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3131: Ben Franklins Religion
... s "virtue" stand apart from his religious beliefs. Franklin maintained a firm belief, however, in "a Being of infinite Wisdom, Goodness and Power" (165) [3], a God who by "providence" [4] acts frequently in the world, a power who could and would suspend deterministic natural laws at will. Deism, "tho' it might be true, was not very useful" to the young Franklin (1359). Specifically, a purely deterministic view of a God-created universe was absurd and useless precisely because it would require God to blind himself ("On the Providence of God in the Government of the World," 166). Franklin's God is useful first because he chooses "to help and favour us" via divine intervention (168). [5] Franklin's God is useful, second, because he inspires us to perform our own good ... the usefulness of virtue and virtuous deeds apart from any mention of theology. He elevates to the level of doctrine "That Virtuous Men ought to league together to strengthen the Interest of Virtue, in the World" (179), thus placing virtue in the context of a human community which both encourages it and exercises it. [10] Indeed Franklin's theology claims God's favor not for those with right beliefs, but ...
3132: Evolution
... that were, perhaps, never fossilized - never! theless it is relatively co mpatible with the theory of evolution. It can be postulated that organisms evolving from the same ancestor will tend to have similar structural characteristics. New species will have modified versions of preexisting structures as per their respective habitats (environmental situations). Certainly these varying species will demonstrate clear differentiation in important structural functions, however an underlying similarity will be noted in ... he felt he must publish Wallace's work. Darwin was persuaded by friends to include extracts of his own findings when he submitted Wallace's work On the Law Which Has Regulated the Introduction of New Species to the Linnaean Society in 1858, feeling doubly horrible because he felt this would be taking advantage of Wallace's position. Wallace never once gave the slightest impression of resentment or disagreement, even to ... numerous scientists, including Lyell, Darwin and the developers of the Hardy-Weinberg theory cannot be denied. Jean Lamarck, a French biologist postulated the theory of an inherent faculty of self-improvement by his teaching that new organs arise form new needs, that they develop in proportion to how often they are used and that these acquisitions are handed down from one generation to the next (conversely disuse of existing organs ...
3133: Things Fall Apart: The Loss of a Tribe's Livelihood
... fashions. The first aspect of Igbo culture to break down was the village's spirituality, which was led by the arrival of the Christian mission. Second, this mission acted as a channel to allow a new government to infiltrate Umuofia and challenge the laws and customs that held together the former Igbo way of life. Igbo spirituality weakened in two waves. First Christianity provided answers that the inhabitants of Umuofia and ... and the fourth, and none of them died. Everyone was puzzled. And then it became known that the white man's fetish had unbelievable power. (TFA 105-6) Clearly this strengthened the credibility of the new white men and their religion. Furthermore, a major blow was dealt to Igbo religion. Christianity provided an answer to the questions people were feeling about their spirituality: the Igbo religion appeared to be false by default; this is how Igbo spirituality fell apart. The new religion's validity and acceptance, coupled with the void created by the dissolution of Igbo spirituality, left the remaining Igbo believers overpowered by the Christian converts and their new followers. "Umuofia had indeed changed ...
3134: Holograms
Holograms Toss a pebble in a pond -see the ripples? Now drop two pebbles close together. Look at what happens when the two sets of waves combine -you get a new wave! When a crest and a trough meet, they cancel out and the water goes flat. When two crests meet, they produce one, bigger crest. When two troughs collide, they make a single, deeper trough ... views tell you about the apple's depth -its form and where it sits in relation to other objects. Your brain processes this information so that you see the apple, and the rest of the world, in 3-D. You can look around objects, too -if the apple is blocking the view of an orange behind it, you can just move your head to one side. The apple seems to "move ... intense beam that's just one colour. That means laser light waves are uniform and in step. When two laser beams intersect, like two sets of ripples meeting in a pond, they produce a single new wave pattern: the hologram. Here's how it happens: Light coming from a laser is split into two beams, called the object beam and the reference beam. Spread by lenses and bounced off a ...
3135: American Revolution
... the Puritans in the Massachusetts Bay colony, God was the main focus of their colonization. Both groups were upset of the development of the church of England, and in attempt to purify it, they sought new lives in the colonies. The development of Jamestown in Virginia was a concept similar to the ones used during the 1500s when exploration was promoted: for gold, glory, and God. Georgia was colonized as a ... the highly cherished Carolinas. For whatever the reasons, each colony flourished and, eventually, the population of all the thirteen increased as the exodus from Great Britain increased, other foreigners seeking freedom of religion or wanting new lives began to come, slave trade became popular, and indentured servants sold their lives to come to the new world. Though the New England, Middle, and South colonies were different in many aspects, they began to develop separately than that of Great Britain. During the climax growth of the colonies, the first stages ...
3136: Revolutionary QM212
Revolutionary QM212 Abstract: A new process in bio-chemistry involves the manipulation of molecules to defeat diseases, viruses, chemical warfare, and to reduce the cost of bio-chemical engineering. This new process is refined in that the researcher utilizes new computer technology to model the behavior of certain molecules to insert a "slot" for discarding unwanted foreign objects. These unwanted foreign objects are discarded by fixing the slot to fit the objects. This slot ...
3137: The History of the Internet
... growth of the Internet. I will offer a guided tour though the evolution of the Internet and explain what this effect has on its growth and popularity. It's like a plague growing across the world, signs of its growth are seen everywhere. The Internet was started as an experiment to test networks to try and develop a network that could survive a nuclear attack. While the net has never needed ... daily life as the commercial version of the ARPANET goes online. By 1988 the Internet is an essential tool for communications, however it also begins to create concerns about privacy and security in the digital world. New words, such as "hacker", "cracker" and" electronic break-in", are created. These new worries are dramatically demonstrated on Nov. 1, 1988 when a malicious program called the "Internet Worm" temporarily disables approximately 6,000 ...
3138: The Life of Leonardo da Vinci
... of today. Leonardo was known as many things, he was known as a sculptor, architect, writer, musician, philosopher, engineer, and scientist, but most of all he was known for his impressive paintings that influenced the world. Leonardo was born in Anchiano, Italy on April 15, 1452, to Piero da Vinci, a prominent public official in Florence, and a peasant woman named Caterina. He was born out of wed lock and shortly ... as the “La Giaconda”, is the most famous, most visited and the most studied portrait ever painted, and also has a lot of questions to it. It is truly the great mysteries of the art world. Previously, it was thought to have been painted in 1503, it is know thought to have been completed sometime between 1514 and 1516. Another question of this famous painting is that everybody wants to know ... is certain: the Mona Lisa is Leonardo's most famous work. During the last years of his life, Leonardo worked for Francis I, who felt that “no other man had ever been born into the world who knew as much as Leonardo”. In 1516, Leonardo developed a paralysis in his arm, which caused him not to be able to paint as much, if not at all. Instead of painting he ...
3139: Macintosh vs. IBM
... Thomas John Watson became president of Computing Tabulating Recording in 1914, and in 1924 he renamed it to International Business Machines Corporation. He eventually widened the company lines to include electronic computers, which was extremely new in those days. In 1975 IBM introduced their first personal computer (PC) which was called the Model 5100. It carried a price tag of about $9,000 which caused it to be out of the ... not get off to as big as a start they had hoped it did not stop them from continuing on. Later on IBM teamed up with Microsoft to create an operating system to run their new computers, because their software division was not able to meet a deadline. They also teamed up with Intel to supply its chips for the first IBM personal computer. When the personal computer hit the market ... standard for many of the microcomputers to follow, including the IBM PC. The Macintosh and IBM computer have been in competition ever since they put out their first personal computers. In 1980, the personal computer world was dominated by two types of computer systems. One was the Apple II, which had a huge group of loyal users, and they also had a large group of people developing software for the ...
3140: Turn Of The Screw- Henry James
Henry James was born at two Washington Place in New York City on April 15,1843. He was the second son to Henry James, Sr., an independently wealthy intellectual, and Mary Robertson James. From 1843 to 1845, James took his first trip to Europe. He lived in New York City with his family at 58 West 14th Street. James was educated privately by governess and tutors in New York and Albany. In 1855, he traveled to Europe with his family and attended schools in Switzerland and France. In 1860, with the outbreak of the Civil War, The James family moved back to ...

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