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3251: Analysis of Three of Hawthorne's Works: Solitude and Isolation
... 655). Nathaniel Hawthorne uses these themes of solitude and isolation for the characters in several of his works. "Hawthorne is interested only in those beings, of exceptional temperament or destiny, who are alone in the world..." (Discovering Beatrice Rappaccini are all persons "whom some crime or misunderstood virtue, or misfortune, has set them by themselves or in a worse companionship of solitude (Discovering one's who stand alone with no one ... to look to for love or support. "For Hawthorne, this condition of moral and social isolation is the worst evil that can befall aman" (Adams 73). Each of the characters above are separated from the world because of some sin or evil. Their separation is a painful, devastating feelings. The themes of solitude and isolation are depicted in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, "Young Goodman Brown, "and "Rappaccini's Daughter ... time, he is described as having "a sombre, half- disappointed spirit" (Newman 127). However, "These years were solitary to an unusual degree, but not in the sense of a hermit's deliberate withdrawal from the world" (Stewart 27). Hawthorne used this time to write several of his stories. "His chief object was to master the writer's difficult art - something which cannot be done in the hubbub of social activity" ( ...
3252: Nanotechnology: Immortality Or Total Annihilation?
... size of notebooks. The human race has always pushed for technological advances working at the most efficient level, perhaps, the molecular level. The developments and progress in artificial intelligence and molecular technology have spawned a new form of technology; Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology could give the human race eternal life, or it could cause total annihilation. The idea of nanotech was conceived by a man named K. Eric Drexler (Stix 94), which he ... which genes are able to replicate themselves (Drexler, "Engines" 23). It is also believed that once a replicator has made a copy of itself, it will also be able to arrange atoms to build entirely new materials and structures (Dowie 5). Another perceived nanomachine is the assembler. The assembler is a small machine that will take in raw materials, follow a set of specific instructions, re-arrange the atoms, and result in an altogether new product (Darling 53). Hence, one could make diamonds simply by giving some assemblers a lump of coal. Drexler states that the assemblers will be the most beneficial nanites for they will build structures atom ...
3253: Glass Menagerie
... express to what I think is the main theme of the play, of the hopeful desire followed by unavoidable disappointments. All of the characters have dreams, which are destroyed by the harsh realities of the world. As the narrator admits in his opening of the play, "since I have a poet's weakness for symbols," symbols merely used to express a particular theme, idea or character. One which is I think ... a separate function for each characters. This fire escape provides a means of escape for Tom from his cramped apartment and nagging mother. Therefore the fire escape for him represents a path to the outside world where dreams are. For the gentleman caller Jim the fire escape provides the means through which Jim can enter the Wingfield's apartment an entrance to their lives. For Amanda, Tom's mom, the fire escape allows Jim to come into the apartment and prevent Laura from becoming a spinster. For Laura, Tom's sister is that it is her door to the inside world in where she can hide. It is ironic that when Laura does leave the security of her apartment she falls. This symbolizes Laura's inability to function properly in the outside world. Another major ...
3254: Nuclear Power
Nuclear Power Most of the world's electricity is generated by either thermal or hydroelectric power plants. Thermal power plants use fuel to boil water which makes steam. The steam turns turbines that generate electricity. Hydroelectric power plants use the great ... the two types is the hydroelectric power plant. The main reason most countries use thermal versus the hydroelectric is because their countries don't have enough concentrated water to create enough energy to generate electricity. (World Book vol. 14, 586) Nuclear power plants generate only about eleven percent of the world's electricity. There are around 316 nuclear power plants in the world that create 213,000 megawatts of electricity. (INFOPEDIA) Radioactive, or nuclear, waste is the by-product of nuclear fission. Fission occurs when ...
3255: Roosevelt
Roosevelt In the ancient world, the only way a person could become famous through out the world was to be some sort of king, master warlord, or a descendent of a holy entity. Monarchies, that last lasted long enough, kept the memories of their former leaders alive, conquered peoples never forgot the ... alive to care - a few men and women will stand out against the haze of time and represent the twentieth century. If there is a group, among them will be at least man involved in World War II. Roosevelt, Churchill, Tojo and Hitler -especially Hitler - are all candidates for the group because of their involvements in the bloodiest wars of the twentieth century. In this world,blood is a hard ...
3256: The Pentium Computer
The Pentium Computer The invention of the computer is one of the most profound developments of our era. Like a magician, the computer obeys its master, bringing people together through the fantastic world of the Internet. With a click of a button, information can be transferred from one country to another. Through email it is possible to keep in touch with businesses, family, friends and loved ones all over the world. Waving the magical wand that is your mouse, information can be accessed through a double click of a button. The computer has created entertainment, efficiency in the work environment and is a powerful source of ... also be used purely for its entertainment value. Typing in a few magical incantations, you can find yourself at a fun-filled site full of enjoyment. Sports, music, and chatting with people all over the world are just a few computer activities that can turn any frown upside down. There is an endless supply of amusing opportunities and general fun on the magical box called the computer. A Pentium has ...
3257: Civil War 3
... had lost an enormous amount of lives, but had more than enough to lose in comparison to the South. General Grant became known as the "Butcher" (Grant, Ulysses S., Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant, New York: Charles L. Webster & Co.,1894) and many wanted to see him removed. But Lincoln stood firm with his General, and the war continued. This paper will follow the happenings and events between the winter ... common country. I want no one punished, treat them liberally all around. We want those people to return to their allegiance to the Union and submit to the laws." (Porter, David D., Campaigning with Grant. New York: The Century Co., 1897) Well with all of the formalitiesoutlined, the Generals and Admiral knew what needed to be done. Sherman returned to Goldsboro by steamer; Grant and Porter left by train back north ... back to his troops who were in the process of besieging Petersburg and Richmond. These battles had been going on for months. On March 24, before the meeting with President Lincoln, Grant drew up a new plan for a flanking movement against the Confederates right below Petersburg. It would be the first large scale operation to take place this year and would begin five days later. Two days after Grant ...
3258: Religion And The World Wide We
... hypertext Internet protocol which could communicate the graphic information on the Internet, was introduced. Each individual could create graphic pages (a Web site), which then became part of a huge, virtual hypertext network called the World Wide Web (WWW). The enhanced Internet was informally renamed the Web and a huge additional audience was created (Wendell 1997). With this audience came new ideas and concepts on just about any topic. One such topic was religion. Religion is a system of symbols that acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in people (Angrosino). The ...
3259: The Actions of the Puritans Were Hypocritical
The Actions of the Puritans Were Hypocritical Plymouth Colony, founded around 1620, was the first of the New England settlements. The Colony was settled by a group of individuals considered to be enemies to the Church of England. These enemies were the Puritans. Under the rule of Queen Elizabeth, the Puritans thought that ... to hope that they were one of the saved. Those who experienced this were considered saints. Around 1620 King James I gave the Puritans several options. The options would allow them to go to the New World, go back the Church of England or face execution. Many Puritans choose to go to the New World. In the New World they felt they could practice religious. The Puritans did not like other ...
3260: Virtual Banking
... IN RETAIL BANKING What does better customer mean? Increasingly, customers are demanding more convenient ways to do their banking. An Ernst and Young study (Technology in Banking Report) concluded that "nothing changes in the banking world if customers cannot get financial services when and where they wish...this means anywhere, at any time." Statistics show that ATM's, telephone banking, and home banking account for over fifty percent of all banking ... their banking, since all they need is a browser. The actual banking software resides on the bank's server in the form of their home page. This software can be updated at any moment with new information, such as new prices or products, without having to send anything to the customer; it can also continue to expand and become more sophisticated without becoming cumbersome for the customer to operate. Banking with a browser, on ...

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