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3041: Peoples Temple Settlement In Guyana
... of emergence. Durkheim states that emergence occurs from the interrelationship of elements of a simpler or less complex reality and the outcome is a phenomenon at the level of a more complex reality that creates new characteristics (Ashley 117). Jim Jones took very simple elements of religion and missionary enthusiasm and with their combination created a very complex commune, a society made up of all walks of life, a community of ... made to look very masculine and thin and was also dressed in the same manner. Not only were appearances very different but the followers of Jim Jones also had very different roles in his Utopian world. The group had a very small hierarchy with Jones being at the head and certain followers of his having specialized jobs underneath him, unlike Heaven's Gate where even though there was a defined leader ... suicides however, the altruist kills himself because he is unhappy; but this unhappiness is distinctive both in its causes and in its effects. While the egoist is unhappy because he sees nothing "real" in the world besides the individual, for example, the altruist is sad because the individual seems so "unreal"; the egoist sees no goal to which he might commit himself, and thus feels useless and without a purpose ...
3042: The Forever Changing Economy
... Therefore calling for a review of the application procedure due to the favortism shown to those with inside contacts and extensive legal support.(cite 6) The United States Treasury announced its plan to issue a new kind of Government bond that would protect the average investors from inflation while helpng the Government finance the national debt. The new bonds will offer returns that fluxuate in relation to inflation. They will be backed by the Government and priced so unexpected inflation will not erode their value. The new bonds are a way for the Government to tap into the $675 billion 401(k) market.(cite 7) The Congressional Budget Office says Clinton's 5-year budget package cuts any addition to the ...
3043: Thomas More’s Utopia
... after and Richard III became king. Thirty years later, More would become Rchard’s biographer. Two years afterwards King Richard III was slain in the Battle of the Roses. Henry VII later became king (The World Book Encyclopedia 802). During the reign of Henry VII More grew into manhood. His father was John More, a barrister of Lincoln’s Inn. After schooling at St. Anthony’s he lived with John Morton ... old at the time he was crowned. He automatically married Catherine of Aragon as his queen. More wrote English verses and could translate Greek writings (Collier’s Encyclopedia 540). More wrote in celebration of the new king in this translated Latin verse: Now serfhood is fast bound, her’s freedom’s spring; sadness is at an end, and joy’s before. The young today anointed England’s King, The age splendor is forever more (Encarta). His wife, Jane More, died after giving birth to her fourth child. More remarried within the month of her death. Alice Middleton was the name of his new wife. She was a widow and was not liked by many people. More had a total of eight children from all his marriages; six girls and two boys (Collier’s Encyclopedia 540). More is ...
3044: Ferdinand Graf Von Zeppelin
... set up a construction plan for an airship in a period of 2 years. It is to be marked that Zeppelin had no concrete development realizations, or physical data. When he wanted to present his new construction in 1894 to the military officials, it ended in a clear reject. Particularly, the low rate of the missile was criticized. In 1886 an electrolytic process by which aluminum could be produced in commercial quantities was invented almost simultaneously by Paul Heroult in France and C. M. Hall in the US. The introduction of this light, strong metal during the next few years opened up new possibilities for designers of lighter-than-air craft. One of whom was Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin. The design used by Zeppelin was a tubular aluminum frame, but instead if covering it with sheets of metal ... it proved an amazingly high controllability. Expectations of the military observers were not fulfilled, however, which was to due to the low engine performance of the Daimler Benz machines. After two further test flights, the new company was actually bankrupt. It was liquidated and the LZ-1, the father of all rigid airships, had to be wrecked. Particularly for this purpose, an educated commission of the VDI now analyzed the ...
3045: US-Mexico Border
International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United States. When the two colonial powers did meet ... What they had was the idea of "Manifest Destiny." Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States had the right to expand westward to the Pacific ocean. On the other hand, Mexico was a new country wanting to protect itself from outside powers. Evidence of U.S. expansion is seen with the independence of Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican- ...
3046: The Lottery Winner
By: Blake Moreland Blake Moreland The Lottery Winner Clark, Mary Pocket Books 1994 SETTING: The book starts out in Manhattan, New York in modern times. The book mostly takes place in New York city but throughout the book they also travel to London, England, cypress point spa, and several other places. The book ends back in Manhattan, New York. CHARACTERS: 1. Alvirah Meehan is a former maid that is near her sixties and has quit her job after her and her husband struck it rich in the winning of the lottery. Alvirah ...
3047: The Olympics
The Olympics The Olympics have come a long way and have evolved into a whole new sport since the first ancient Olympics. For example, the events and the people that compete in the events have changed. The reason for the Olympics taking place has also changed. Yet another aspect of how ... scholar, is the man credited for the revival of the Olympics. In 1829 he organized a crew who excavated the Temple of Zeus. Then between 1875 and 1881, Olympia was dug up and revived. After World War II, all of the buildings were excavated and everything was totally restored (Girardeau 1972). The first restored Olympics were held in Athens in 1896, and everything was different. For example, men from all over ... compete in three events in the Olympics. Although this was a big step, many countries wouldn’t permit their women to compete in the Olympics (www.feminist.org/other/Olympic/intro.html). In 1924, a new kind of Olympics were held in Chamonix, the winter Olympics. Contradicting to the first revived Olympics, the winter Olympics were successful, but not eventful. The Russians won most of the events, because they were ...
3048: Democrecy Of Spain
In what ways did the institutional legacy of the Franco regime shape Spain's transition to democracy? In less than two decades Spain has rushed from dictatorship to democracy and from virtual world isolation to membership in the European Union. The actual transition (1973-1982) took place from the assasination of Carrero Blanco, heir to the regime, to the 1982 democratic elections (3rd after Franco's death) when ... Falange. "The belief that democracy engendered chaos and national disunity was a central tenet of the regime's educational and cultural policy." "The regime later realized that it would be necesaryin the rapidly expanding global world to co-exist with democratic governments. New institutions were created to cover up the isolated figure of the dictator. With Franco becoming seriously ill in the summer of 1974, power was handed over to Juan Carlos, who was declared heir to ...
3049: Pesticides
... EPA is continuing to evaluate all 208 pesticides involved as part of its ongoing re-registration program. But what are the EPA’s re-registration standards? The 1996, Food Quality Protection Act, sets an exorbitant new standard. In 1996, both Houses passed The Food Quality Protection Act also known as “The Nation’s New Pesticide Law”, crafted by Congressmen Henry Waxman and Thomas Bliley. The bill was enormously created in part of the “1993 report by the NAS, Pesticides in the Diet of Infants and Children.” (Fenske, Line 20 ... groups. Third, it has forced the pesticide industry to think of the consumer and not in terms of cost-benefits, or as an economic benefit. Last but most significantly, the legislation sets an extremely strict new standard to protect consumers from pesticides in their diet. However, the bill has also opened a new can of worms. What is the EPA’s, the consumers, the agriculture and pesticide industries responsibilities? Ten ...
3050: The International Space Station
The International Space Station ~A New Era in Space Flight ~ On November twentieth, and December fourth, the first crucial pieces of the international space station were launched into orbit, to begin the largest, most complex engineering project, that has ever been ... effects on the human body during periods of time in space. This knowledge is needed for any plans of extended space flights, for instance traveling to the planet mars. Medical research in the development of new drugs to combat diseases. By observing the growth of tissue, both healthy and cancerous, in space, scientists hope to gain new insights into the nature of cell formation. They also hope to discover new and more effective types of medicines. Experiments aimed at developing advanced technologies and materials. The ISS will be equipped with furnaces ...

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