. Some hackers act on revenge or just impersonal mischievousness. But whatever their motives, their deeds can be ... specifics of its counterattack for fear of giving miscreants warning. However, many software trading rooms are being shut down almost as soon as they are formed. Others are often visited by 'narcs' posing as traders. New accounts started with phony credit cards are being cut off more promptly, and other card-verification schemes are in place. AOL has now developed the ability to resurrect a screen name that had been ...

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