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2831: Arianism
... we shall better grasp its meaning if we term it an Eastern attempt to rationalize the creed by stripping it of mystery so far as the relation of Christ to God was concerned. In the New Testament and in Church teaching Jesus of Nazareth appears as the Son of God. This name He took to Himself (Matt., xi, 27; John, x, 36), while the Fourth Gospel declares Him to be the ... hesitate to call himself. Synods in Palestine and Bithynia were opposed to synods in Egypt. During several years the argument raged; but when, by his defeat of Licinius (324), Constantine became master of the Roman world, he determined on restoring ecclesiastical order in the East, as already in the West he had undertaken to put down the Donatists at the Council of Arles. Arius, in a letter to the Nicomedian prelate ... veered with every wind. Some, like Eusebius of Caesarea, held a Platonizing doctrine which they would not give up, though they declined the Arian blasphemies. But many were time-servers, indifferent to dogma. And a new party had arisen, the strict and pious Homoiousians, not friends of Athanasius, nor willing to subscribe to the Nicene terms, yet slowly drawing nearer to the true creed and finally accepting it. In the ...
2832: A Tale Of Two Cities LA
... lecturer, and an editor. Dickens had a remarkable mental and physical energy. This led to involvement in many organizations until 1865 when Dickens health started to decline. In 1870 Dickens died of a stroke. The world remembers him as one of the best authors in history. In two basic locations the story takes place. The main action is in England and France during the French revolution. The action begins in 1775 ... insolent, indifferent, alcoholic lawyer. He loves Lucie, but knows he is unworthy of her. Carton once had a promising future, but his life went downhill. Carton is an unhappy man on the outside and a brave and heroic man on the inside. He dies for Lucie, in the place of Darney in the end of the story. "Carton to be about thirty when he goes to the guillotine, but he is ... best way to write a story. For these reasons A Tale of Two Cities is not a book for people who are not die hard readers. Works Cited. Dickens, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities. New York, New York: The New American Library of World Literature, Incl., 1936.
2833: Adolf Hitler: Ruthless Leader of Germany
... be a painter (Smith 29). This rejection crushed him, as he now had nowhere else to go. I like to speculate what would have happened if he had been accepted into the academy. Would the world have been spared World War II? While living in Vienna Adolf made his living by drawing small pictures of famous landmarks which he sold as post cards. He wasn’t successful and didn’t make any money. He was a regular reader of a small paper that claimed the Aryan race was superior to all and was destined to rule the world. The paper regularly blamed Jews for all the economic problems and Adolf agreed with its views. Adolf continued to live poor in Vienna until 1913 when he decided to move to Munich, Germany (Smith ...
2834: P. T. Barnum
... good store. Although, sadly, in 1826 Barnum's father died. The fifteen year old was the family's only means of support. His father's store changed hands and he went to work for the new owner. Around this time Barnum met Charity Hollet. Charity and Barnum soon got married in 1829 when Barnum was 19. Charity was a devout Congregationalist. With his new bride beside him Barnum set out to make a name for him in business. Like his father he juggled several jobs. He bought his own store in Bethel, he started a newspaper, and he ran a lottery. Much to Charity's dismay Barnum adopted a new religion, Universalism, which offered what he called a more "cheerful" Christianity. Barnum was strongly opposed to the involvement of the Congregationalist church in local politics. In 1831 he used his newspaper to attack a ...
2835: Australia
... and write (1980 est.). English is the official language, with modern Australian English a conglomerate of British, American, and their own phraseology and spelling. Because Australia is one of the most multicultural nations in the world it is possible to find vibrant ethnic communities using almost every other world language.Australian school children have the highest rate of learning Asian languages, particularly Japanese and Chinese, of any industrialized western nation - in recognition of their future as a member of the Asia-Pacific region. Labor ... as the Governor-General of Australia, and the Governors of the six states). Australians are debating whether their country should become a republic, give up ties with the Queen, revise the constitution, and adopt a new flag. Members of the Federal House of Representatives are elected for three years, and national elections were last held in March, 1993. Lower-house elections, thus, are due no later than mid-1996, but ...
2836: Coming Of Age In Mississippi
... life of an African-American raised in the deep south during the civil rights movement . Although some parts played into the old stereotypes I heard over and over growing up , it did display a radical new breed for this period , a black , woman at that, fighting for her rights . It also gave us a look at what many sacrificied in order to acheive civil rights for all . I plan to explain ... is very competitive and driven to do well in school . This is the fuel which that will later feed her fire to participate in the "Movement" . This want for an education is also a rather new trait for black women of her time . She is already a sort of radical as a child and does not even know it . As she grows older her mother begins a relationship with a black man from town named Raymond . She talks of her mother being pregnant and her realizing of how babies are brought into the world . Anne describes her mother's mood swings and what I see as emotional depression while seeing Raymond and not living with him . Anne , her mother , brother , and sister eventually move into a house in ...
2837: John the Baptist
... his father, Zechariah, by the angel Gabriel. It was a miracle that Elizabeth, John=s mother, was able to give birth, since both of his parents were past the child-bearing years. John entered this world, with his parents knowing that great and powerful things were to come from their son. Although John was a tremendous prophet, he is rarely mentioned in our Christian teachings or in the Bible (Greenhough 71 ... in the desert. The Bible only states that Ahe came preaching in the Desert of Judea@(Matthew 3:1 NIV). Ray Smith implies that John went into the wilderness of the desert to find a new and living word of God, one that would speak to his own generation (83). He also declares in his book, A Voice in the Wilderness, that John spent a lot of time in the desert ... light which came from Jesus= face. John was the burning and shining light that made clear the path for Jesus. He was the earliest product of influence of the Great Light that would transform the world. John can be considered the first Christian, for he had the Holy Spirit in him since before birth, and he believed without seeing any miracles (Matheson 25-45). John was the last of the ...
2838: Comparing Hitler And Stalin In Their Rise To Power
Comparing Hitler And Stalin In Their Rise To Power During the period leading up to World War II, there were two men who were on opposing sides, the men were Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin. These men were each triumphant in their rise to power in their countries and they were very comparable in the ways that they succeeded. Their success was mostly attributed to their new ideas and their politics. Although Hitler and Stalin hated each other, the two leaders were similar in many ways. Hitler and Stalin each rose to the highest position attainable in their respective countries, and there were three main reasons that they were able to do this. Both men were skilled users of propaganda, each was amoral, and they both had the ambition to make their countries powerful in the world. Since each was a skilled user of propaganda, they could use their words to twist and manipulate the minds of people into believing that what they were saying was the absolute truth. Using this ...
2839: Alexander The Great
... were made up of soldiers who would serve for a limited amount of time and leave to go home. Philip’s army however, consisted of full - time, well - paid, highly skilled workers. Philip also developed new battle formations and new weapons for his armies. These weapons included catapults and battering rams on wheels. Philip then built an empire with his troops. Soon after coming to rule in 359 BC, he defeated large tribes to the ... 8,000 Tyrians were killed and 30,000 sold to slavery. Alexander’s victory over Tyre is sometimes considered the greatest military achievement. After that, the whole region surrendered to him except Gaza, where a brave Persian governor resisted for three months. Gaza suffered the same fate as Tyre did. Alexander next went to Egypt where they welcomed him as a leader because they hated the harsh Persian rulers. There ...
2840: Plagiarism
... people. For those people, before they start writing, the first thing they do is probably idea gathering, maybe looking for relate article on newspaper or magazine, look up some definition in the dictionary, check the World Wide Web, or even take a trip to the library. Often, they found what they are looking for, and before they know it, they start copying it, maybe a couple of word, few sentence, other ... fame. More often than not, these people copy the works of other writers without giving them credit; they use the copied work for their own self-fulfillment. In recent years, the use of computer and World Wide Webs (WWW) has become one of the main tools for writing and word processing. The commonly used copy and paste have just made plagiarize much more easily. But is copying the material on the ... later, it is only matter of time. The Webs This is word that have become popular only recent, it become more and more know as the computers and Internets are entering every household in the world. Web is also called The World Wide Web. It is a computerized systematic global information system using Internet as its transport mechanism. It is called web because everything on the Internet is link to ...

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