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2941: National Constituent Assembly
... of the first and second Estate. However, many other people and groups, such as King Louis XVI, Nobles who had become emigres after losing their land, clergy who had refused to swear allegiance to the new state, loyal Catholics, the Sans Culottes and a rapidly growing republican movement, that were unhappy with the Constituent Assembly. It was in these later groups that the brewing discontent lay, but none shared a common ... who seized leadership of the French people, in the nation's time of need. The National Constituent Assembly originated from the National Assembly, and its purpose was to write a constitution that would create a new France, one that was based on equality, liberty and fraternity - a nation governed by the people, and for the people - where men are born and remain equal in rights. It was essentially dominated by members ... was abolished. In fact, France's financial situation was becoming worse, with prices of bread and flour at an all time high. The Constituent Assembly, eager to solve France's economic problem, brought in a new currency, called the Assignats. Effectively, each Assignat was an ownership right to a piece of land, a kind of collateral from the government. Most of the land had previously been owned by the Church, ...
2942: Divorce and Preschool Children
... parent-child relationship these stressful life events have been associated with adjustment problems in the child. Some of these stressful life events are variables of environmental changes. Some of the variables include moving to a new neighborhood or school where social skills are required to meet new friends. (Blaine, 1973) This can be especially difficult for the preschool child because they are still at the age where they are more involved with the parental relationships and less involved with peers. Even the smallest external stresses can further burden young children who are already frustrated by the separation of marriage. For instance I just enrolled a new child in my class, she was brought to my school as a result of a divorce situation. She has wet her pants every day since she has been here and her mom says that ...
2943: Multiculturalism 2
... are projected to arrive during the next century. In order for us to live together in the same society, we must sometimes be willing to overlook parts of our distant past in exchange for a new hope in the future. Our countries sense of nationalism and identity is based in our attitudes toward multiculturalism. This is one thing that separates us from the Americans or any other westernized country. In 1991 ... many aspects of its work. Many BDB publications are available in non-official languages-especially when it helps entrepreneurs to learn about the assistance that they can get to start or expand their own businesses. New Canadians: A Guide to Starting a New Business is a 30-page booklet that is available in Chinese and Spanish. It focuses on new Canadians, but it also addresses established members of ethnocultural communities. (Savisky 1996: 45) Another part of Canada' ...
2944: The Destruction of Red Tides
... blooms often result in dead fish washing up on beaches. From biblical times to present day this killer of marine animals and health risk to humans is affecting rivers and coast lines all over the world. Despite how long we have known about red tides there is not much we can do to stop them or determine where it will strike next. Certain blooms of algae are termed red tides when ... is misleading in the name. "Red tides are only occasionally red, also appearing as orange, brown, and even green. And they never occur literally as tides, which are the rises and falls of the sea." (New York Times: Aug. 27,1997) Some cases of red tides do not show any change in the color of the water at all. This makes a red tide very hard to predict or find. Red ... often occur when fresh water runoff creates a stratified surface layer above colder nutrient-rich waters. "heavy rains might have helped the red tides develop by pouring fresh water and nutrients into surrounding sea waters," (New York Times: Sept. 19, 1996) Fast growing algae quickly strip away nutrients in the upper layer, leaving nitrogen and phosphorus only below the interface of the layers, called the pycnocline. Many swim at speeds ...
2945: A New Day - Book Review
A New Day written by Margaret Johnson-Hodge was the first book I have read by a female black author. She became serious about writing when she attended a workshop with another writer Brenda Conno-Bey. She ... different social and financial backgrounds. Max had a master's degree in finance and was successful while Carol Anne was just a secretary, not career drive, but trying to find her way in the professional world. There meeting originated in an ice cream shop. This meeting was prompted by her daughter to whom this man was drawn the moment he saw her because of his longing for a little girl. Carol ... love her. Carol Anne must overcome her old wounds and become the person she didn't think she deserved to be and Max must learn to open his heart so they can both discover a new day. The moment I began to read this book, I could not find myself putting it away. From the first to the final page it was filled with nothing but pleasure from reading. Compared ...
2946: First Stand
First Stand Many issues plague the world today. Questions arrive about how people should live, who should control the most power, and many other questions that Americans have spent all their lives trying to answer. This isn’t an essay where I ... started? Because some power hungry dictator wants more space, money or natural recourses. I think that a lot of the wars that we have had in countries could have been prevented. Especially with all the new technology we have today. Back when it was George Washington leading his troops there probably wasn’t anything that could have stopped that. I think most of the violence in wars can be prevented by ... think this is a pretty dumb idea but it does have its good sides. Just like any other topic War has it’s ups and downs. Some people say that this next topic makes the world go ‘round. Money, and the distribution of wealth. Most people in the U.S are middle class, and in the world most are lower class like in countries in Bosnia and Serbia where everyone ...
2947: The Major Cause of the French Revolution
... of the French Revolution was the disputes between the different types of social classes in French society. The French Revolution of 1789-1799 was one of the most important events in the history of the world. The Revolution led to many changes in France, which at the time of the Revolution, was the most powerful state in Europe. The Revolution led to the development of new political forces such as democracy and nationalism. It questioned the authority of kings, priests, and nobles. The Revolution also gave new meanings and new ideas to the political ideas of the people. The French Revolution was spread over the ten year period between 1789 and 1799. The primary cause of the revolution was the disputes ...
2948: Corporate Finance
... acquisition strategy used in trying to find a suitable company to merge with. Advantages and disadvantages of the merger must be thought out, as well as many other important aspects, such as risk factors and new organizational structures that must be considered and closely monitored throughout all of the stages of the merger or acquisition. It is of these competitive strategies, mergers and acquisitions, as well as a recent case study ... single corporation. This is achieved when one company or business purchases the property or some other form of assets from another company. The result of this action is the formation of one corporate structure. This new corporate structure retains its original identity. An acquisition is a little different from a merger in that it involves many problems being "dissolved", and an entirely new company being formed. There are different ways for a merger or acquisition to take place. One obvious method involves the purchasing business making an absolute payment in cash or in company stock. Other arrangements ...
2949: The Zhou Dynasty
... feudal states anymore. Many of them had become larger and more powerful than the Zhou kingdom itself. 2 (See Appendix D1, D2, E4) The attempt to unify the country led to the start of a new era called the Warring States Period. During this period of time, many of the states formed during the Zhou dynasty competed against each other for power. I believe the efforts exerted by the Zhou to ... was a small and simple problem itself, but led to a series of events that caused much greater problems for the Zhou dynasty. The invasion triggered the movement of the Zhou capital eastward to their new capital at Luoyang. After the new capital was established at Luoyang, the Zhou lost control of many of its feudal states and lords. These attacks severely weakened the already decentralized government and the king’s power. The Zhou had left ...
2950: The Jeep
... the first Jeep, to the origin of the Jeep name, the models, and the companies and manufacturers, the vehicle has maintained its legendary status for nearly 60 years. By 1939 the US military needed a new, universal vehicle to replace the motorcycle and its other vehicles (such as the modified Ford Model-T), so they invited 135 different car companies to compete for a contract to build a new vehicle for the military. The vehicle had to meet certain specs, such as a payload capacity of 600lbs, a wheelbase under 75 inches, a fold-down windshield, a gross vehicle weight of fewer than 1200lbs ... Seep. This little vehicle was basically a MB with a boat tub on the bottom (with cut-outs for the wheels) and a PTO propeller. Seeps were not the most sea-worthy things in the world, but one highly modified Seep, called "Half-Safe," did manage cross the Atlantic in 1950 and then continued on to circumnavigate the globe. The CJ series began back in 1945 with the CJ2A. The ...

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