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3021: Ethan Frome
Ethan Frome, the main character in the Edith Wharton novel Ethan Frome, is a man who lives in a world of silence. He lives in the New England town of Starkfield, Massachusetts, with his bitter wife and his wife’s cousin Mattie. Over time Ethan is a man who has become trapped in Starkfield due to the number of winters he has ... seemed to shiver in the wind that had risen with the ceasing snow (11) This depressing image painted in this quotation describes the environment , as well as Ethan. Just as Ethan’s home was once new but has been torn apart by the many harsh winters in Starkfield, so to was poor old Ethan. Ethan’s home has suffered the loss of it "L": "the long deep-roofed adjunct usually ...
3022: Holden Caulfield (catcher In T
... Rye, is what I believe to be one of the most well-developed characters which I have read about. He has many characteristics that are all his own, such as the way he views the world, his friends and his family. One of the main things that characterizes Holden, is that way that he thinks the entire world is "phony." Holden's view of the world as "phony" is a very strong one, and in most cases, is correct. Holden thinks that the majority of the people in the world are putting on some sort of an act to impress ...
3023: Fallen Souls in "The Inferno"
... American Revolutionary War. During Arnold's time as an officer he became one of George Washington's most trusted officers. But his deceit and worthlessness was shown when Arnold “sold his services to the British,” (New Standard Enc. A-627). Arnold supplied the Brits with valuable military information and agreed to turn over West Point to John Andrι` a major in the British army. The plot fell through and Arnold fled from New England to London where he spent the rest of his life “in obscurity poverty,” (New Standard Enc. A-627). Now Arnold pays for his sins in the arms of Satan in Cocytus. Many souls truly repent and are sent to Heaven but some fail to regret and are sent ...
3024: The Turks And Mongols
... and relatives, must have spoken various forms of speech related to Turkish, many of which are now extinct. When we view the Hunnish inroad into Europe in the light of the total context of Old World history, it ceases to be a strange inruption of hideous and invincible barbarians darting out of nowhere, as it at first appeared to the Byzantines and Romans. The Huns were a people who had been ... rise of the Mongols some thousand years later, the history of central Asia is simply a repetition of the same theme; some obscure sub-tribe would become important, win leadership over the others, and head new invasions of increasing complexity. The history of southern Russia became extremely complicated, for the steppes of the Don country served as a terminal point for all but the most serious of these movements. After the ... Altaic which all of them, Huns included, seem to have spoken. It is probable that their speech superseded many older allied forms. In the guise of Petchenegs and Kumans, in the tenth and eleventh centuries new waves of Turks moved across the southern Russian steppes as far as the Danube. As Seljuks, the Turks took charge of Asia Minor and fought the Crusaders; as Osmanlis, they conquered the Seljuks, withstood ...
3025: A Discussion On Multimedia
... electronic format, and some are appearing in that format only. Companies that publish technical manuals to accompany their other products have also been turning to electronic publishing. Electronic books have been recently introduced to the world as a whole. This new concept is the use of internet or otherwise computer technology to electronically convert books to a digital, readable format viewed on a television set or computer screen. This would most likely be done by scanning ... has become a major vehicle of worldwide communication and an unrivaled source of information. One of the Internet's fascinations is that its resources are limited only by the number of computers participating in the World Wide Web and the imaginations of their users. The Internet is an international web of interconnected government, education, and business computer networks- in essence, a network of networks. From a thousand or so networks ...
3026: Book Review of Business Policy and Strategy: An Action Guide
Book Review of Business Policy and Strategy: An Action Guide Submitted in partial fulfillment of B.S. in Business Administration Century University, New Mexico Grade = 95% {A} Business Policy and Strategy: An Action Guide, by Robert Murdick, R. Carl Moor and Richard H. Eckhouse, attempts to tie together the broad policies and interrelationships that exist among the many ... The authors intend the text to supplement the typical case book and/or computer simulations used in teaching business strategy (ix). Situational analysis is presented, as is a structure for developing strategy. Practicality and real world experience is combined with educational theory to provide as complete a picture as possible of strategy in business. The authors have divided the text into 15 chapters with no further subdivisions. It is possible, however ... concludes with a discussion of opportunities and threats. Murdick, Moor and Eckhouse suggest that opportunities, like the environment itself, can be divided into immediate and long-term for the purpose of analysis. Immediate opportunities include new applications of existing products, new processes in manufacturing, and new and improved customer service (8). Threats that pose immediate problems may also pose extremely fragile environmental situations. Avoiding environmental threats requires long- term planning ...
3027: Israeli Palestinian Conflict
... Zionism is, but to a point there is agreement, it is upon three things: there should be a Jewish state; it should be permanent, independent, and secure; and Jews who are threatened anywhere in the world should be able to go there to be safe. All other issues--the boundaries of the state, the nature of government, relations with the Palestinians, relations with American Jews, religious law--are in dispute. It ... the circumstances in which Palestinians live if we are to understand their positions and actions. Second, there are about five million Palestinians. Like Americans, they disagree on political issues. They also change their minds as new circumstances develop. It is wrong to think Palestinians have a common view that remains unchanged. Their view changed considerably over the years. They view that the Israelis are taking the land rightfully theirs, and are ... very small percentage of this land was sold willingly by Palestinians. Most of it was confiscated, and is held to be for Jews only-not just Jews from Israel, but Jews from anywhere in the world. Many newly-arrived immigrants from the United States and Russia are given heavily financed housing in the settlements built on seized Palestinian land. By 1990, according to Israeli estimates, 83% of the water from ...
3028: Sociology
... author says that by examining these nations one may be able The book is divided into three partsPlaces the author tells where these countries started fromThe people of these countries had different outlooks on the world thus different behavioral tendenciesPart I is divided into five chapters each examining a countriesWoronoff begins Chapter 1 Japans Two Miracles by discussing Japans In 1853 when Commodore Perry opened Japans ports to foreigners It was ... Europe and the United StatesThese zaibatsu dominated industry and commerceThey manipulated politics to suit their own needsJapan soon began concentrating own building a War MachineJapanese War the country went into a recessionBut after the First World War Imperial Japan began growing up The war left Japan resouceless and heavily overpopulatedThe victorious Allies gave or rather imposed democratization The United States provided much financial supportJapans economy then began growing very fastThe Japanese ... a Dutch trading centerThen it became a part of the Chinese province of Fukien in 1683With this Chinese began immigratingThe Japanese realized the agricultural potential of the islandThey built roads railways and harborsAfter the Second World War the islands economy which had been based on exporting food and raw material to Japan was now greatly In 1949 when the Kumintang moved to the island so came over one million refugees ...
3029: The Life of Ludwig Van Beethoven
... a motivating force in that it challenged him to try and conquer the fate that was handed him. He would not surrender to that "jealous demon, my wretched health" before proving to himself and the world the extent of his skill. Thus, faced with su!ch great impending loss, Beethoven, keeping faith in his art and ability, states in his Heiligenstadt Testament a promise of his greatness yet to be proven ... to the standard forms likewise made it apparent that he had reached the limits of the high-Classic style. Having displayed the extended range of his piano writing he was also begining to forge a new voice for the violin. In 1800, Beethoven was additionally combining the sonata form with a full orchestra in his First Symphony, op. 2. In the arena of piano sonata, he had also gone beyond the ... piano concerto, duo sonata, piano sonata, and symphony. Having reached the end of the great Vienese tradition, he was then faced with either the unchallenging repetion of the tired style or going beyond it to new creations. At about the same time that Beethoven had exhausted the potentials of the high-Classic style, his increasing deafness landed him in a major cycle of depression, from which was to emerge his ...
3030: Western Expansion Of The U.S.
International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United States. When the two colonial powers did meet ... What they had was the idea of "Manifest Destiny." Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States had the right to expand westward to the Pacific ocean. On the other hand, Mexico was a new country wanting to protect itself from outside powers. Evidence of U.S. expansion is seen with the independence of Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican- ...

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