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2871: Abraham Lincoln
... In 1818 Nancy Hanks Lincoln died from milk sickness, a disease obtained from drinking the milk of cows which had grazed on poisonous white snakeroot. Thomas Lincoln remarried the next year, and Abraham loved his new step-mother, Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln. She brought 3 children of her own into the household. As Abraham grew up, he loved to read and preferred learning to working in the fields. This led to a difficult relationship with his father who was just the opposite. Abraham was constantly borrowing books from the neighbors. In 1828, at 19, he helped take a flatboat down the Ohio River to New Orleans. There Lincoln saw for the first time slaves being sold in the marketplace. Lincoln would work to end slavery for the rest of his life. The next year Lincoln made a second flatboat trip to New Orleans. Afterwards he moved to New Salem, Illinois, where he lived until 1837. While there he worked at several jobs including operating a store, surveying, and serving as postmaster. He impressed the residents with ...
2872: Great Expectations The Book Ve
... him in England, he returned anyway to tell Pip the truth about where all the money he received came from. Pip's attention became solely to taking care of Provis, who made a fortune in New South Wales and spent it all on making Pip a gentleman in London. Provis tells Pip and Herbert of Compeyson giving evidence against him just to save himself. In Provis' story Pip learns that Compeyson ... the written version is in a quaint village in England and then later in London, England. In the theatrical version Fin resided in the Gulf of Florida in the United States and then moved to New York, New York to pursue his art career. In the beginning of the film Fin is eight years old, opposed to the seven-year-old Pip, and is drawing fish that are in the water. Suddenly ...
2873: Western Films
... of the western film is the classic, simple goal of maintaining law and order on the frontier in a fast-paced action story. It is normally rooted in conflict - good vs. bad, man vs. man, new arrivals vs. Native Americans (inhumanely portrayed as savage Indians), cowboys vs. Indians, human vs. nature, civilization vs. wilderness, schoolteachers vs. saloon dancehall girls, villain vs. hero, lawman vs. gunslinger, social law and order vs. anarchy ... but the 'first real movie' or commercially narrative film that gave birth to the genre was The Great Train Robbery (1903) - it was a one-reel, 10-minute long film, shot on the East Coast (New Jersey and Delaware) rather than the Western setting of Wyoming. It was directed by former Thomas Edison cameraman Edwin S. Porter. Almost all the essential elements of westerns were included: good guys, bad guys, a ... in The Half-Breed (1919), and Buffalo Bill Cody in The Adventures of Buffalo Bill (1917). Thomas Ince was the first studio executive who embraced the western in the teen years, producing detailed scripts with new situations and characters for a vast number of classic westerns. Ince was responsible for discovering and bringing western actor/director William S. Hart to stardom - Hart emerged as one of the greatest Western heroes ...
2874: The Witching Hour
... thirteen generation's of Mayfair family secrets and incest; discovering that their intervention becomes a more complex-intertwining destiny. Our Antagonist Michael Curry, a 48-year old Irish man who had lost himself in a world in which he had accomplished his dreams, experienced his emotional pain, and yet he felt empty. Michael approached the rocks of the bay, thought of his life and emptiness, then he slipped and fell to ... much he deeply loved Rowan, he began to reminisce the images of his purpose; that certain elements and images of his childhood hinted him to return to the house he had been fascinated with in New Orleans as a child. Another major character of the story, Englishmen Aaron Lightner, was a part of an archaic organization known as the "Talamasca". Aaron studied a family called the Mayfairs in New Orleans, because his organization had believed the Mayfairs to be witches. He devoted his life to the history of the Mayfair witches, and his organization had compiled a history of the Mayfairs since the ...
2875: "Managemment of Grief" and "A Pair of Tickets": Women's Images
... time. She broke the tradition of not revealing and admitting to the feelings of love thus indicating that she disagreed with that tradition. A woman lost two sons and a husband in one day. Her world was shattered, all the dreams and hopes gone; but she still finds enough strength to comfort other people. It was pointed out many times in the story that everybody perceived Shaila as a very strong ... and educated woman who went through horrors of war period lost her family and was forced to give up the greatest possession of all - her twin daughters. She moved to a different country, acquired a new family but never did she stop searching for her daughters. As soon as correspondence between China and US was allowed again mother began her search (Tan 169). Every year until her death she wrote to different people (170) trying to find her twins. At the same time she was able to care for her new daughter and husband. Because of mothers determination families were reunited, sisters found each other. She, like Shaila, chose to deal with her grief alone and like her she've never given up hope. Even ...
2876: A Farewell To Arms - Love And
John Stubbs' essay is an examination of the defense which he believes Henry and Catherine use to protect themselves from the discovery of their insignificance and "powerlessness...in a world indifferent to their well being..." He asserts that "role-playing" by the two main characters, and several others in the book, is a way to escape the realization of human mortality which is unveiled by ... other is nearby. This is apparent also in that they can only successfully play their roles when they are in private and any disturbance causes the "game" to be disrupted. The intrusion of the outside world in any form makes their role-playing impossible, as evidenced at the race track in Milan, where they must be alone. The people surrounding them make Catherine feel uncomfortable and Henry has to take her ... When they are able to role-play together, "the promise of mutual support" is what becomes so important to them as they try to cope with their individual human vulnerability. He also analyzes the idyllic world introduced early in the story by the priest at the mess and later realized by Henry and Catherine in Switzerland. They fall fully into their roles when they row across the lake on their ...
2877: Jasmine: Taylor's Significance
... was my child; Taylor and Wylie were my parents, my teachers, my family." (p. 146) In addition, Taylor provided her the environments to live like an American, although she could not get use to the new kind of life, an more advanced life, and live under different culture. For example, "No window shades, no secrets. Barnard women were studying cross-legged on narrow beds, changing T-shirts, clowning with Walkmans clamped ... p. 159) As story goes on, she started trying to create her own living. "The love I felt for Taylor that first day had nothing to do with sex. I fell in love with his world, its ease, its careless confidence and graceful self-absorption." (p. 151) Her love toward Taylor at the beginning was simply a kind of love that she felt protected from a guy whose also a foreigner ... she saw the murderer of her husband, Prakash, as she described, she has came to realization that "He'd kill you [Taylor], or Duff, to get me." (p. 168) She made the decision to leave New York to Iowa to prevent the possible killing of Taylor and Duff., which her next stage of transformation begin. At the end of the story, she said "I've rehearsed this scene so many ...
2878: Stanley Renshons' High Hopes: Clinton's Actions
... dealing with many different types of situations, they are a person's goals. "Ideals are aspirations that are often easier to hold in the abstract than they are to live by the face of real-world temptations and disappointments" (41). I feel that one's ideals are obtained early on in one's life. In Clinton's experiences, those who influenced him and prepossessed his ideals the most were his mother ... the limits of government. In the recent past we have learned again the hard lessons that there are limits to what government can do-indeed, limits to what people can do. We live in a world in which limited resources, limited knowledge and limited wisdom must grapple with the problems of staggering complexity (66). I feel that this quote has more to do with Clinton protecting himself and all of his ... Clinton proposed that he was "a president who would return to traditional values and who, in discussing the importance of personal responsibility, seemed to be conveying an appreciation of the limits of government" (67). This new approach that Clinton swept his nomination away with, is commonly being referred to as a New Democrat. Through this approach Clinton believed he understood the limits of government, but, upon gaining office he attempted ...
2879: The Indian Awakening in Latin America
... was forced upon many of the Indians when the European, mainly Spanish, ideologies were forced upon the Indians. The church claimed to want to help them to enrich thier lives and help their communities. The new church soon forced the natives to work for many days without any pay. The impression of the church was forcfully imposed on them in many ways. The Europeans believed that the Indians were not equall ... which was integrated with dominance. The dominance which was imposed on the Indians of Latin Americans when the Spanish settlers arrived, stripped the Indians rights to have the freedom to choose their own religion. The new schools and the ideologies were also forced upon the Indians when the Spanish invadeed their lands. These new schools did not teach the continued traditions that are important to the cultures and the values important to the Indians. The new schools do not teach them how to continue to live in harmony ...
2880: Jeremy Rifkin's "The End of Work"
... transport industries by further reducing the global labour force. Unlike the past, two industrial revolutions where industrial technologies replace the physical power of human labour, the third revolution (The Information Age), at present, is contributing new computer based technology which are involving into thinking machines. These thinking machines will evolve to the extent that eventual the human mind will be replaced in all economic activities. In particular, advancements in computer technology ... this, training employees in multi-level skills, shortening and simplifying production and distribution processes and streamlining administration. One example of this is the global auto industry which is reengineering it's operation and investing in new labour displacing information technology, related industries are doing the same, eliminating more and more jobs in the process. It is Rifkin's belief that it is technology that is taking jobs away from people. He ... to replacement by machines." (Rifkin p.5). He shows us that this global unemployment effects those who are in agriculture industry, "nearly half the human beings on the planet still farm and land. Now, however, new breakthroughs in the information and life sciences threaten to end much of outdoor farming by the middle decades of the coming century." (Rifkin p.109). Just to show us how widespread this problem is, ...

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