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Search results 2581 - 2590 of 22819 matching essays
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2581: My Job at E-Dak
... a comfortable "big-six" accounting position to work for a 30-person start-up. It was a tremendous gamble, but my choice came down to whether I wanted to continue performing repetitive audits or face new challenges at E-Dak Dynamics, and in the process help to change the world. Working for E-Dak places me at the epicenter of one of the world's most dynamic industries: telecommunications/ networking. Although I knew little about E- Dak's domain of fiber-optics, I felt strongly that my fate rested in the trenches of Silicon Valley, in an industry ...
2582: Utopian Societies-The Impossible Dream
... A utopia is a place of ideal perfection for all people especially in laws, government, and social conditions. A utopian society is an impossible goal because "it is an impractical scheme for social improvement."(Langenscheidt, "New College English dictionary 1302) It would fail in many areas due to different ideas and beliefs by people that would live in this society. These areas could be government, religion, economy, as well as personal ... type of government would be able to prevail, due to the opposition by certain people under that particular rule. Religion is probably the ultimate destroyer for the possibility of a utopian society. Think of the world today, there are hundreds if not thousands of religions throughout the world. Can you imagine the world consisting of only one measly religion? That is impossible, especially due to the wide range and variety of the different religions. In "A Day in Utopia," More states "In ...
2583: Creative Writing: The Case of the Broken Hutch
... own schooling either out of my pocket or by getting student loans. When I first started working for this company they were short handed and all the employees at the store I started at were new to each other. That is they had worked for the company at other stores but had not worked together. I was hired when the manager went to his yearly manager meeting in Reno. When I ... training that I received were two videos. One video was on "Smith's Safe Driving Techniques", and the other was "In-Home Deliveries and In-Store Deliveries". Through working with the company I learned many new things. We got the newest and latest electronic equipment and computers, so I had to stay on top of technology. All of this training I did by myself, no one helped me out and no one looked over my shoulder. I have always been able to grasp new concepts and run with them, so learning new items were fun and interesting. Also through working with the company I learned that they had a big turn-over ratio of employees. Employees were either ...
2584: Nurture Plus Nature
Nurture Plus Nature The classic debated topic of nurture versus nature has been, and always will be an argumentative subject in the scientific world. Some psychologists and scientists share the view that our behavioral aspects originate only from the environmental factors of our upbringing. While other opposing specialists argue the outlook in science that agrees with the naturalist idea ... the opposite views of Watson. Gesell theorized that "physical and motor growth and development is monitored and regulated by an automatic natural process"(Rathus p.13). Each of these ideas has persisted strongly in the world of psychology from the nineteenth century on into the twentieth, but now a new and united psychology world acknowledges both theories equally. It is imagined, today, that the explanation of our behavioral characteristics originates from both our heredity, and the environment in which we were raised. This report ...
2585: Model Train Building And Compu
The world of Model Train Building has grown greatly with the aid of computers and technology to enhance the fun of building. Technology has long been a part of Model Train building with the adding of lights, bells, and whistles to capture your interest and imagination. But with the latest generation of building comes the influx of technology and the computer. The computer brings along a new breed of builders who plan track layout, buy parts on the Internet, receive updated news, and chat with other enthusiast. The most notable difference that computers have brought to the world of Model Train building is in software programming. Now on the market there are numerous different packages of software that enable hobbyist in the “challenge” of real yard operations on a smaller scale. These ...
2586: Duke Ellington
Duke Ellington Duke Ellington By the time of his passing, he was considered amongst the world's greatest composers and musicians. The French government honored him with their highest award, the Legion of Honor, while the government of the United States bestowed upon him the highest civil honor, the Presidential Medal ... and for the common people and by the end of his fifty-year career, he had played over 20,000 performances worldwide. He was the Duke, Duke Ellington Edward Kennedy Ellington was born into the world on April 28, 1899 in Washington, D.C. Duke's parents Daisy Kennedy Ellington and James Edward Ellington served as ideal role models for young Duke and taught him everything from proper table manners to ... for private society balls and embassy parties. Finally, Duke married Edna Thompson and on March 11, 1919, Mercer Kennedy Ellington was born. In 1923, Duke left the security that Washington offered him and moved to New York. Through the power of radio, listeners throughout New York had heard of Duke Ellington, making him quite a popular musician. It is also in that year that Duke made his first recording. Ellington ...
2587: Anger Management And Health
... now, then we will feel it later. Eventually our arteries will grow weak and we will remain tense, living daily with treacherous moods and health. The alternative is to shout out our anger at the world and let it manifest itself any way that it pleases. Of course, taking our anger out at the world can have even more deleterious effects. People just don't like it when we demonstrate our anger. Many of us are taught at an early age to bury our anger inside, where it causes stress ... more emotionally reactive. When Anger Hurts: Quieting the Storm Within documents a situation in which anger can be positive, the authors describe a beneficial use of anger (4): “Iris, a middle-aged woman living in New York, heard footsteps following her as she was returning home alone. She was frightened but then she became angry at the thought of being victimized. She slowed down; when the footsteps came nearer, she ...
2588: Crusades 3
... their energies against the true enemies of God , The Muslims.”5 Instead of fighting in Europe, knights could use there skills in the holy land. The crusades exhibited the religious and chivalric ideals of the new upper class lifestyle, giving them a new prestige. Many The Crusades were also a result of economic circumstances. Many participants were lured by the fabulous riches of the East; a campaign abroad appealed as a mean of escaping from the pressures of ... in a family often lacked economic opportunities . It gave land hungry sons a chance to acquire fiefs in the middle east. Population pressure in the west , as well as crop failures created a need for new land. In Addition, “the Pope excused crusaders from certain taxes and debts while they were away fighting.”7 Participation in Crusades was seen as an act of devotion to God. God would reward those ...
2589: The Invisible Man 2
... events, yet his true feelings escape him for a moment when, while he is reading his speech, he accidentally says "Social equality," instead of "Social responsibility." After he finishes his speech, he is awarded a new briefcase. Inside the briefcase is a scholarship to the state Negro College. That night he has a dream in which his grandfather tells him to open the briefcase and read what is in the envelope ... But even then, he still does not understand what is being done to him. He still believes that other people have his best interests at heart. Dr. Bledsoe tells him that if he goes to New York and earns enough money, he will be readmitted to the college. The narrator agrees to this, and Dr. Bledsoe gives the him several letters of recommendation and sends him on his way. When the narrator gets to New York, the son of Mr. Emerson, one of the people Dr. Bledsoe wrote a letter to, tries to tell the narrator about the tyranny that he is being exploited by. But the narrator refuses ...
2590: The Advisory Opinion Of The IC
One of my first memories is a beautiful warm summer night, sitting in the garden with my grandfather, looking up to the stars. Then my grandfather started to talk about two powerful men in the world, who have all the capability just by pushing two buttons to destroy the entire planet. The bombs would come with great light and unbearable heat and there would be nowhere to hide. Everybody and everything ... however, that there was no real political intention to do so. Security continued to be identified by nuclear strategy. It turned out also that the cease of enmity between the superpowers did not turn the world into a peaceful heaven. The last decade of this century has been just as violent as the previous ones, with the major conflict situations in Yugoslavia and the Gulf and several bloody conflicts in different third world countries. It seemed also that the international community’s attention had been averted from the question of disarmament. The question of nuclear weapons came back to the picture when allegations were spread in the ...

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