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2811: Natural Hierarchies in Society
... was the top person in the hierarchy, as constituted by nature and the universe (Aristotle, 560). I agree to some extent to these theories, as I don't believe that equality can exist in this world. Also, my background causes me to acknowledge and agree to these theories, as they are quite similar to the culture I was brought up in. However, despite agreeing to the theories in Politica, I have ... this is greatly frowned upon by the respectable elders in the Indian society as women are meant to do as their husbands say. This has been changing though, with the women coming up in the world. Now, women are allowed to do much more and have been granted liberty from the social norms of before. Living in Zambia, a postcolonial country all my life, I have seen a very real and ... lack of commitment to a job results in the job being done poorly. If one is not allowed to change between the class distinction they are born in, there may be no evolution in the world. Only the same sort of people will be in charge. The world will not be enlightened with new ideas and new perspectives of the world. The state will only be dominated with one class ...
2812: Study on Juvenile Psychopaths
Study on Juvenile Psychopaths What is the "super predator"? He or she are young hypercriminals who are committing acts of violence of unprecedented coldness and brutality. This newest phenomena in the world of crime is perhaps the most dangerous challenge facing society and law enforcement ever. While psychopaths are not new, this breed of super criminal exceeds the scope of psychopathic behavior. They are younger, more brutal, and completely unafraid of the law. While current research on the super predator is scarce, I will attempt to ... young people will be criminal in their behavior is moral poverty," Greenberg says. (3) According to the recently published "Body Count: Moral Poverty . . . and How to Win America' s War Against Crime and Drugs," a new generation of "super-predators, " untouched by any moral inclinations, will hit America's streets in the next decade. John DiIulio, the Brookings Institute fellow who co-wrote the book with William Bennett and John ...
2813: The Dead Sea Scrolls
... to study the many other aspects of Jewish legal material found at Qumran, including the nature of the sect, its structure, and its self-definition. Dr. Schiffman is Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at New York University in the Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and also in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literature. He specializes in the Judaism of late antiquity, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the ... Letter), the Zadokite Fragments, The Community Rule, and The Temple Scroll, in addition to various other scrolls and fragments found at Qumran. Historical Significance of the Hasmonaean Revolt As Greek culture spread across the known world in the third and second centuries BCE, the Jewish communities in the Diaspora and in Judea entered into a confrontation with Hellenism, which was to be debated fiercely as to the extent to which they ... With the help of the Syrian Pretender to the Selucid Throne, Alexander Balas, Jonathan the Hasmonaean appeared in the robes of the high priest on the Festival of Sukkot in the year 152 BCE. A new dynasty was born that would rule and remain in control until the coming of the Romans in the year 63 BCE. Undoubtedly, much of the Jewish population must have welcomed these changes. After all, ...
2814: The Society Is Flawed
... Marx entered the University of Berlin in 1835. His [Hegel] idea was that reality is not fixed and static, but changing and dynamic. Life is constantly passing from one stage of being to another; the world is a place of constant change. But Hegel did not believe the change itself is arbitrary. On the contrary, he thought it proceeds according to a well pattern or method, termed a dialectic, where reality unfolds, the contradictions are resolved and something new emerges; i.e. thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Marx became strongly influenced by the philosophy of Hegel and by a radical group called the Young Hegelian, who, at that time was attempting to apply Hegelian ideas tot ... the Rheinische Zeitung in Cologne, a liberal democratic newspaper, for which he wrote increasingly radical editorials on social and economic issues, and for which the paper was eventually banned in 1843. So, Marx, with his new bride, Jenny von Westphalan, moved to Paris. Marx continued his criticism of society, at which time he was also being influenced by the philosophies of Ludwig Feuerbach, who argued that God had been invented ...
2815: Steve Jobs
... got ride of the computer command lines that intemidated people from using computers. After resigning from Apple Inc., Jobs would continue challenging himself to develop computers and software for education and research by starting a new company that would eventually develop the NextStep computer. After school, Jobs attended lectures at the Hewlett-Packard electronics firm in Palo Alto, California. There he was hired as a summer employee. Another employee at Hewlett ... machine to a local electronics equipment retailer, who ordered twenty-five. Jobs received marketing advice from a friend, who was a retired CEO from Intel, and he helped them with marketing strategies for selling their new product. Jobs and Wozniak had great inspiration in starting a computer company that would produce and sell computers. To start this company they sold their most valuable possessions. Jobs sold his Volkswagen micro-bus and Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard scientific calculator, which raised $1,300 to start their new company. With that capital base and credit begged from local electronics suppliers, they set up their first production line. Jobs came up with the name of their new company Apple in memory of a ...
2816: Winston Churchill
... president of the Board of Trade. Winston's political missions became more and more important, in 1910 he became a member of the Admirality. In 1913-1914 Churchill completed British naval preparations for war. During World War Churchhill made some fatal mistakes in war strategy. This was one of the main reasons that he was removed from the Admirality when the Conservatives (many of whom now detested him) joined the government ... violently of Baldwin's Indian policy, which pointed toward eventual self- government. At the same time he warned against the ambitions of Nazi Germany and urged that Britain should match Germany in air power. As World War II drew nearer, his warnings were seen to be justified. When general war broke out in September 1939, Churchill was offered his old post of first lord of the Admiralty by Prime Minister Neville ... was invaded by Germany in the summer of 1941. The entry of the United States into the war at the end of the same year gave the Allies the advantage in greater resources. But the new shape of the alliance also meant that Britain's influence was bound to decrease as the USSR and the United States joined in with full power. Churchill was determined that the slaughter that he ...
2817: Roswell
... for the situation. The Army checked and found that, in fact, no secret projects had been performed in that location. Jesse Marcel and Captain Sheridan Cavitt decided to drive to the farm outside of Corona, New Mexico and look at the crash site for themselves. Upon seeing the crash site, they mutually decided that the wreckage was not from this world and that they must alert the Pentagon. The Pentagon already knew by this time what was happening in Roswell, and General Clemence McMullen told Roswell Army Air Field that they must cover up the whole ... was released that the 509th Bombardment group at Roswell Army Air Field had come into the possession of a flying saucer. The day after this newspaper was released many foreign countries began to call Roswell, New Mexico about the article, so a new article was released. This article said that the mysterious objects found on the ranch were really nothing more than debris from a high-altitude weather balloon, not ...
2818: The Plot Of Great Gatsby
Great Gatsby: The Plot Nick Carraway, the narrator, is a young Midwesterner who, having graduated from Yale in 1915 and fought in World War I, has returned home to begin a career. Like others at the time, he is restless and has decided to move East to New York and learn the bond business. The story opens early in the summer of 1922 in West Egg, Long Island, where Nick has rented a house. Next to his place is a huge mansion complete ... richer community of East Egg, where Tom and Daisy Buchanan live. Daisy is Nick's cousin and Tom, a well-known football player at Yale, had been in the same senior society as Nick in New Haven. Like Nick, they are Midwesterners who have come East to be a part of the glamour and mystery of the New York City area. They invite Nick to dinner at their mansion, and ...
2819: Can Knowledge In Itself Be Goo
... by anyone, is objective in nature. For example, at the exact instant a baby is born the parents and a few doctors that were present in the room all gain the objective knowledge that a new life has begun. However, almost immediately after the event the subjective mind takes over this newly acquired knowledge and begins to analyze and interpret it. The mother of the new born child may begin to think of the greatness that her new child will achieve and that perhaps it will discover a new cure for cancer. On the other hand a doctor in the room may take that same knowledge and begin to ponder how this ...
2820: Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia Geographically, Southeast Asia’s composition of islands and peninsulas resembles many of the world’s most highly economically developed areas such as Great Britain, Japan, South Korea, Italy and Taiwan; nonetheless, most of Southeast Asia lies in economic dispair. Southeast Asia’s tremendous ethnic diversity has hindered economic growth ... have naturally occurred, in this realm. For instance, it is improbable that without colonial intervention the 13,000 islands of and many diverse ethnic groups that inhabit them would have grouped together to become the world’s fourth largest country in terms of population. In Southeast Asia, despite an abundance of natural resources, colonialization stripped nations of their raw materials, discouraged industrialization and forced boundaries which fostered political unrest. The country ... Situated around the non-Burmese highlands, the urban focus of the state was Mandalay. However, when the British colonizers began developing the agricultural potential of the Irrawaddy Delta, the city of Rangoon emerged as the new heart of the colony. This new core area was surrounded by tremendous mountain on three sides. Dwelling in the forests of these mountain chains were eleven of the minority peoples of the country; consequently, ...

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