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321: Nixon's Program of Detente was the Reason for the Decline of World Conflict in the 1970's
Nixon's Program of Detente was the Reason for the Decline of World Conflict in the 1970's I. Introduction 1.China & Russia a.Communists powers, threat to world b.Arms race c.Threat to each other d.Could pressure N.Korea into peace 2.Nixon's program of detente was the reason for decline in world conflict in the 1970's II. Reasons supporting 1.Nixon improved Commie's general attitude towards U.S.& vice versa a.initiated trade b.improved relations between China and Russia c.Halt to China' ...
322: Post World War I
Post World War I Americans, in the years following the end of World War I found themselves in an era, where the people simply wished to detach themselves from the troubles of Europeans and the rest of the world. During the years of the Twenties, the economy was prosperous, there was widespread social reform, new aspects of culture were established, and people found better ways to improve their lifestyle and enjoy life. The ...
323: Black Female Bodybuilders
... s collective image in relation to a legacy of images that preceded them in history and in popular culture. Perhaps more than any other sport, bodybuilding is a triumph of control, both mental and physical. New York bodybuilder and national titleholder Linda Wood-Hoyte offered an example: "Bodybuilding is almost scientific. I love that it is an exact sport. Your body can change from the time you're backstage to when ... it doesn't. It takes place in an adjoining hall at the Beacon, a smaller, decidedly less glamorous venue than the main hall. For the crθme de la crθme of the women's international bodybuilding world, it seems like a comedown, a consolation prize. Having been to the Beacon before I am dismayed by the lesser locale. (I read later that the show lost money or at best barely broke even ... as the hall begins to fill, and it becomes quickly apparent that tonight's audience isn't put off by the surroundings. They are here to cheer their own on to victory. It's another world, mom, my friend's son whispers incredulously to her as we enter the hall. Class is an important factor in these competitions, a circumstance that during the next few hours Lenda, Yolanda, Laura, Vicky, ...
324: Hostile Takeover of the New World
Hostile Takeover of the New World The Effects of the United States Government on the Indians "The responsibility of any nation, and the particular responsibility of elected officials of any nation, is not to justify what has passed for legality but ... generations of elected officials in this country. To continue to perpetuate myths about American Indians which have no basis in fact or in law is merely avoiding the larger issues confronting the nations of the world," said author Vine Deloria, Jr. (Deloria, Prologue) The United States government failed miserably in its attempt to deal with the Indians. By pushing them further and further West, they pushed the Indians to hate ...
325: Life After Death
... far in between, while the doctors frantically bustled on in a futile attempt to stabilize the dying man like a bunch of panicking bees trying to save their doomed hive from a pouring rain. The world turned hazy, then completely dark, as George felt himself slowly floating into the darkness. He flew and flew without end. Then there was the light - that infamous "light at the end of the tunnel." (Randles ... a near-death experience (NDE), and what really happens when we ourselves die? Is there indeed a part of us that conquers death and continues to live a different kind of existence where it has new powers and undergoes unfamiliar experiences? Is there really a heaven, or numerous heavens, full of blissful joys awaiting some of us and a hell, or countless hells, full of different punishments for others? Or is ... we might look for some answers to this puzzle is religion. Unlike science, dealing only with the material and tangible, traditional religion takes another view of our reality by recognizing the validity of metaphysical experiences. World's major religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity, as well as primal pagan ones, such as the Greek and Roman mythology, although quite different in basic fundamentals of belief, all attempt to give ...
326: Real Meaning Of LIfe
... exactly the same as the purpose of everything else- to simply exist- as some form of matter and/or energy. Existence for the sake of existence. From this POV, rather than being "masters of the world", we're actually on "equal" footing with everything else in this universe. (I.e., there's no such thing as "inferior" or "superior".) Human existence has no more cosmic significance than, well, anything else. In ... well have been? Who wants to believe that all of us can die anytime and that anything (esp. all of the horrible possibilities out there) can happen? Who wants to believe that at anytime, a new plague or a meteorite from outer space could wipe out humanity; and that it could happen as meaninglessly as an anthill being stepped on by someone walking aimlessly down a road. If god exists, then it means we have some kind of protection. If not, then anything can happen. Is it any wonder then that people fall back on religion or belief in UFOs or New Age spiritualism or celebrity worship or television shows or gambling or alcohol or drugs or Nazism or all of the other hundred forms of escapism out there? Atheists may feel contempt for religious people; ...
327: Literature of Native Canadians
... the people that comprise this enigmatic Canadian continent. But what if you aren't one of those fortunate enough to be of European Christian descent? Abstract: Christianity is one of the most profound influences this world has ever known. Almost every facet of Canadian life, past or present, is manifest with it. White Anglo Saxon Protestants came to this country with adventure in their hearts and spreading the word of God on their minds. The new settlers soon found that they were not alone in the country they proclaimed as their own. They found a people, different from themselves and with no loyalty to the Almighty God. This untamed, human was ... and to legitimize paternalistic control over all aspects of their lives. (Frideres 1993; p 11). Therefore, we discover that institutionalized racism is a cornerstone upon which Canada was built. (See Shadd endnote) Canada's dominant world view is a product of religious beliefs, science, democratic ideals, & economic ideas. But Christianity, and not the others, is the central reason for the disenfranchisement of the native Canadian from their traditions and culture. ...
328: ... ending. Who Killed My Daughter? The account of her search for the truth behind the murder of her 18-year-old daughter, Kaitlyn, was written in real time as the horror unfolded. When the Albuquerque, New Mexico, police department dubbed Kait's death a random shooting, ignoring evidence to the contrary, Duncan began her own investigation. Her search for the answers took her into the underworld of Vietnamese gangs and led ... let my readers know that ESP, as represented in books of mine such as A Gift of Magic and The Third Eye, is a reality." Her nonfiction book, Psychic Connections: A Journey into the Mysterious World of Psi, written in partnership with William Roll, Ph.D., who is the project director for the Psychical Research Foundation. In this book which i have not read but would like to introduces teenagers to the fascinating world of parapsychology. Based research and written case histories, Psychic Connections addresses such subjects as astral projection, near-death experiences, apparitions and hauntings, poltergeists, clairvoyance, telepathy and practical applications of ESP, such as the use ...

329: Propaganda in the Online Free Speech Campaign
... sound files, and even live nude video. The completely novel and sudden appearance of the widely accessible Internet combined with the previously existing issues associated with adult materials has caused a great debate around the world about what should be done. The major concern is that children will gain access to materials that should be reserved only for adults. Additionally, there is concern that the Internet is being used for illegal ... law. While the goal of keeping children from gaining access to pornography is a noble one that few would challenge, the problem is that the CDA has opened a can of worms for the computer world. Proponents of the CDA claim that the CDA is necessary because the Internet is so huge that the government is needed to help curb the interaction of adult materials and children. Opponents of the CDA claim that the wording of the CDA is so vague that, for example, an online discussion of abortion would be illegal under the new law, and our first amendment rights would therefore be pulled out from under us. Opponents also argue that Internet censorship should be done at home by parents, not by the government, and that things ...
330: ... gentile who had converted to Christianity. This is not definite but it is the accepted thesis. But if this is true then the author of Luke is probably the only non-Jewish writer of the New Testament. As difficult as it is to date Luke's writing it is known that he had marks writing's at his disposal. And with this knowledge it is suggested that the date for the ... was because this Gospel was used to show the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah they had awaited. Matthews central theme is focused on Jesus being a true teacher of the Jewish law or "the new Moses." The author of the Gospel of John was initially believed to be John the Apostle. However, some scholars suggest that a Christian prophet, also named John but otherwise unknown. The approximate date of its ... is to all people. John uses no specific audience as his guideline for his writing. John's central theme is based around the prayerful nature of Jesus as "the bread of life,""light of the world," and "the good shepherd." this theme reflects all that Jesus represented and still represents today.

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