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2671: The Effects of Post-industrialism on the Political Economy of Western Europe
... economic growth in Western Europe during the post-war period until 1973 led to dramatic changes in the region's political economy. As advances in transportation and communication extended the reach of international trade into new areas of the world, as technological advances allowed establishment of manufacturing facilities overseas, and as European real wages climbed to unprecedented heights, the industrial base that had served as the foundation for rapid Western European growth in the 1950 ... no longer compete in traditional, large- scale industrial sectors. European successes have increasingly come from specialized, high value-added industry and from intelligent, flexible companies able to shift production quickly to capitalize on movements in world demand. The net result of these changes has been a transition to a post-industrial society, where the stable economic order of mass employment in large-scale industry has given way to mass unemployment ...
2672: Apathy
... Dole, I think he is making himself look older by speaking about certain issues we (young people) can not relate to. When asked to give an example the student stated, "he made a reference to World War I, I thought he was going to say he fought in that one too!" (www.mtv.com/chooseorlose). While Bob Dole is a isolated instance, many youthful voters feel that there is a ever ... are not the only ones who can use a hassle-full life as an excuse not to get involved. There is another major reason that young people feel isolated and set apart from the political world. For those who take the time to educate themselves, and to participate in what activities they can; they soon find that the major candidates have paid little, if any attention to the issues that effect ... if only menial support needs to be showed to young people to get them out to the voting booths, is that that all they will ever be showed by the candidates? When asked about this new question student, and mother of one child Rebecca Smitten said "its kind of a double-edged sword. I dont want to show support for someone whose has mentioned little about my issues, but I ...
2673: All Quiet On The Western Front
... novel. After Behm became Paul's first dead schoolmate, Paul viewed the older generation bitterly, particularly Kantorek, the teacher who convinced Paul and his classmates to join the military, feeling alone and betrayed in the world that they had left for him. Paul's generation felt empty and isolated from the rest of the world due to the fact that they had never truly established any part of themselves in civilian life. At boot camp, Himmelstoss abused Paul and his friends, yet the harassment only brought them closer together and ... lostness" from society as a result of war seemed to be a point presented often and possibly an experience of Remarque. Numerous times Paul found his unit to be separated from the rest of the world. He found no belonging to civilization but instead a brotherhood amongst his comrades in the military. The constant questioning of war and its values was presented very frequently and in fact may have included ...
2674: Louis Tanner of Destroying Angel and Rick Deckard of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: Importance to the Thematic Development of "moral men in immortal worlds" and Body Mind Invasion
... Angel and Rick Deckard of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep are important to the thematic development of "moral men in immoral worlds" and body mind invasion. Is Tanner a moral man in an immoral world? What is considered moral or immoral? We know from reading Destroying Angel that Tanner is a good person. Tanner is the type of person whom we say would "do the right thing" in certain situations. He's honest and honorable. If Tanner makes a promise, he keeps it. He made an agreement with Rattan, where Rattan would be shipped to New Hong Kong illegally in return for the name of the chain killer. Rattan is a drug dealer with a lot of money to waste. He's also the only person with the information to catch ... these years of taken drugs. Although they took the enhancers, they did not help in finding the chain killer. The only person that could help find the killer was Rattan. He was interested in the new process of the regeneration of limbs in New Hong Kong. This was a process where your natural limbs were actually grown back. Rattan would have rather died than have prosthetic limbs. The only person ...
2675: The Repressive Governments of Zamiatin's We and Orwell's 1984
... most startling effect of the United State's control of all actions is their regulation governing the sexual act. "The United State, having mathematically conquered hunger, directed its attack against the second ruler of the world, against love." (Richards 547) The immortal Well Doer decreed over one thousand years prior to the current time of the novel that, "A Number may obtain a permit to use any other Number as a ... by the mandated use of an altered form of the English language called Newspeak. As Orwell explains in his Appendix: "The purpose of Newspeak is not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc (English Socialism), but to make all other modes of thought impossible."(246) By limiting the choice of words available to a bare minimum, the language ... seem distant and detached from our perception of reality, how close really are we? Like in We, many people live and die by their schedules which must be followed to the most minute detail. During World War II, our own government, the supposed bastion of freedom, detained thousands of Japanese- American citizens simply because their parents were born in the wrong country. Americans are required to have We-like Social ...
2676: Mp3 Argument
... never heard it before - exactly as it would sound in the artist’s recording studio. Among other things, we have digital audio technology to thank for that. But we have recently been presented with something new that some may give thanks for - Moving Picture Experts Group Technology, Layer-III, better known as MP3. To those “outside” the complicated world of the Internet and technology, MP3 probably will not ring any bells. But anyone who has accessed the Internet or skimmed through any popular magazines lately will likely recognize MP3 and the propaganda surrounding it. I do not want to bombard you with numerous technological terms, but a brief explanation is necessary in order to understand arguments surrounding the issue. MP3 is a new way to save, copy, and play audio files on a computer. The audio files are near CD-quality and take up very little space on a computer’s hard drive. Previously, high-quality audio ...
2677: Comparing Britain To Japan
In 1900 Britain was in many respects the world’s leading nation, enjoying a large share of world trade, a dominant position in the international money market, and possessing a far flung empire supported by the world’s most powerful navy. Japan was a complete contrast, sharing with Britain only the fact that it too was a nation of Islands lying off the shore of a major continent. Until the 1860s ...
2678: Diamonds Are My Best Friend
... imagination with anecdotes of Cal Ripken Jr. s remarkable streak, Ozzie Smith s amazing back flips, Pedro Martinez s menacing fastball, and the magical summer of 1998 when Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire mystified the world with their long ball heroics. Only in recent years have I begun to truly appreciate the game for what it really is. While some go to the ballpark to see home runs, popular players, or ... That s all. Just like any other game. However, this one was special, and meant so much more. Everyone went crazy. My father and I were cheering, as were all the baseball fans around the world. It didn t matter whether you were old, young, male, female, die hard baseball fan, or just an occasional sports viewer; this was history. In the midst of all the commotion, I sat down and ... season trade and excite St. Louis with three game winning hits in his first week with the team. I have seen fresh-faced kids from the minor leagues come out and light up the baseball world, and likewise, I have seen the games greatest marquee players sit and stare at a scoreboard that reflects their mishaps. Randomness is underrated, and in the game of baseball it happens almost daily. When ...
2679: The Crucible 3
In Miller s, The Crucible, he describes a New England town in the midst of Salem witch-hunt hysteria during the late 1600 s. His play not only recounts the historic events but also specifically sheds light on the rationalization for this hysteria. In ... commentary he describes the intent of the Puritans particularly accurately. In one specific statement, he says they [the Puritans] believed, in short, that they held in their steady hands the candle that would light the world. We have inherited this belief and it has helped and hurt us. This statement proves itself to be particularly profound, for it manages to both accurately describe the actions of the Puritans, and relate it to our world today. To understand the implications of Mr. Miller when he discusses the Salem witchcraft trials as having an impact on our society, one must first completely understand the metaphor, and all of its implications. ...
2680: Analysis Of Karl Marx And Comm
... a view [he] detested." The Hegelian doctrines exerted considerable pressure in the "revolutionary student culture" that Marx was immersed in, however, and Marx eventually joined a society called the Doctor Club, involved mainly in the "new literary and philosophical movement" who's chief figure was Bruno Bauer, a lecturer in theology who thought that the Gospels were not a record of History but that they came from "human fantasies arising from ... her coffin. Frederich Engels was the one who gave Marx and his family money to survive on during these years. His only other source of money was his job as the European correspondent for The New York Tribune, writing editorials and columns analyzing everything in the "political universe." Marx published his first book on economic theory in 1859, called A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. Marx's "political isolation ... t have the support of a right wing and feared that he would lose control to Bakunin. However, he was successful at expelling the Bakuninists from the International and shortly, the International died out in New York. During the next decade of his life, his last few years, Marx was beset by what he called "chronic mental depression" and "his life turned inward toward his family." He never completed any ...

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