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2631: Kerouac's On the Road: Living in Clip
... out. He did what Cassady (Dean Moriarty) was unable to do–translate the fugitive experience into . . . Action Writing"(Wolcott 132). In all of Mr. Kerouac's literary masterpieces, the framework and imagination used offer a world of fantasy like no other for the reader to ponder and explore. On the Road is a mystical utterance, carrying one down the road of humor, sadness, lust for life, and spontaneous decision-making; thus ... Road is very attractive. Here is a group of high-spirited young men running back and forth across the country (mostly hitch-hiking, sometimes in their own second-hand cars), going to 'wild' parties in New York and Denver and San Francisco, living on a shoe-string (GI educational benefits, an occasional fifty bucks from a kindly aunt, an odd job as a typist, a fruit-picker, a parking-lot attendant ... meaning of life, and an identity of his own until he stumbles upon all of "IT" at once. Dean is self-centered and arrogant when he abandons Sal in Mexico to marry a girl in New York. At this point, Sal realizes the priorities of himself and Dean have changed, and "IT" becomes apparent. "IT" can be described as: "upstream battles against the current of time,"or the time in ...
2632: Jack London 2
... volumes of stories, novels, and political essays. London also spent the winter suffering from scurvy, and later returned to San Francisco in the spring. In 1899 London was starting to make headway in the publishing world, despite more than 250 rejections a year. London was married to Bess Maddern in 1900, with whom he had two daughters, Joan and Bess. With her as his inspiration, he followed the precept in a book be CO-wrote with Anna Strunsky, The Kempton-Wace Letters. London divorced Bess due to an affair with his "New Woman," Charmian Kittredge. In 1905 he married Charmian, who became the persona for many of his female characters and who avidly joined him on his many travel ventures. He encouraged her to a writings career ... and Japan. Later a piece called, "The War of the Classes" was published, which included his lectures on socialism. In 1907 London and his wife boarded a ship called the Snark, and sailed around the world. The great voyage was to last seven years and take Jack and Charmian around the world. The "Snark" was to cost an amount of $7000. The final bill came in at about $30.000 ( ...
2633: Hobbes And Sovereignty
... of government. One such philosopher was Thomas Hobbes, who went into great depth and detail on this subject of politics, in his incredible works The Leviathan. In this piece of literature, Hobbes describes a natural world that is void of any form of government or society, and explains how everyone in this world lives in constant fear and war. The awful imagery that Hobbes projects of this world of anarchy, which he calls a state of nature, is not left without an explanation of how its people may escape into a lawful society. Thomas Hobbes argues that in order for this escape ...
2634: Cooper Thompsons A New Vision
Cooper Thompson, in his article "A new Vision of Masculinity", discusses the stereotypical definition of masculinity. He demonstrates that there are good qualities in both male and female; he insists that boys should learn both qualities and combine them properly to from "new masculinity." Thompson opens the article with his experience in a suburban high school as a guest speaker. In the class discussion, he learns that the most degrading insult for boys is being called a "fag ... human traits are determined by both environmental and biological factors. Since environmental factors are potent enough to prevail over biological factors, boys of the twentieth century should learn about "being a man in a modern world." For example, they should learn to accept their vulnerability, to be gentle and cooperative, and to accept feminine qualities. However, the author suggested that keeping positive qualities of masculinity, such as courage and independence, ...
2635: Go Ask Alice
... am not sure exactly why but I guess because it shows how dangerous drugs can be. This book is based on a true diary of a young girl who got mixed up in the drug world. Alice bought a diary because she had a big secret that she could never tell any of her friends. It really only ended up being that a boy named Roger she was in love with ... pounds. I don't think that seven pounds is a big deal. On September 30th her father was invited to be the "Dean of Political Science at --------- ". She says that she is gonna become a new person by time she gets her new house and that it is gonna be so great. Good maybe now she will quit crying about her dull life. She says that she is gonna exercise every morning, eat right, clean my skin ( ...
2636: The Effects Of Television On A
Our generation has been raised in a technological advanced world and there has been definite controversy over many of these innovations that this new culture has brought. An innovation that has troubled the youth of America for many years is television. Although there is no certainty to eliminate this plug-in drug, there are many ways to control and ... television screen. It s little wonder that many children find difficulty learning to read. Another effect that television has on children is it decreases the time for children to develop speaking skills. Children may hear new words on a television show, but this is not the same as speaking. (Journal of Communication 66) If children are watching television then they are not spending time talking. Children usually learn to speak ...
2637: Allen Ginsberg
Allen Ginsberg Allen Ginsberg was born in Newark, New Jersey on June 3, 1926. His father, Louis Ginsberg, was a published poet and a high school teacher. His mother, Naomi, was a radical Communist, paranoid, psychotic, and died in a mental institution in 1956. Ginsberg also had a brother who became a lawyer in Paterson, New Jersey. Ginsberg’s childhood was very complicated. Ginsberg’s mother only trusted him and thought that the rest of the family and the world was plotting against her. Ginsberg attended Columbia college to become a lawyer as his father had planned. However, Ginsberg’s new crowd at Columbia did not encourage him in his studies, and he got ...
2638: Integration Of UMTS And B-ISDN: Is It Possible Or Desirable?
... third generation of mobile networks, is presently being specified as part of the European RACE technology initiative. The aim of UMTS is to implement terminal mobility and personal mobility within its systems, providing a single world mobile standard. Outside Europe, UMTS is now known as International Mobile Telecommunications 2000 (IMT2000), which replaces its previous name of Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication System (FPLMTS). [BUIT95] UMTS is envisaged as providing the infrastructure needed to support a wide range of multimedia digital services, or teleservices [CHEU94], requiring channel bit- rates of less than the UMTS upper ceiling of 2 Mbits/second, as allocated to it in the World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC) '92 bands. UMTS must also support the traditional mobile services presently offered by separate networks, including cordless, cellular, paging, wireless local loop, and satellite services. [BUIT95] Mobile teleservices requiring higher bit ... from the existing Global System for Mobile telecommunication. (GSM, formerly standing for Group Special Mobil during early French-led specification, is now taken as meaning Global System for Mobile communications by the non-French-speaking world.) GSM is currently being introduced on the European market. This option has the advantage of using already-existing mobile infrastructure with a ready and captive market, but at the expense of limiting channel bit- ...
2639: Aids--Cause And Effect
By: Anonymous In 1981, a new fatal, infectious disease was diagnosed--AIDS (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome). It began in major cities, such as New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and San Francisco. People, mostly homosexual men and intravenous drug users, were dying from very rare lung infections or from a cancer known as Kaposi’s sarcoma. They have not seen ... Magic Johnson, the feeling spread quickly that anyone, not just particular groups of people, could be at risk. AIDS impairs the human body’s immune system and leaves the victim susceptible to various infections. With new research, scientists think that the disease was first contracted through a certain type of green monkey in Africa, then somehow mutated into a virus that a human could get. AIDS is a complicated illness ...
2640: The Colorado River
The Colorado River Geographers can tell you that the one thing that most rivers and their adjacent flood plains in the world have in common is that they have rich histories associated with human settlement and development. This especially true in arid regions which are very dependent upon water. Two excellent examples are the Nile and the ... and railroads linked several areas with neighboring regions. Although the Colorado River drainage system was still not integrated. In the mid 1900's many dams had been built to harness and use the water. A new phase of development occurred at the end of the second World War. There was a large emphasis on recreation, tourism, and environmental preservation. The terrain of the Colorado River is very unique. It consists of Wet Upper Slopes, Irregular Transition Plains and Hills, Deep Canyonlands, ...

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