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3141: Censorship On The Internet
... child pornography have existed for years and will always enacted whether it is in the cyber universe or in magazine and movies. State laws are also being made against smut found on the inter net. New York passed a law making information found on the Internet that would be illegal if published in a book or magazine, illegal. People who violate the law could receive up to four years in jail ... of Representatives Contract with the American people saying that they need to protect children from the exposure to pornography over the Internet (Rafter A3). The Supreme court is having a lot of conflict with these new laws so until they can be passed parents will need to use the technology that is already available to censor the net. Children can get into a lot of trouble and bad situations while visiting ... sites when they can steal their parents. There are a lot of uncertainties and risks that go along with allowing children to use the Internet. The Supreme Court has struck down almost all of the new laws concerning regulation of the Internet on the grounds that they violate the first amendment. The first amendment says that the citizens should be exposed to a diversity of views, whether they want to ...
3142: Spanish Settlement Of The West
International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United States. When the two colonial powers did meet ... What they had was the idea of "Manifest Destiny." Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States had the right to expand westward to the Pacific ocean. On the other hand, Mexico was a new country wanting to protect itself from outside powers. Evidence of U.S. expansion is seen with the independence of Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican- ...
3143: Fallen Souls in "The Inferno"
... American Revolutionary War. During Arnold's time as an officer he became one of George Washington's most trusted officers. But his deceit and worthlessness was shown when Arnold “sold his services to the British,” (New Standard Enc. A-627). Arnold supplied the Brits with valuable military information and agreed to turn over West Point to John Andrι` a major in the British army. The plot fell through and Arnold fled from New England to London where he spent the rest of his life “in obscurity poverty,” (New Standard Enc. A-627). Now Arnold pays for his sins in the arms of Satan in Cocytus. Many souls truly repent and are sent to Heaven but some fail to regret and are sent ...
3144: Mark Twain
... tale he had heard in the California gold fields, and within months the author and the story, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, had become national sensations (Bloom 47). In 1867 Twain lectured in New York City, and in the same year he visited Europe and Palestine. He wrote of these travels in The Innocents Abroad. This book exaggerated those aspects of European culture that impress American tourists (Bain, Flora, and Rubin 103). Many claim that The Innocents Abroad is Mark Twain’s second-best book (Unger 198). In 1870 he married Olivia Langdon. After living briefly in Buffalo, New York, the couple moved to Hartford, Connecticut (Bain, Flora, and Rubin 104). Much of Mark Twain’s best work was written in the 1870’s and 1880’s in Hartford and during the summers at Quarry Farm, near Elmira, New York (Bain Flora and Rubin 104). It was at Quarry Farm that he wrote Roughing It in 1872, which recounts his early adventures as a miner and journalist. While vacationing in New York one ...
3145: Herbert Hoover
... collapse of the economy, and his unpopular policies brought an end to a brilliant career in public office. After the inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933, however, Hoover remained a leading critic of the New Deal and a spokesman for the Republican party. Early Life Born on Aug. 10, 1874, the son of a blacksmith in the Iowa village of West Branch, Hoover was orphaned at the age of eight ... influences of his engineering training and his Quaker upbringing were to shape his subsequent careers. Hoover began working in California mines as an ordinary laborer, but he soon obtained a position in Australia directing a new gold-mining venture. During the next two decades he traveled through much of Asia, Africa, and Europe as a mining entrepreneur, earning a considerable fortune. At the outbreak of World War I in August 1914 he was in London. Hoover, who as a Quaker passionately believed in peace, was appalled by the human costs of the war, and he determined to devote his life ...
3146: The Media's Impact On Life
... rights, and what they believe. The media has only really impacted my life when I was a young child. The perplexing commercials of GI JOE and the unforgettable Transformers were just mind boggling. Anytime a new commercial aired. I would always ask for the newest one. This was of course, before I comprehended the value of the Canadian dollar bill. As the nineties have change the appearance of our currency, my ... the characters played by Sally Field and Julia Roberts were down to earth and portrayed realistically for their time frames. At first, they both turned to men for comfort and it led them into a world of trouble. After all their wrong doings and misjudgments in their lives, they both had a chance to reconcile their mistakes. After this spiritual cleansing, both characters unleashed a new positive outlook on the up and coming challenges they could be presented with as their lives neared the resolution of the movies. The media can have a terrible impact on the lives of individuals ...
3147: Is Your Information Safe?
... to be an unlimited potential for theft of credit card numbers, bank statements and other financial and personal information transmitted over the Internet. It's hard to imagine that anyone in today's technologically oriented world could function without computers. Personal computers are linked to business computers and financial networks, and all are linked together via the Internet or other networks. More than a hundred million electronic messages travel through cyberspace ... speak out on how the lack of Internet security will result in a significant increase in computer fraud, and easier access to information previously considered private and confidential (Regan 26). Gregory Regan, writing for Credit World, says that only certain types of tasks and features can be performed securely. Electronic banking is not one of them. "I would not recommend performing commercial business transactions," he advises "or sending confidential information across networks attached to the Internet" (26). In the business world, computer security can be just as easily compromised. More than a third of major U.S. corporations reported doing business over the Internet -- up from 26 percent a year ago -- but a quarter of ...
3148: Ferdinand Graf Von Zeppelin
... set up a construction plan for an airship in a period of 2 years. It is to be marked that Zeppelin had no concrete development realizations, or physical data. When he wanted to present his new construction in 1894 to the military officials, it ended in a clear reject. Particularly, the low rate of the missile was criticized. In 1886 an electrolytic process by which aluminum could be produced in commercial quantities was invented almost simultaneously by Paul Heroult in France and C. M. Hall in the US. The introduction of this light, strong metal during the next few years opened up new possibilities for designers of lighter-than-air craft. One of whom was Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin. The design used by Zeppelin was a tubular aluminum frame, but instead if covering it with sheets of metal ... it proved an amazingly high controllability. Expectations of the military observers were not fulfilled, however, which was to due to the low engine performance of the Daimler Benz machines. After two further test flights, the new company was actually bankrupt. It was liquidated and the LZ-1, the father of all rigid airships, had to be wrecked. Particularly for this purpose, an educated commission of the VDI now analyzed the ...
... a solution to the internal ethnic crises for nations such as the former Yugoslavia. Currently described by the media as "ethnic cleansing", Population redistributions have been the focus of much controversy throughout U.S. and world history. To those affected, Population redistributions can be economically and emotionally devastating. It can also lead to enormous tragedies causing thousands of deaths when conducted in a brutal manner. The results of various population redistributions ... in Turkey, and 388,000 Turks living in Greece back to their ethnic homelands. Except in Cyprus where the populations remained mixed. Turkey and Greece have not taken up arms against each other again. After World War II eight million people of German ethnicity were expelled from their native communities in Poland and throughout Eastern Europe, due to agreements made by the Allies at the Potsdam Conference. Hundreds of thousands of ... lack of diversity and conflicting cultures the long-term results of the population transfer have ended internal ethnic problems in Poland since then. Israel expelled their own settlers from occupied land (which is currently the new Palestinian nation) in order to bring about a lasting peace between the two former rivals. After bombing Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941, 120,000 Japanese and Japanese-Americans living in Oregon, Washington, ...
3150: The Gothic Age
... in Italy and in Gaul, a great renewal of church buildings; each Christian community was driven by a spirit of rivalry to have a more glorious church than the others. It was as if the world had shaken itself, and casting off its old garments, had dressed itself again in every part in a white robe of churches. Raoul Glaber, Historia, c.1003 The Gothic Age (c. AD 1130-1530) marked ... a third of the population.1 2 This was more than twice the population of Europeans in the year 950 when it was 22,600,0003 . While the population was exploding there were so many new cathedrals built that in the relatively short time period of two hundred and fifty years, there was more stone quarried to be used in cathedrals (several million tons) than was quarried during the age of ... noisiest of tourists up. One can only imagine the impact seeing such a place would have on a person who has never had the opportunity to see one of the great wonders of the modern world, such as a skyscraper. The name alone is enough to bring visions of grandeur, or Las Vegas, a place known for its flashy style and glitz. Just think what a person who has never ...

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