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3031: The Great Depression
The Great Depression To my amazement the Great Depression serves as a natural debating point that "justifies" or "refutes" various economic policies. The Great Depression and the New Deal are complex topics that are open to many interpretations. The Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one which spread to virtually all of the industrialized world. Seeing the order in which events actually occurred dispels many myths about the Great Depression. One of the greatest of these myths is that government intervention was responsible for its onset. Truly massive intervention began only under the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, who was sworn in after the worst had already hit. Although his New Deal did not cure it, all the leading economic indicators improved during his tenure. To understand the Great Depression, it is important to know the theories of John Maynard Keynes. Keynes is known as ...
3032: Shiloh
... a caterpillar who is discovering that there is more to life than crawling around on the ground. She has with-in her, the power to grow wings and fly away; The opportunity to view the world through the eyes of a butterfly. Since Larry\\'s accident, she has come to realize that she has reached a crossroads in her life. If she goes straight on through, complacency and neglect are the only stops ahead. If she veers to either the left or right, there is mystery, knowledge, and change; The opportunity for a new life. It would appear with-in the story, she has opted for some change, and begins her adventure in experiencing new things such as \\"... cooking unusual foods - tacos, lasagna, Bombay chicken.\\" She begins to work on her body, borrowing the idea from Leroy\\'s rehabilitation equipment, which would otherwise be collecting dust in a corner ...
3033: Holden Caulfield (catcher In T
... Rye, is what I believe to be one of the most well-developed characters which I have read about. He has many characteristics that are all his own, such as the way he views the world, his friends and his family. One of the main things that characterizes Holden, is that way that he thinks the entire world is "phony." Holden's view of the world as "phony" is a very strong one, and in most cases, is correct. Holden thinks that the majority of the people in the world are putting on some sort of an act to impress ...
3034: Dwight Eisenhower
... John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower who later became an Army officer and diplomat (147, Richardson). In Eisenhower s commission, he directed tank training programs for officers and recruits at Camp Colt, located at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. After World War I, Eisenhower served as one of Brigadier General Fox Conner s staff officers. Conner s self-discipline and attention to detail impressed Eisenhower. Conner supported Eisenhower in his admission to the Army s leadership ... military skills. In 1933, Eisenhower became an aide to General Douglas MacArthur, the Army chief of staff. Along MacArthur s side, Eisenhower planned the military defense of the Philippines and a military academy for the new government. During World War II, Eisenhower rose to prominence. In 1941, Eisenhower was appointed to plan the strategy for the Third Army in war games in Louisiana. The Third Army defeated an enemy force that included a ...
3035: Methamphetamine: Built for Speed?
... of the facets of human existence -- doing more, sleeping less. The machines of this age have in a way enabled us to create a 24-hour lifestyle. We have pushed the limits of the modern world further -- ATMs, high-speed modems, smart bombs and bullet trains. However, the limitations of human existence, like sleep, may still provide the stumbling block for infinite realization. That is, without chemical aid. In many ways ... valid" recreational drug. The stigma that goes with "tweaking" can be quite severe. "Speed is evil," says Dominic. "I have seen more people's lives twisted up off that drug than anything else in the world. I was first introduced to it about five years ago by a girl I was dating. I basically watched her use of it turn from an occasional party thing to basically the sustenance of her ... caught me about speed, and what catches me now, is the feeling of invulnerability. I think I get from speed what most cocaine users get from coke. The feeling of being on top of the world. As a raver, speed is also a convenient way to keep dancing long after your body has gone to sleep." Asked if the drug has improved his life, he answers, "What a joke. Improve? ...
3036: Violence In The Media
By: William E-mail: reign100@netzero.com Violence in the Media “Monkey see, monkey do” has become a well-known saying in today’s modern, media warped society, but is it correct? What has the world come to these days? It often seems like everywhere one looks, violence rears its ugly head. We see it in the streets, back alleys, school, and even at home. The last of these, our homes ... major source of violence. In many peoples' living rooms there sits an outlet for violence that often goes unnoticed. It is the television, and the people who view it are often pulled into its realistic world of violence scenes with sometimes devastating results. Much research has gone into showing why our society is so mesmerized by this big glowing box and the action that takes place within it. Only a mere ... Steven H., George Gerbner, Beatrix A. Hamburgh, Chester M. Pierce, Eli A. Rebinstein, Alberta E. Siegel, and Jerome L. Singer."Defending the Undefendable." Society Sept.-Oct. 1984: 30-36. Cullingford, Cedric. Children and Media Violence. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. Himmelweit, Hilde T., A.N. Oppenheim, and Pamela Vince. Television and the Child. London: Oxford University Press, 1958. Howe, Michael J.A. Television and Children. London: New University ...
3037: Internet Security
... Internet brings to its users, but there are also many problems with the Internet security, especially when dealing with personal security, business security, and the government involvement to protect the users. The Internet is a new, barely regulated frontier, and there are many reasons to be concerned with security. The same features that make the Internet so appealing such as interactivity, versatile communication, and customizability also make it an ideal way ... is possible for someone to write a program using Java that transfers data from the user's computer back to the website without the user ever being aware of anything being taken. Netscape has issued new releases that fix some but not all of the two dozen holes in the program (Methvin 3). Many people do not realize that they often give information to websites by doing something called direct disclosure ... Justin and Eddie Codel and Sameer Parekh. Center for Democracy and Technology Web Page. Http://www.13x.com/cgi-bin/cdt/snoop.pl accessed January 26, 1997: 1-4. Heim, Judy. "Here's How." PC World Online January 1997: 1-3. Methvin, David W. "Safety on the Net." Windows Magazine Online (1996): 1-9. Lemmons, Phil. "Up Front." PC World Online February 1997: 1-2. November, 1995 Feature PC World ...
3038: Bloomingdales International Customer Service
"AT BLOOMINGDALE'S, WE'RE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE" Bloomingdale s is successful because they have positioned themselves in the retailing market, by offering unique merchandise from around the world, targeting a affluent, educated group of patrons aged between 35-55 years, and focusing on "Customer Service". This marketing strategy has been the back bone of their success. Advertisement campaigns of Bloomingdale s has portrayed the focus of "Customer Service", with slogans such as "At Bloomingdale's, we're always at your service" and "You are like no one else in the world, Bloomingdale's is like no other store in the world. ." Bloomingdale s is like no other store in the world, offering a unique retailing experience. It has been referred to as the "retailing theatre" in some of the worlds most influential magazines. Thus Bloomingdale ...
3039: Development Of Sino-us Economi
... development of Sino-US economic and trade relations. On February 21,1972, when President Nixon arrived at Beijing Airport, the late Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai took his hand and said: ¡°You have reached across the world¡¯s largest ocean to shake my hand.¡± The historic handshake ended the more than two decades of hostile separation of the world¡¯s two great nations, and China established officially diplomatic relations with the US on January 1, 1979. During President Nixon¡¯s visiting, China purchased 10 Boeing airplanes from America, which is a real beginning of ... two countries are therefore highly complementary with each other. At the same time, this historic exchange of visits at the end of this century will promote steady development of bilateral relations and no doubt bring new cooperative trade and economic opportunities to both countries. By means of the exchange of visits, the two countries have gained many fruits in the field of economic and trade relations. Both sides have reached ...
3040: Advertising Analysis
... environment. This ad is reaching out to the adolescence of australia. Their symbolism used is ‘modern life style”. Advertisement 3.- Apple iBook presentation As today’s advertiser likes to put it “sex sells”. With this new ad the advertisers of apple computers managed to mix style, class, future, advancement in one scene with the new iBook . The only way they could possible advertise this product is to create a sense of need, especially after selling successfully their new iMac computers. The features of this ad is that this product is limited and special. The so-called “soft exterior” of this ad is the prestige shown in a laptop. The ad provides entertainment ...

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