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Search results 2741 - 2750 of 22819 matching essays
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2741: All Quite On The Western Front
... novel. After Behm became Paul's first dead schoolmate, Paul viewed the older generation bitterly, particularly Kantorek, the teacher who convinced Paul and his classmates to join the military, feeling alone and betrayed in the world that they had left for him. Paul's generation felt empty and isolated from the rest of the world due to the fact that they had never truly established any part of themselves in civilian life. At boot camp, Himmelstoss abused Paul and his friends, yet the harassment only brought them closer together and ... lostness" from society as a result of war seemed to be a point presented often and possibly an experience of Remarque. Numerous times Paul found his unit to be separated from the rest of the world. He found no belonging to civilization but instead a brotherhood amongst his comrades in the military. The constant questioning of war and its values was presented very frequently and in fact may have included ...
2742: Csis
... HISTORY Canada did not always have a civilian security intelligence service like the CSIS. The first sign that Canada needed an organization or agency to collect intelligence was during the late 1930's between the world wars. It was the RCMP who first assumed this role in 1939 when there was a very small number of RCMP officers involved in monitoring threats to national security. It was not until 1945 with ... that the government realized the extent of espionage activities taking place in Canada. It showed that the Russians were interested in stealing military, scientific and technological information by whatever means possible. Just as the Second World War was winding down the "Cold War" was just beginning for Canada and other western countries around the world. The 1960's provided new challenges for the RCMP which had created a new section to deal with security intelligence issues. This section became known as the RCMP Security Service. These new challenges included ...
2743: Lyndon Johnson
... and ideas, many parts of society today would not exist.(Peter Lisagor, 148-152) "We have suffered a loss that cannot be weighed. For me, it is a deep personal tragedy. I know that the world shares the sorrow that Mrs. Kennedy and her family bear. I will do my best. That is all I can do. I ask for your help and God's," quoted Lyndon Johnson after the assassination ... Johnson announced a five hundred million-dollar budget cut and urged a strong civil rights bill. Both of these were previously proposed by Kennedy. Also, he proposed a national War on Poverty. This included creating new jobs and building up areas where the economy had faltered. This was approved by Congress without a problem. A new housing law provided five billion dollars in federal funds to help the needy buy houses and rent apartments passed in 1968. Congress also passed a tax cut for both individuals and corporations. (Peter Lisagor, ...
2744: What Is Radar
What Is Radar The word "radar" was invented by scientists of the United States Navy during World War II. The word comes from the first letters in the term "radio detection and ranging.""Detection," as used here, means finding an object or target by sending out a radio signal that will bounce ... reflected radio signals are really radio echoes. So he predicted that such echoes could be used to find the position and course of ships at sea. But nothing was dine about it until just before World War II. In 1935, Robert A. Watson)Watt and other British scientists developed a system of radio echoes that could detect approaching aircraft. This later developed into the radar system that proved effective against German air raids on Britain in World War II. An important step in making radar possible had taken place in the United States in 1925. The new idea was to send out the radio signals in short bursts, called Pulses. This ...
2745: Creative Writing - World War I: Letter Home
Creative Writing - World War I: Letter Home Dear Mum, How are you getting on? I hope that Dad's cold is better. Send my best wishes to everyone! I am writing to you from the barracks of our ... committed all sorts of atrocities in Belgium, such as butchering defenceless, innocent women and children, and also raping and pillaging. I cannot understand why anyone would not want to take their place in Kitchener's New Army; it makes me angry that cowards should be able to duck out of their responsibility to their country. The whole idea of conscientious objection seems absurd to me; it is just a front used ... can I get? I couldn't go and study books now, not after what I have seen and done. For four years, I have lived close to all of the friends I had in the world; the friends changed, but the camaraderie was always the same - now I have no-one in the world apart from you. The loss is not just my own. The country has been robbed of ...
2746: The U.s School System
... to be carefully managed. Police and Fire departments will need to be expanded. The last but definitely not the least will have to be when will they decide that there either needs to be a new school to accommodate the influx of children. If they do not decide to open a new school, they will definitely need to build new facilities at Oviedo High. The fact that the average class has around thirty students is just alarming, especially with all of the new in coming freshmen. Therefore, with more individual learning space I believe ...
2747: The Crucible 3
In Miller s, The Crucible, he describes a New England town in the midst of Salem witch-hunt hysteria during the late 1600 s. His play not only recounts the historic events but also specifically sheds light on the rationalization for this hysteria. In ... commentary he describes the intent of the Puritans particularly accurately. In one specific statement, he says they [the Puritans] believed, in short, that they held in their steady hands the candle that would light the world. We have inherited this belief and it has helped and hurt us. This statement proves itself to be particularly profound, for it manages to both accurately describe the actions of the Puritans, and relate it to our world today. To understand the implications of Mr. Miller when he discusses the Salem witchcraft trials as having an impact on our society, one must first completely understand the metaphor, and all of its implications. ...
2748: Model Train Building And Compu
The world of Model Train Building has grown greatly with the aid of computers and technology to enhance the fun of building. Technology has long been a part of Model Train building with the adding of lights, bells, and whistles to capture your interest and imagination. But with the latest generation of building comes the influx of technology and the computer. The computer brings along a new breed of builders who plan track layout, buy parts on the Internet, receive updated news, and chat with other enthusiast. The most notable difference that computers have brought to the world of Model Train building is in software programming. Now on the market there are numerous different packages of software that enable hobbyist in the “challenge” of real yard operations on a smaller scale. These ...
2749: Two Characters Add Mystery In
... provides mystery to the community of habitants of the island. The island throughout the play adds mystery to the lives of Miranda, and the people of Naples. Through Miranda lack of knowledge of the real world and the magical inspiration of Prospero, both Miranda and those of Naples find mysterious aspects in this island which they are on. Prospero living on the island for twelve years with his daughter, Miranda, and ... learned all that there is to know the island has brought her a gentleman whom at first sight is thought to be "A spirit?/ Lord, how it looks about! Believes me, sir,/ It carries a brave form. But tis a spirit." (I, ii, l 414-416). Knowing no better Miranda looks at this foreign figure before her as being a spirit. For in her mind he could simple be a gift from this island which she has spent twelve years. The island indirectly add mystery to Miranda in what life outside of the island would be like. In talking to Ferdinand he speaks of this world outside of the Island which is foreign to Miranda and in speaking of other woman Miranda with a sense of curiosity says " I do not know/ One of my sex; no woman's face ...
2750: Tuberculosis
... steadily decreased until 1986 when an increase was noted; TB has continued to rise since. Today, ten million individuals are infected in the U.S., as evidenced by positive skin tests, with approximately 26,000 new cases of active disease each year. The increase in TB cases is related to HIV/AIDS, homelessness, drug abuse and immigration of persons with active infections. How is TB Contracted? TB is a contagious or ... anti-tuberculosis drugs in the 1940s, the treatment of drug susceptible tuberculosis has become highly effective if administered and taken properly. Treatment no longer requires prolonged hospital stays. In many cases, a patient with a new case of TB can be treated at home. Others will enter the hospital to be placed on a medication program and to be isolated until the disease is controlled. When the person is no longer ... 1919, a research department was established at the hospital. When anti-TB drugs became available in the late 1940s, National Jewish was one of the first institutions to base its TB treatment program on the new chemotherapy, contributing refinements and developing combinations of drugs to overcome the problems of drug toxicity and resistance. Today, National Jewish is one of the world's leading centers for the diagnosis and treatment of ...

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