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3151: Youth's Fight to Gain Freedom From The Other Generation
... the two main systems used by youths to help gain their freedoms. The first approach, taken by the Port Huron Statement and authors such as Gerzon, Reich, Revel and Gitlin, follows the ideals of the New Left. The New Left represents youths striving for political change through cultural means. People are encouraged to work for their ideals. In contrast, the second approach, taken by Rubin and Didion, reflect the ideals and mannerisms of the ... by the previous generation seemed to contribute to their views of man as "a thing to be manipulated, and that he is inherently incapable of directing his own affairs" (Port Huron 166). Supporters of the New Left disagree strongly with these views. In fact, the Port Huron Statement makes a point of cutting down these beliefs, claiming that the New Left will not support the idea of human beings as ...
3152: Global Warming
... The coldest weather ever recorded plagued our country's heart for over three weeks, and still hasn't returned to normal. A related incident has been the blizzards of the east coast. Some places in New York State got over twenty feet of snow. On a Native Island, where native tribes live, if the sea level rises three fourths of a meter then half of the island will sink. This will happen in many different islands around the world and if the water keeps on rising as it is, then farming land near the seashores will be flooded and the crops will be destroyed. Like California and other states, we are adding CO2 and ... age. Once the temperature reaches a certain threshold, the polar ice caps will began to melt. While those living in the Arctic may find that a welcome surprise, the implications for the rest of the world are serious. Even a partial melting of the polar ice caps will cause sea levels to rise so much as to completely wipe out most coastal cities. This includes such cultural centers as San ...
3153: Is Marijuana Dangerous to your Physical Health?
... FitzGerald, of the County Attorney's Office (The Associated Press, A-6). Today, the county boasts a "Do Drugs, Do Time" program targeting all drug users (The Associated Press, A-6). "Marijuana: Is there a new reason to worry?", an article in the March 88 issue of American Health by Winifred Gallagher had a lot to say about just what parts of the body marijuana effects. The majority of the effects ... of marijuana smoker and concluded that "essentially, marijuana doesn't cause psychological problems for the occasional user" (Gallagher, 92). Heavy use however, is thought to create a lack of motivation, or commonly called "burn-out". New York Hospital's Millman prefers the term "aberrant motivation" to describe the inert attitude of some heavy smokers" (Gallagher, 92). "The Health Hazards of Marijuana," a report in the September 1990 issue of World & I by Gabriel G. Nahas was very informative on the damage caused by marijuana. Marijuana effects memory and behavior. "Marijuana really interferes with short-term memory," says Dr. Richard Schwartz or Georgetown University, and ...
3154: Origins Of Communism
Throughout the history of the modern world, man has sought out the perfect government. An invincible system of order. And in our search for this ideal system, the idea of holding property in common has been a reoccurring thought. From early Christian ... of producers and consumers which he hoped would prove his theories. But his socialist experiment never took place because adequate funding was denied. In the mid-1830’s, the term “Communism” was introduced to the world of French politics. First used to describe Saint-Simon and Fourier’s egalitarian slant on socialist ideas, Louis Blanc built on the ideals of Fourier to establish an important point of modern-day communism. He ... ideals, Moore’s book started an uprising in 16th century Europe. The Great Peasants War of 1524-1525 threw a radical Protestant, Thomas Münzer, into the public eye. He preached of Heaven on earth; a world without private property or power. Münzer’s realization was short lived though. Anabaptist communities in Germany drew attention away from Münzer. By the mid-1600’s, communism resurfaced in England, spawning the creation of ...
3155: Jude the Obscure
... become ordained), he finds religion and feels that he can use it to help him gain an identity. Hardy feels that people should shy away from their old ways of thinking and begin to form new opinions of their own. He feels that people should not just blindly follow religion without deciding for themselves that this is what they want. People should not be as Jude who becomes obsessed with religion ... name Jude, which is an allusion to Judas Iscariot who was a traitor to Jesus. The name Jude can also be a reference to the wandering Jew. The second symbol is Christminster. Christminster symbolizes a world in which Jude sees how remarkable the Church is, but it is a place that exists only in Jude's imagination. Another symbol that we encounter is that of Samson who is symbolic of man ... encounter a negativity towards religion by the town called Christminster. Christminster can be broken down into Christ and minister. At first, Christminster is symbolic of a place that is supposed to be wonderful like the world of the Church. It is likened to the Church by the phrases in which Hardy uses to describe it. He writes that Jude sees Christminster as "the city of the light," in fact it ...
3156: A Doll's House: Nora Perceived by Other Characters
... spendthrift" (Ibsen 8). Christine tries to point out to Nora that there are more important things in life to worry about besides money. "Christine, a woman who has been forced to live in a hard world starts out patronizing Nora" (Rogers 83). She believes Nora is living in a dream world, one that nothing can go wrong, instead of living in the real world where everything is not always so perfect. Christine understands that Nora has led a sheltered life for she was always taken care of, first by her husband and then by Torvald. Nora has never ...
3157: Jane Eyre: The Settings
... her state of mind, but her circumstances are always defined by the walls, real and figurative, around her. As a young girl, she is essentially trapped in Gateshead. This sprawling house is almost her whole world. Jane has been here for most of her ten years. Her life as a child is sharply defined by the walls of the house. She is not made to feel wanted within them and continues ... left behind at Gateshead. Jane stays inside the walls of Lowood for eight years. She has learned a great deal but all she finds for herself, when she does finally decide to leave, is "a new servitude." The idea that she might be free in an unbounded world is not yet part of her experience -- in a sense, it never will be. Once again, Jane changes setting and circumstance and into a world that is completely new to her experience. Thornfield is ...
3158: Periodical Review Of Human Com
... June 1996. The journal takes a behavioral science perspective in its research of human communications. Research areas include Interpersonal, organizational, mass communication, methodology, information systems and persuasion. HCR is a periodical that recognizes that the world is constantly evolving and that communications research must do the same in order to develop a more clear understanding of the important issues and situational demands that are at hand. In maintaining this approach, HCR focuses on exploring new research areas as well as taking a more theoretical approach. They are also trying to acknowledge more international research studies. Methodologically speaking, they seem to remain open to possibilities and try to promote discussion through their acceptance of articles. The new senior editor Cindy Gallois, in her editorial best describes the general direction and intent of HCR. One of the main goals is to encourage diversity so that HCR will have something of interest for ...
3159: Influences Of Socratic Philoso
WESTERN CIVILIZATION In today's modern world, much of our own culture's beliefs and morals are directly due to the impact of Socratic philosophy on European thinkers, and therefore our own in the western world. This philosophy, was based upon the thoughts of Socrates, who was an Athenian philosopher and possibly the most enigmatic figure in the entire history of philosophy. To begin, after about 450 B.C., Athens was considered the cultural center of the Greek world, and from then on, Athenian philosophy took a new direction. In the past, the Greek world had experienced ideas presented by the natural philosophers (or pre-Socratic, since they were born before Socrates), which ...
3160: Poverty
By: cobby E-mail: cobby@aol.com The Poverty Poverty is a global problem, and it has existed from the beginning of civilization. Hunger, homelessness, and lack of health care are major aspects of this world-wide dilemma. Many countries are in complete poverty and the majority are third-world countries. Within the United States of America, a land of valuable, there are also pockets of extreme poverty. Trying to solve this huge problem of poverty. the United States of America, have developed for various reasons, and these situations have led to a great deal of problems. Throughout the world, poverty has plagued all countries. In smaller, under-developed countries many people die from starvation. These countries can not afford to support their citizens. Due to their financial problems, the people lack proper shelter ...

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