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2901: Mexico's Drug Trade
... United States' border. This approach was generally ineffective at reducing the supply of drugs indicated by the 5 to 15 percent of drug imports seized annually. Furthermore, traffickers effortlessly adapt to such disruptions by using new smuggling innovation and routes (Handbook 1). In the 1980's, for example, the notorious Colombian Cali Cartel used the Caribbean Islands, Miami, and the surrounding Florida Keys as a haven for their drug trafficking operations ... the FBI, the Department of Justice Criminal Division (DOJ), and respective U.S. Attorneys in every state along the Southwest Border are coordinating both intelligence and manpower resources against the Mexican drug groups. Also, three new binational Border Task Forces have been established and will focus on the principle trafficking organizations. Senior personnel of the DEA, FBI, and DOJ Criminal Division serve on a U.S.-Mexican Plenary Group, working to ... increased involvement in Mexico’s domestic affairs (Boaz 102). The United States needs to formulate a concrete method for determining criteria that will establish countries as certified or decertified. Two fundamental changes are needed. First, new legislation should abandon the use of thumbs up or thumbs down analysis in determining certification of a country. Instead, analysis should focus on getting a careful, multidimensional analysis of the drug problems facing different ...
2902: Interview With An Alien
... Alien Ida Kannenberg, an elderly lady, lives in Hillsboro, Oregon, where she and her husband own and operate a successful antique shop. Although she is now nearly [eighty], she continues to travel all over the world searching out and buying antiques for their shop. She is highly energetic, well- educated, and interested in a wide variety of subjects. Mrs. Kannenberg's first physical UFO encounter took place in 1940, during a ... crossroads of human endeavor. I do not mean anything so simplistic as a single crossroads, but a convergence of many roads, each seductive in itself. A compromise must be made and maintained if the current world civilizations are to endure. The compromise must react onto many levels of human activity. World government leaders are struggling to find compromises on a political level, but the every day people of the world must find hteir own ways of compromise on an individual level, such as levels of ...
2903: The Leaf-Cutting Ants
... belong to the family called Formicidae, the family of ants (Hoyt. 1996). The leaf cutting ant belongs to the genus called Atta. There are fifteen different species of Atta and all are limited to the new world (Holldobler & Wilson, 1994). The leaf-cutter ant looks pretty much like a regular ant in North America except that it is a little bigger than most ants. Looking at the ant in the untrained eye ... of about 15 kilometers at a velocity of 26 kilometers an hour. Each successive mile (to convert to familiar Anglo-American sports distances) is covered in 3 minutes and 45 seconds, about the current human world record. The forager picks up a burden of 300 kilograms or more and speeds back to the nest at 24 kilometers an hour – hence 4 minute miles (Holldobler & Wilson, 1994). The queen is the ...
2904: Welcome To The Monkey House
... lost. The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas. The source of better ideas is wisdom. The surest path to wisdom is a liberal education." The only way that the ideas of this world that are deemed bad are going to go away is if we are allowed to see them and change them. If we are not allowed to see what is "bad" then our society will never ... be however a presumption that all speech is protected from censorship in that the censor always has to prove and to persuade the people that the speech is bad. In this way it is using new and better ideas to eliminate the bad ideas. The speaker should not have to prove every time that an individual challenges his/her speech that it really is good. The proof has to be that ... The abuse dies in a day, but the denial slays the life f the people, and entombs the hope of the race" This quote had an excellent point in the case against censorship. To discover new ideas and the truth of life we need to be exposed to new thoughts, and different thoughts. If we always saw the same thoughts over and over we could never expand; we could never ...
2905: Small Pox
... the adult virion to start the attack on the body. Smallpox attack with no warning. There are several painful symptoms that are brought upon by this disease. In most of the cases, symptoms in a new victim will occur ten to twelve days later. Patients will develop chills, high fever, and nausousness. The fevers may reach up to 105 degrees farenht. In three or four days later a rash erupts and ... with small pox. This was his inspiration to discover a method to prevent the suffering of small pox victims. The news of this marvelous development spread quickly and it was soon used widely around the world. During the 1800's many countries required everyone as a law, to receive the vaccine. It was recognized that the vaccine was the best quality and the disease continued to spread. The vaccination contained the ... of a chicken pox virus. Vaccinations only work depending on ones immune system if it is weak the vaccine will not take. The number of small pox infected countries gradually decreased. " In April 1978, WHO ( world health organization) officials announced the world's last known case of naturally occurring small pox had been found in Somalia in October 1977" ( Fetzer 513). When small pox it the world it came down ...
2906: Candide
Voltaire's Candide is the story of an innocent man's experiences in a mad and evil world, his struggle to survive in that world, and his need to ultimately come to terms with it. All people experience the turmoil of life and must overcome obstacles, both natural and man-made, in order to eventually achieve happiness. In life, "man ... Voltaire believes that people should not allow themselves to be victims. He sneers at naive, accepting types, informing us that people must work to reach their utopia (Bottiglia 93). In Candide, reality and "the real world" are portrayed as being disappointing. Within the Baron's castle, Candide is able to lead a Utopian life. After his banishment, though, he recognizes the evil of the world, seeing man's sufferings. The ...
2907: Methods of Execution
... another's life is generally seen as an unforgivable act which is punishable with death. When this is done as punishment however, it is seen as an honorary deed by removing this criminal from the world and making it a much safer place to live. With executions in mind, it is incredible what ingenious methods can be thought of by the human brain and the fact that the idea is centered around the murdering of one man does not even change how prodigious these innovations are seen to be. Many different techniques and procedures for execution are used throughout the world revealing much about a country's culture and their concern for their citizens. By far one of the most well known and publicly glamorized of all methods of execution is electrocution. Present in nine American states, it was first used in New York in 1890. When a condemned man is scheduled to be executed, he is led into the death chamber and strapped to the point of immobility into a reinforced chair with belts crossing his ...
2908: Grapes Of Wrath 3
... the Joad's. They couldn't be very happy at what they had. They where a very proud family and wanted to get away and show everyone that they could do some good in this world for themselves. 2. Who are the members of the Joad family unit that set out for California? Briefly state what happens to each of them. Ma, Pa, Ruth, Winfield, Uncle John, and Rose of Sharron ... prolong the mans life. She was always selfish, and I still think she was at the end. I don't blame Connie for leaving her. Al left with his fiancee named Aggie, to start a new life with her. Tom left to become another Jim Casey. He knew what the power of groups could do, the listed to Jim, and knew that he could make a difference. Grandpa died, of natural ... though grandma had been dead for a few hours. Noah left early in the book, the said that he was going fishing and walked down a river. Flash, the family pet, got killed by a new car. The man at the gas station said he would bury it, I believe that he did. The car that hit the dog, slowed down, looked back, and sped off. Connie left, probably because ...
2909: Roberto Baggio
... a club in the serie C1 league. The fee was $500. The first season the coach of Vicenza was Cadθ, and he started the 15 year old Roberto in one C1 game. The next season, new Vicenza coach, Bruno Giorgi, used young Roberto in six league matches and he got one goal, the first professional goal of his career. On the 15th of February 1984 Roberto was called to make his ... first under 16 national game. On the ninth of January Roberto played his first national juniors game. On the third day in May of 1985 Vicenza sold Roberto to Fiorentina of the serie A. The world famous ponytail was first seen on the pitch in 1987. The following year Roberto really got noticed. With such a great year, he was called up in November 1988 for his first international match. At ... sold Roberto to rivals Juventus of Turin for a then record fee of 17 million dollars. Before Roberto made his first appearance for Juve, he was called to play for the Italian national team in world cup '90 in Italy. Roberto had a great first year in Juventus where he played in 33 matches in the 1990- 91 serie. In that same year his wife gave birth to their first ...
2910: Coming Of Age In Mississippi
... life of an African-American raised in the deep south during the civil rights movement . Although some parts played into the old stereotypes I heard over and over growing up , it did display a radical new breed for this period , a black , woman at that, fighting for her rights . It also gave us a look at what many sacrificied in order to acheive civil rights for all . I plan to explain ... is very competitive and driven to do well in school . This is the fuel which that will later feed her fire to participate in the "Movement" . This want for an education is also a rather new trait for black women of her time . She is already a sort of radical as a child and does not even know it . As she grows older her mother begins a relationship with a black man from town named Raymond . She talks of her mother being pregnant and her realizing of how babies are brought into the world . Anne describes her mother's mood swings and what I see as emotional depression while seeing Raymond and not living with him . Anne , her mother , brother , and sister eventually move into a house in ...

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