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3261: Jane Eyre 3
... liberty are brought to life and contrasted with each other in many instances throughout the novel. Inside, Jane at first desires to be a free spirit, but the social class stratification and conditions of the world that she lives in make this dream impossible to truly fulfill. Jane regards the concept of such absolute freedom a fleeting, ethereal, and "hollow" notion, and accepts her servitude; it is a vehicle that helps ... the wind then blowing. I abandoned it and framed a humbler supplication; for a change, stimulus: that petition, too, seemed swept off into vague space; 'Then,' I cried, half desperate, 'grant me at least a new servitude!' (99) Jane shows in this passage that she wants to escape the boring routine of Lowood, and she faces this with excitement and no fear. However, her prayer for true liberty seems "faintly scattered on the wind;" she abandons it because it is a dream that she feels cannot ever be fully realized in the world and society that she lives in. She instead turns to the idea of at least a change, which she abandons again, turning to the idea of at least a new form of servitude. To ...
3262: Is The Illegalization of Marijuana Valid?
... sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, has been one of the most heated controversies ever to occur in the United States. Its use as a medicine has existed for thousands of years in many countries world wide and is documented as far back as 2700 BC in ancient Chinese writings. When someone says ganja, cannabis, bung, dope, grass, rasta, or weed, they are talking about the same subject: marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized because the government could earn money from taxes on its sale, its value to the medical world outweighs its abuse potential, and because of its importance to the paper and clothing industries. This action should be taken despite efforts made by groups which say marijuana is a harmful drug which will increase ... by using a word that no one had ever heard of before... 'marijuana'". DuPont's involvement in the anti-hemp campaign can also be explained with great ease. At this time, DuPont was patenting a new sulfuric acid process for producing wood-pulp paper. According to the company's own records, wood-pulp products ultimately accounted for more than 80% of all DuPont's railroad car loadings for the 50 ...
3263: Song For Simeon
... end. Looking at the poem as a whole, two main themes stand out. First, the focus of it changes from beginning to end. The first stanza of the poem gives a broad view of the world itself with little focus on the speaker, while the last stanza's focus is almost entirely on the speaker and what he does or does not want. This change toward egocentrism may be an attempt to convey that people in the future will be more concerned with themselves than the world as a whole. The second theme is the change away from traditional ways that occupies the speaker's mind. It is as though the traditional ways are a rope that the speaker feels is beginning to fray. As the rope of tradition frays, a new rope will be created (modernity) that provides a different route to climb through life. People will continue to climb the rope of tradition until only one strand of the rope is left to support ...
3264: The Great Gatsby - The America
... possible, thus deflating our precious American Dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald proves this fact in The Great Gatsby, through his scintillating characters and unique style. Characters in books often mirror the author’s feelings towards the world around them. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald suggested the moral decline of the period in American history through the interpersonal relationships among his characters. The situations in the lives of the characters show the worthlessness ... everything which is important to Daisy. "..Their love is founded upon feelings from the past, these give it, notwithstanding Gatsby’s insistence on being able to repeat the past , an inviolability. It exists in the world of money and corruption but is not of it." (Lewis 48 ) In the novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses the uses of literary technique of symbolism to reflect what life in the 1920’s was ... in the 20’s. They were so extremely wasteful because they assumed with all they had gone through, they deserved to be. After so many years of being unhappy and repressed from, among other things World War I, they thought it was okay to become carefree when indeed it was not. Through Fitzgerald’s use of symbolism to describe the costumed characters of the 20’s the reader can learn ...
3265: An Investigation of Japanese Corporate Culture, Its Trends And Changes
... society and the core of Japan which includes the big businesses, are still operating in the traditional way of life and it has been estimated that it will take a further fifty years before a new way of living and lifestyle becomes the norm. (Beedham) 3.2 Business Culture in Japan Business Culture is said to be the product of the mind and is often described as: "how we do things ... are evaluated by how much of a contribution they make towards the generating of this profit. The Western corporation is designed like a profit machine and operated like a profit machine. Within the Japanese business world, the corporation is not seen as been there for just profit. Profit is important, but it is not the only reason for the company's existence, but involves people and their future. The community factor ... a living society which needs profit as sustenance for growth. Western Europe and China, has seen many revolutions throughout their history in areas such as their religions, politics, industry and culture. When these revolutions occur new system of thinking replaced the old, sometimes these changes are forced upon the population. It was not so in Japan, where new system of thought, whether made internally or introduced from abroad, was added ...
3266: Achebe's "Things Fall Apart" and Desai's "Clear Light of Day": Tension and Conflict Between Traditional and Modern Views
Achebe's "Things Fall Apart" and Desai's "Clear Light of Day": Tension and Conflict Between Traditional and Modern Views How does the tension between traditional and modern views of the world play itself out in Achebe's and Desai's novels? In both Achebe's and Desai's novels, tension and conflict between the new and the old, traditional and modern are the strong undercurrents that move the story and the reader into an unconscious emotional uneasiness. In both novels, the backdrop and the story are engrossed in a struggle between two worlds, the new and the old fighting out its battles in the characters portrayed within. Achebe makes his stand in eastern Nigeria while Desai illustrates her point in Old Delhi. In the first part of "Things Fall ...
3267: My Lost Love
... look away for what seemed like 5 hours. We talked in the park for about an hour and a half. She told me her name was Kristeen Thorne and told me that she was a new student at Orangeville High School; the same school I attended. We found that we had six out of seven classes together, which was a very good thing. I asked her to go out with me ... Tommy Hilfiger feather down jacket. I spent Christmas with her. We went to the park. It was snowing. The snow, so white, made me realize what I had. I was the luckiest man in the world. I had someone who cared about me. Someone who understood my problems. Most of all, I had someone who I could snuggle with in the coldness of the harsh winter. I had true love! New Year's Eve came around, and our relationship couldn't be going any better than it was. Matt, our party hardy friend, had another one of his parties. We counted down the New Year, ...
3268: Come Home
... s, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden has come to represent today the very best in urban gardening and horticultural display. The Brooklyn Botanical Garden blooms in the middle of one of the largest cities in the world. Each year more than 750,000 people visit the well-manicured formal and informal gardens that are a testament to nature's vitality amidst urban brick and concrete. More than 12,000 kinds of plants from around the globe are displayed on 52 acres and in the acclaimed Steinhardt Conservatory. There's always something new to see. The Brooklyn Botanic Garden offers a variety of public programs all year long. Tours, concerts, dance performances and symposia are always on the roster, as well as special one-time events that feature ... and other groups from neighboring boroughs and counties. School Programs range from Self-Guided and Guided Tours to Explorations and Workshops such as Making Sense of Nature (grades pre-K - 2): students experience the sensory world of plants through sight, smell, touch, and taste; Herbs and Spices from Around the Globe (K - 6): students learn the botany and uses of herbs and spices, sample various products, and even plant an ...
3269: Where Are The Heros
... completed the Quest Cycle. The basic aspects of the Hero Quest Cycle are, first the separation or departure. In this part of the cycle the hero must leave the comforts of home or the known world and begin on their journey into the unknown world. Then comes the initiation phase where our hero must face trials and overcome great challenges. Finally the hero quest is completed in the return cycle. In this completion stage the hero has his ultimate boon and return, usually a triumphant return. In evaluating Agamemnon we find an impressive warlord, as Akhilleus states: " first in rank of all the Akhaians." (Pp. 27 ll. 105.) Agamemnon has left his known world on a quest of honor, to fight for his brother Menelaus, who has had his wife and treasures stolen by a guest. In coming to a place of trials Agamemnon hastily shows us that ...
3270: Oedipus The King
... to attain wisdom and happiness. The goals for which Oedipus sought were noble goals that a majority of the audience members may have been seeking. Plato, in his Republic delineated a duelist theory of our world. Plato wrote that our world is actually a cave where people are bound and forced to look at shadows on the wall for their entire life(67). In Plato's opinion, reality cannot exist in this world because only shadows cast by a fire are seen(69). According to Plato, the only way to see anything in its quintessence, the only way to see bona fide truth and wisdom is to ...

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