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2851: Augustus Caesar
Augustus Caesar, the Rome's first true Emperor was the historical figure who had the greatest impact upon the western world between the dawn of civilization and the end of the middle ages. Augustus Caesar (31B.C. - 14 A.D.) was originally named Gaius Octivian, the name Augustus was granted by the Roman Senate, which means ... to Rome. Augustus raised an army of his own to fight Antony. The battle took place in Actium, and Augustus won the battle. In addition, Egypt was also conquered by Augustus and it became a new territory of Rome. "Augustus's overall policy was to keep the military establishment at the minimum necessary to ensure peace within the empire and guard the frontiers" (Scarre, 24). The senate realized Augustus' power and ... had rebuilt eighty-two different structures, including roads, aqueducts, temples and buildings with remarkable work of art created a classical style. Most of them were constructed of hard stones and bricks. There was also grandiose new buildings: "the Theatre of Marcellus, the Temple of Apollo on the Palatine, the Horologium or sun-dial, the great circular Mausoleum, and the massive Forum of Augustus with its Temple of Mars Ultor 'the ...
2852: Feminist Backlash: The Unconscious Undermining of Genuine Equality
... were necessary. Modern feminists have lost touch with American women and “unconsciously undermined genuine equality”. It is no wonder why men and women try to distance themselves from feminism. Long before Europeans came to the “new land” with their Judeo- Christian ideology, patriarchy was the exception not the norm. Women, their bodies, and ability to give birth and nurse children were adorned. Women did eighty percent of the hunting until the ... however, no one is without blame. Many women, however, do not feel helpless. In one of Fox-Genovese's interviews with women, she writes of Maggie, who moved, with her husband, to a ranch in New Mexico. They split the work “traditionally” and Maggie was not enjoying her job. She discussed the situation with her husband who understood her dislike for the monotonous work. She joined him and the other male ... Female in America (1994), mentions girls are “ derailed” and kept from aspiring to their potential. This is not untrue, but boys are in a similar predicament. The most important fulfilling and difficult job in the world is parenthood. Men/boys until recently have been taught by society that fatherhood was the least important aspiration. Men and women are born to nurture their children; this gift when stolen from men put ...
2853: Porgy and Bess
... Desylva. Unlike "Shuffle Along" this play had white performers in blackface, which was the norm on Broadway at the time. The play was yanked after opening night after terrible reviews. Charles Darnton of the Evening World found the Gershwins piece "the most dismal, stupid, and incredible blackface sketch that has ever been perpetrated." Critics ignored Gershwin's operatic endeavors but the play and its revival "135th St." showed that Gershwin had been interested in the creation of a black-themed opera some thirteen years before Porgy and Bess. In the mid 20's, Gershwin expressed interest in a new novel about black life called Porgy, written by Dubose and Dorothy Heyward in 1924. When Gershwin suggested to Heyward that they write a musical version, Heyward objected, since he and his wife were embarking on ... of the play's possibilities. He wrote to Dubose Heyward again in 1932, expressing his continued interest. "I am about to go abroad in a little over a week, and in thinking of ideas for new compositions, I came back to one I had several years ago- namely, Porgy, and the thought of setting it to music. It is still the most outstanding play that I know about the colored ...
2854: Nuclear Energy 2
... wrote, "One pound of plutonium-239, distributed to the lungs of a large population, could cause between ten and fifteen million lung-cancer deaths" (32). Plutonium is rapidly becoming more and more common throughout the world because it is being produced all the time in nuclear reactions. The Nuclear Control Institute, in Washington D.C., published a paper on the Internet describing the problem of plutonium production. By the turn of ... needed to build a Nagasaki-type bomb. The amounts will continue to grow rapidly. By 2010, there will be 550 tons of separated plutonium in commerce, more than twice the amount now contained in the world s nuclear arsenals. By that time, Japan will have acquired an amount of plutonium equivalent to the present U.S. military stockpile. ("The Problem", 2) The quote above has a few hidden statements behind it ... a great problem. For instance, anyone can purchase a copy of "The Los Alamos Primer" for approximately twenty-three dollars. This book details the work of scientist who participated in the Manhattan Project tests in New Mexico. Inside the book, a terrorist could find the amount of uranium needed to create a successful nuclear explosion. In addition, the book details the different types of nuclear bombs and how to construct ...
2855: Aphrodite
... the Urania, although they follow the formal laws of a later period" (646). Although they originally followed Near Eastern models, the statues of the goddess and other deities in Greece were soon "assimilated into a new and unmistakably Greek idiom" (Honour and Fleming 97). By the 4th century B.C., Aphrodite had been transformed from an aloof, unapproachable goddess to one who was more human than divine. Praxiteles, a sculptor who lived during the early fourth century, was an important figure in this revolutionary new style. Praxiteles depicted Aphrodite in more flexible poses than ever before. In his statues of the goddess, it is apparent that he was striving for a high degree of realism. He was keenly aware of ... theme in both Greek and Near Eastern portrayals of the goddess is the gesture of "offering the breasts." In this gesture, the goddess cups her breasts with her hands, as if offering them "to the world in a timeless sacred gesture, a reminder to all that it is through the breast that life is nurtured" (Getty 38). Various Greek statues of the goddess show this gesture (Getty 70). In addition, ...
2856: Sheldon's If Tomorrow Comes: Hardships of Tracy Whitney
... main character has a near perfect life (at least in the beginning). She is going to marry a very wealthy man, has a great job and many other things that make life worth living. Her world enters oblivion when she goes to New Orleans to attend her mothers surprising funeral. In New Orleans, Tracy learns that her mother's death was actually a suicide. When she tries to clear her mother's name, she ends up going to prison. Tracy receives a full pardon for saving ...
2857: The Odyssey The Role Of Prophe
... trials (323-324); Circe also later tells Odysseus the route he is destined to take home, and the trials he will face (349-350); through Calypso, Zeus prophesies that Odysseus will return to the "civilized world" on Skheria after twenty days at sea (364). A general relation between a character s traits and his heeding of prophecies can be seen when the prophecies are divine instruction. If the character follows the ... advice is offered not because a man is prosperous but because he is worthy. Therefore, if a man is worthy, he will repeatedly receive advice, and vice versa. How is a man worthy? By being brave, honorable, true, and following the gods advice! This relation is strictly a generalization, but can be applied to the other types of prophecies as well. The generalization helps us characterize the prophesees by their heeding of the prophecy. On the negative side, Aigisthos was slain because he didn t heed the gods warning; this makes him unworthy, which means he wasn t brave, honorable, etc. The suitors repeatedly ignored the omens of the gods and Halitheses s prophecy; therefore they were unworthy and deserved to die, etc. On the positive side, because Odysseus is worthy he is ...
2858: Coming Of Age In Mississippi
... life of an African-American raised in the deep south during the civil rights movement . Although some parts played into the old stereotypes I heard over and over growing up , it did display a radical new breed for this period , a black , woman at that, fighting for her rights . It also gave us a look at what many sacrificied in order to acheive civil rights for all . I plan to explain ... is very competitive and driven to do well in school . This is the fuel which that will later feed her fire to participate in the "Movement" . This want for an education is also a rather new trait for black women of her time . She is already a sort of radical as a child and does not even know it . As she grows older her mother begins a relationship with a black man from town named Raymond . She talks of her mother being pregnant and her realizing of how babies are brought into the world . Anne describes her mother's mood swings and what I see as emotional depression while seeing Raymond and not living with him . Anne , her mother , brother , and sister eventually move into a house in ...
2859: The Last Of The Mohicans
... enjoyed the mysteriousness and exoticness of the frontier. He favored the use of emotions over reason. Through his romantic writings, Cooper is able to captivate the reader and led them on journey through his imaginary world. The setting in The Last of the Mohicans exhibits Cooper s historical romantic writing. The novel takes place in the American frontier. It is a place of wild and virgin nature. (Roundtree 52) The immense ... wild life under the open sky sweeps over him. In some mysterious way Cooper makes us feel his environments, and catch to the full all that they hold of mystery and romance. It is a new world that he takes us into, with a language all its own. We are permitted to learn the alphabet of this language We are taught to catch the sounds of wild life in the woods; ...
2860: GI Joe As A Role Model
... and situations they created ran their day and formed their thoughts of the ideal man. GI Joe’s physical build was looked upon as the perfect male body, with a muscular, suave look and a brave and violent temperament. This stereotypical property is a downside to the figure since it molds the views of young children in this negative way. The GI Joe was a very important piece in many young ... and imagination, which is one of the most important factors that mold a child into a grown adult. GI Joes’s symbolized the general census of the public that men should be physically strong and brave in physical encounters. Young boys saw the muscular build of the action figures and related that to the optimal shape that a man’s body should be. GI Joe’s are similar to Barbie dolls ... a young boy’s belief of what the perfect man should look like. The same characteristic is true about the actions that GI Joe’s were expected to carry out. GI Joe’s were fearless, brave men whose mission in life was violence. When young boys played with these figures, this was usually the common role their concocted scenes would fall under. Violence and death, sounds like a pretty bad ...

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