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3121: To Kill A Mocking Bird 3
... also to live with yourself. They also learn about the injustice and justice throughout the Tom Robinson trial. Finally the children learn about prejudice and the effect that it has on everyone else in the world. B.) I believe that people learn much more from life experiences, rather than from what school teaches them. School teaches you things that society wants you to know, instead of the stuff you should now ... long run, by preparing them for a career, but if you do not have what is called Street Smarts , than there is no use for Book Smarts. For example, If the smartest person in the world walked down a dark alley, and was robbed, then he is considered just as less educated as the next man is. 2.) Considering human relationships from the past, I believe that we as individuals pay ... of democracy yet she worries s about the blacks trying to get above themselves. ( ) She fears that this will start interracial relationships. Her formal pronouncement clash with her private beliefs. B.) The societies of the world today say that they want what s best for whomever, but most of the time it is used as a publicity stunt. Something to amuse the public when actually they really do not care ...
3122: Exploring Mars
... being asked by people is, "Why go to Mars"? The reasons are very simple. People want to gain recognition of how they were the first people who went to Mars and opened up a whole new world and most importantly to move forward in economics. As humans waste the precious materials and resources found on this planet we have to consider going to other planets to explore for materials and energy resources. Mars would be the first area for industrial development and mining in the "new world". There are talks that by the end of this century that a manned mission to Mars should take place. We must start preparing ourselves properly in order to explore Mars better. Scientists and ...
3123: Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
... or not we were truly better off for all of our subsequent developments, for 'although man had previously been free and independent, we find him, so to speak, subject, by virtue of a multitude of [new] needs, to all of nature and particularly to his fellow men, whose slave in a sense he becomes even in becoming their master.'(880) Also, in developing the idea that any one man could own ... imposed upon themselves without realizing it, and the first source of evils they prepared for their descendants.' (876) From these small beginnings man began to develop more rapidly, each successive change causing more and more new ideas and refinements of old ones, until finally 'men slowly came together and united into different bands, eventually forming in each country a particular nation, united by mores and characteristic features, not by regulations and ... and want to be looked at himself, and [thus] public esteem had a value.’ (877) When people began to conceive of such an abstract things as stature in a community, respect, and pride, a whole new host of ideas were introduced, and with them, new problems. Up to this point, there had been no real task where many men at a time were needed, and so there was no need ...
3124: The Life Of Babe Ruth
... ended up being the best fielder in baseball that year with a fielding average of .992. Ruth hit an unbelievable 29 home runs in 1919, his first full season as a fielder. In the 1919 World Series, the Chicago White Sox, or as they became known as the “Black Sox,” had a better team than Cincinnati and probably would have won the series. Except some of the players were too concerned ... most well known and most popular figure in American culture. With his towering home runs and great all around play, he kept the fans coming to the ballpark. It is hard to believe what the world would be like without baseball and thanks to Babe Ruth we will never have to live in a world like that. Even after Babe's amazing “rookie” season as an outfielder, the Red Sox were ignorant enough to sell him to the New York Yankees for the sum of $125,000, the most ...
3125: Sin in The Minister’s Black Veil and The Scarlet Letter
... and The Scarlet Letter In some way or another, our past, the traditions passed down through our ancestors, and the values instilled in us by our parents, affect our own minds and perceptions of the world. We may choose to pass on these traditions or reject them for new ones, but the past always influences us. Nathaniel Hawthorne was no different than the rest of us. He writes in the first chapter of The Scarlet Letter, “But the sentiment has likewise its moral quality ... the hub of Puritan activity--Salem--he grew up indoctrinated with Christian values, but soon experimented with the philosophical ideas put forth in his lifetime. Perhaps wrestling with Puritanical mores, Hawthorne not only incorporates the new philosophy into his writing, he gives his readers the chance to evaluate for themselves the possibilities of other beliefs. What seems most imteresting in Hawthorne’s texts is the wrestling between two belief systems. ...
3126: Convince Me There Is A God
... malice. A pleasant debate can be healthy. Enjoy! Before we begin, consider this, Outlandish Claims require even more Outlandish Proof! "What is it the Bible teaches us? - raping, cruelty, and murder. What is it the New Testament teaches us? - to believe that the Almighty committed debauchery with a woman engaged to be married, and the belief of this debauchery is called faith." [Thomas Paine] Provide proof the bible is actually telling ... Was there any form of death before the fall ? If there was not, did God intervene to prevent all the flies, bacteria and rabbits from breeding like, well, flies, bacteria and rabbits? If not, the world would have been hundreds of feet deep in ooze. Some people say ah ha, but disease is a result of sin, so there were no bacteria then . Ah ha back, I say, without bacteria the ... population to develop from Adam, Eve and the two sons has to involve incestuous relationships. Not a very good example for the rest of us, is it? (The same also applies when God trashed the world and left Noah and his small family to repopulate the world). Bottom Line: Genesis has more holes in it than a bad New Mexico road! Legends and Myths Consider that many legends exist in ...
3127: Holograms
Holograms Toss a pebble in a pond -see the ripples? Now drop two pebbles close together. Look at what happens when the two sets of waves combine -you get a new wave! When a crest and a trough meet, they cancel out and the water goes flat. When two crests meet, they produce one, bigger crest. When two troughs collide, they make a single, deeper trough ... views tell you about the apple's depth -its form and where it sits in relation to other objects. Your brain processes this information so that you see the apple, and the rest of the world, in 3-D. You can look around objects, too -if the apple is blocking the view of an orange behind it, you can just move your head to one side. The apple seems to "move ... intense beam that's just one colour. That means laser light waves are uniform and in step. When two laser beams intersect, like two sets of ripples meeting in a pond, they produce a single new wave pattern: the hologram. Here's how it happens: Light coming from a laser is split into two beams, called the object beam and the reference beam. Spread by lenses and bounced off a ...
3128: A Sense Of Community By Ritual
... outward appearance, but instead by her actions, personality, and spirit: "Horses neither disapproved or approved of what I looked like. All that counted was how I treated them, how my actions weighted themselves in the world" (152). These ideal relationships not only allowed her to experience the valiant, true, intense love she longed for in human companions, but also gave her a way of coping with her loneliness. She also came to understand the real beauty of the world, the beauty that swells beneath the surface of every being. The harshness of her peers did not end when she became older. Groups of drunken men would hoot at her from a distance, but taunt ... college, Greg, pulled her up by taking her dancing at gay clubs. Being encompassed by homosexual males gave her a blanket of security: "No one took notice of me - I was without value in this world. It was easy to sublimate my own desire and sustain my feelings of physical worthlessness" (201). She knew that none of the men there cared about her attractiveness because in their minds she was ...
3129: The Fifty-First Dragon: Analysis
... is not sufficient. He must have a rallying cry, a slogan by which to die and by which to live.” Heywood Broun Heywood Broun sold his first short story, “The Fifty-First Dragon”, to the New York Tribune. It was written during the post-Great War period and as such reflected the amount of empty propagandizing the Americans did to entice young people to join the war effort. It can in ... 1939 Nutmeg preface to this story, “The story says that an empty slogan is better than no slogan at all... but it is a doctrine on which some of the most dangerous causes in the world have been founded.” When the United States entered the war in 1917, the nation was deeply divided. President Woodrow Wilson had just won re-election partly because of the slogan, "He kept us out of ... a traitor." Indeed those who did not believe in something loss their validation or in other words “Without a belief man is helpless against the dragons.” It is no surprise then that along with a new infusion of morale came a double dose of governmental censorship. The Departments of State, War and Navy developed a set of regulations even before Congress formally declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary. These ...
3130: Kurt Cobain: Biography
... started in February of 1989 in Seattle and moved down the coast. However the band was just preparing for the tour for Bleach which started on June 22, 1989 in San Francisco and ended in New Castle, England, the bands first European show. Nirvana started another short US tour in February of 1990 and one month later Chad left the band to be replaced with Dave Grohl. To break in the new addition they did a seven show west coast tour. Chad wanted to move on and Dave was totally down with where Nirvana was headed so the band said bye to Chad Channing and hello to Dave Grohl. Dave was a drummer who could carry Kurt's uneven beat without a thought. The band with it's new addition was ready to start recording again, this time it was another single and few more shows. Then on April 30, 1991 the band got it's big break, they signed with Geffen Records ...

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