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2781: Study on Juvenile Psychopaths
Study on Juvenile Psychopaths What is the "super predator"? He or she are young hypercriminals who are committing acts of violence of unprecedented coldness and brutality. This newest phenomena in the world of crime is perhaps the most dangerous challenge facing society and law enforcement ever. While psychopaths are not new, this breed of super criminal exceeds the scope of psychopathic behavior. They are younger, more brutal, and completely unafraid of the law. While current research on the super predator is scarce, I will attempt to ... young people will be criminal in their behavior is moral poverty," Greenberg says. (3) According to the recently published "Body Count: Moral Poverty . . . and How to Win America' s War Against Crime and Drugs," a new generation of "super-predators, " untouched by any moral inclinations, will hit America's streets in the next decade. John DiIulio, the Brookings Institute fellow who co-wrote the book with William Bennett and John ...
2782: The Unabomber: Is He Serious?
... the start; his uncanny ability to set a pessimistic mood. From the minute you glance at the introduction, he, assuming the author is male, begins to paint a picture of destruction and demise of the world in which we live. What could cause such a catastrophe? According to the author, it would have to be industry and technology of all things. He was convinced that due to the industrial- technological system in which we live, ultimately humans are going to be subjected to world wide suffering and inevitably a total shut down of humanity. Now at this moment I felt a little disbelief. I had heard he was actually an intelligent person, but I was starting to wonder. His ... to that was that he may or may not use violence. Well, maybe he'll keep some details quiet, but I was sure he would release an approximate idea of how long he planned this new world revolution to last.. He wrote that it may be sudden or it may span decades. There were many things that made sense to me after reading that, for instance, if he was this ...
2783: Issues to Consider When Implementing a Corporate Code of Ethics
... 768-770). Due to a more informed and conscientous society, nearly 75% of all American corporations have implemented a corporate code of ethics (Cavanaugh, 1997, pp. 796-811). A company in today’s high tech world that is deciding whether or not to be socially ethical needs to consider the following: the cost of being ethical, conflicts between goals and values, and the models of ethical decision making as companies encounter increasing pressure from the public to be socially accountable for their actions. During the dawn of the new public awareness of social responsibility economist Milton Freidman (1997) argued that corporations cannot have social responsibility because they are not real, they are intangible and emotionless. Only human beings are able to have social responsibility ... seek the best solution from many alternatives (Behrens and Rosen, 1997, pp. 768-770). Company CEOs need to know how to make good decisions in tough ethical dilemmas. Many models are used in the business world to make good decisions. Three such models are: (1) Utilitarianism, (2) Theory of Justice and (3) Theory of Rights. Each of these models is drawn from the traditions of moral philosophy, and each has ...
2784: Great Expectations - The Book Verses The Movie
... him in England, he returned anyway to tell Pip the truth about where all the money he received came from.     Pip's attention became solely to taking care of Provis, who made a fortune in New South Wales and spent it all on making Pip a gentleman in London. Provis tells Pip and Herbert of Compeyson giving evidence against him just to save himself. In Provis' story Pip learns that Compeyson ... the written version is in a quaint village in England and then later in London, England. In the theatrical version Fin resided in the Gulf of Florida in the United States and then moved to New York, New York to pursue his art career.     In the beginning of the film Fin is eight years old, opposed to the seven-year-old Pip, and is drawing fish that are in the water. Suddenly ...
2785: Comparison Of Hitler And Stali
During the period leading up to World War II, there were two men who were on opposing sides, the men were Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin. These men were each triumphant in their rise to power in their countries and they were very comparable in the ways that they succeeded. Their success was mostly attributed to their new ideas and their politics. Although Hitler and Stalin hated each other, the two leaders were similar in many ways. Hitler and Stalin each rose to the highest position attainable in their respective countries, and there were three main reasons that they were able to do this. Both men were skilled users of propaganda, each was amoral, and they both had the ambition to make their countries powerful in the world. Since each was a skilled user of propaganda, they could use their words to twist and manipulate the minds of people into believing that what they were saying was the absolute truth. Using this ...
2786: A Critical Look At The Foster Care System
A Critical Look At The Foster Care System THE GROUP HOMES OVERVIEW Children entering the shadowy world of foster care are often assigned labels arbitrarily and on a bed-available basis. They may end up spending some time in conventional foster homes, only to find themselves shuffled through group homes, residential treatment ... facilities, mental hospitals and prisons. Scant attention is given to the needs of these children, and the conditions they are forced to endure are often far worse than those endured by prisoners in some third world nations. THE LABELING OF CHILDREN Kenneth Wooden, Executive Director of the National Coalition for Children's Justice, explained to a Congressional Subcommittee that there is little difference in the background and characteristics of children in ... there, they do not exist. Or else a stocked fishing pond is a mud pond," said Wooden. "The reception rooms for parents and State officials responsible for assigning children hold impressive architectural renderings of planned new facilities, most of which never manage to get constructed, most of which are faded by the Sun over the years," he said. In other words, it was all a grand facade intended to woo ...
2787: Antibiotic Resistance In Bacteria
For about 50 years, antibiotics have been the answer to many bacterial infections. Antibiotics are chemical substances that are secreted by living things. Doctors prescribed these medicines to cure many diseases. During World War II, it treated one of the biggest killers during wartime - infected wounds. It was the beginning of the antibiotic era. But just when antibiotics were being mass produced, bacteria started to evolve and became ... aureus. This bug is usually harmless but can cause an illness such as pneumonia. In 1967, another penicillin-resistant bacteria formed. It was called pneumococcus and it broke out in a small village in Papua New Guinea. Other penicillin resistant bacteria that formed are Enterococcus faecium and a new strain of gonorrhea. Antibiotic resistance can occur by a mutation of DNA in bacteria or DNA acquired from another bacteria that is drug-resistant through transformation. Penicillin-resistant bacteria can alter their cell walls ...
2788: African Colonialism
World Influence on the Modernization of Africa Developing Political Systems The way countries, nations or states act and base their policies on many times reflect what their past was like. This is very true in the ... was based on their interests and consequently this meant that the way of dealing with Africa in every way was based on Western traditionalists. To this we must answer the question how has the Western World affected Africa s present stage and what must be done to undo what is wrong and hopefully correct this situation. Africa first played a role in Europe s and the America s history when the ... not severely alter any decisions. In fact it was better for them if no group had a majority in a region because this would lessen the chance of a revolution. The peripheral countries of these new African boundaries usually did what the European core countries did. They wanted to enhance their status quo. The peripheral countries were heavily exploited. Their raw materials were taken from them relatively cheaply made into ...
2789: E.t.a. Hoffmann His Life, His
... the family image in society and always tried to avoid bad rumors about her and her family in the neighborhood. Because of the tensions between Hoffmann’s parents, his father took the chance of a new job offer in a different city and left his hysterical wife together with the two sons back in Koenigsberg. He filed for a divorce and became the custody over the older son Karl. In the ... and the overly Prussian discipline and repetitive character of his uncle who was administering every step and matters of the family, the only escape for the poor young Hoffman from reality had been the fantastic world of the Dream. It is obvious in his works, that Hoffmann had been overly influenced by the crazy childhood he had to live trough. We can find many relations in characters of his stories and ... Hoffmann, he developed his attitude towards mores and sexuality. Because his family did not agree of his relationship to an older woman, they forced him in 1796 to leave the city and to start a new position at the court in Golgau. Living in Golgau together with the family of his godfather Johann Ludwig Doerffer, he is being introduced to his cousin Wilhemine (“Minna”), with whom he was going to ...
2790: Victims Of Divorce
... the babies born today will spend some time in a one-parent family which occurred as a result of single parenthood or divorce" (Shiono and Quinn 15). This fact indicates that the future of this world will be in the hands of the people who have lived through at least one divorce. That's why, there should be more emphasis given to divorce and more solutions should be presented for the ... be held responsible to "maintain the childcare system while dissolving the marital system" (Furstenberg and Cherlin 28). "The child has no say in drawing up the contract by which he or she comes into the world. Since the parents have all the power in this transaction, they also have the moral duty of making sure the contract is fair to the child" (Little 1). The process of divorce and separation is ... her presence may be missed at home, if she has to work numerous hours to support the family. Children may also have to adapt to an apartment in an unfamiliar neighborhood, a different school, and new friends. This sequence of events occurs at a time when Children are greatly upset about the separation and need love, support and a familiar daily routine (Furstenberg and Cherlin 71). The living arrangements of ...

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