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2551: Slaves Of The White God
... the idiosyncratic nature of African enslavement in various locales throughout the globe, but also demonstrates the consistence of brutality and injustice which was characteristic of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and European presence in the New World. During the 16th century, the Spaniards became the first of the colonial masters to introduce African slaves into the New World. From its origin in Hispaniola, African slavery spread throughout the rest of Latin America including Cuba, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Mexico. By the 16th and 17th centuries, Mexico and Peru had become the ...
2552: Change Within Western Society From Roman Times To The Time O
... the advancement of knowledge and civilization. The historian Edward Gibbon in his classic book The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire declared that Rome had at last experienced a "period the history of the world during which the condition of the human race was most happy and prosperous." At this time, he continues, "the empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth and the most civilized portion of ... was. An additional artwork that shows the advertising of the Roman Empire is Trajan's Column. Trajan came into rule in 98 BC. After his inauguration as supreme ruler of the empire, Trajan had a new forum built. Once again the egoism of the Romans is visible through the colossal size of this new construction. It "equaled all previous forums combined, bringing the total area covered by such structures to over twenty-five acres (Fleming, 97)." Trajan's Column is quite visible in the forum, being that is ...
2553: Walt Disney
Walt Disney has changed the lives of billions of people around the world. He turned his dreams into reality with the help of his many followers, this showed his true leadership. Walt had the ability to share his visions and dreams with others and persuade them to believe ... with others. The was a great persuading leader, he had to make others believe in him and accept his ideas. Walt knew how to tell his ideas to other and get them excited about his new idea and want to help him. In 1953 Walt’s vision of an amusement park began. He visited fairs, carnivals, circuses and parks to study the attractions and the people. Anaheim, California is selected as ... borrow millions of dollars from the bank. Walt was also forced to offer public stock, something that he did not want to do. 600,000 shares of common stock sold at $5 a piece. Walt new that if Disneyland was a failure he could lose everything, but he was confident that it would not. Walt was a very busy man, he was always making moves, coming up with new ideas ...
2554: Maurice Sendak
Maurice Sendak may be the best-known children's author / illustrator in the world today. His artwork has become somewhat of an American icon; some even became the basis of an advertising campaign for Bell Atlantic. This extremely gifted genius was actually cultivating within Sendak since his childhood, and ... dreams, imagination, drawing, etc. This allows children to be who they want to be. Along with In The Night Kitchen, Sendak's most famous book Where The Wild Things Are exemplifies a child's dream world at best. One of Sendak's earlier stories, The Sign On Rosie's Door, exemplifies a child guided by her own imagination and features, "Real children, playing only as real children know how". Only Sendak ... Rosie, she is now, "Alinda, the lovely lady singer." She has a certain charisma about her with which she can impose her fantasy on her less-imaginative friends and bring them into them in her world. She is by far the most popular child on the block because she makes the boring summer days more fun with the imaginary scenarios she creates. This book inspired an animated film called Really ...
2555: Human Genome Project 2
... men by the names of James D. Watson and Francis Crick when they discovered the double-helical structure of DNA. Little did they know they were opening the door to the creation of a perfect world. In 1986, the Human Genome Project, led up by the National Institution of Health(NIH), took a giant leap through this door. They began the long process of mapping out the entire genetic makeup of ... child to be perfect . Over the years, there has been heated, ethical controversy on each of these issues, especially designer babies. How far will we let biotechnological discovery take us? What will come of the world if designer babies become standard procedure? The earliest and maybe simplest use of genetic manipulation was in the selection of the sex of an unborn child. In Vitro Fertilization(IVF - A procedure in which a ... was unheard of at one point. But growing demand makes it socially acceptable, and now anybody who s infertile demands IVF, says Lee Silver, a Princeton University biologist. Several years ago, fertility clinics announced the new possibility of sex selection. It was obviously an exciting breakthrough, but when these clinics were inquired about their results, they only had about a 50 percent success rate. Its affluent clients could have achieved ...
2556: Syndretizm And Abstraction In Early Christian And Roman Art
... Rome, amidst a growing trend toward abstraction, classical forms and values were yielding to a symbolic realism in imperial secular art, setting the stage for later abstract spiritual values in Christian artworks. The late Roman world was experiencing a variety of problems.The rapid succession and violent overthrow of the imperial leaders, military disasters, growing inflation and taxation, along with the abandonment of traditional religion, opened the door for new trends in philosophy and religion that offered an escape from the realities of a harsh world.The Greek concept of a man-centered humanistic art was fading. Art shifted away from Hellenistic skills including foreshortening, atmostpheric perspective, and re-creating reality, toward a two dimensional symbolic approach with a more ...
2557: Mozart
... 6 stage. The newspapers commented upon then “rarest musical grace” and that “studied beauty” which seemed to be Wolfgang’s intuitive idiom. (44). Except for two brief intermissions, Mozart remained in Salzburg whose limited intellectual world chafed him considerably. The political and social changes resulting from the installation of the new Archbishop of Salzburg forced Mozart to lead a highly restricted life, which in turn generated friction between the young compositor and the strict Archbishop. Moreover, his musical labor at the Court of the Archbishop was ... was premiered in Munich on January 13, 1775 under Mozart’s baton: however, there were only two more performances. It was, therefore, with a yearning heart that 7 Wolfgang dream of escaping from Salzburg. A new extensive tour was planned for Mozart in 1776, but the music world was this time not so easily conquered by Mozart. He was now twenty years old-child prodigy no longer. The music world ...
2558: Origins and Bibliography of the Big Bang Theory
... relativity in 1905, while general relativity was not published in its final form until 1916. Another reason is the very different realms of applicability of the two parts of the theory: special relativity in the world of microscopic physics, general relativity in the world of astrophysics and cosmology. A third reason is that physicists accepted and understood special relativity by the early 1920s. It quickly became a working tool for theorists and experimentalists in the then-burgeoning fields of ... be extraordinarily difficult to comprehend. The British astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington, one of the first to fully understand the theory in detail, was once asked if it were true that only three people in the world understood general relativity. He is said to have replied, "Who is the third?" This situation persisted for almost 40 years. General relativity was considered a respectable subject not for physicists, but for pure mathematicians ...
2559: The Greatest
... built_33_nw@yahoo.com The Greatest Muhammad Ali is one of the best, if not the best, boxers of all time. He was an influential leader not only inside the ring, but throughout the world. His overwhelming confidence captured millions, bringing the sport of boxing the publicity it has always deserved. Though many criticized his brash comments, he became a role model of children across the nation. He frequently gave speeches in schools and ghettos throughout America. He managed to succeed in a world that was run by whites. Born January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky, Cassius Clay, Jr., displayed fighting skills early in his life when he punched his mother after she spanked him for misbehavior. It was not until he turned 12, however, that he became interested in boxing. He had just received a new, red bicycle for his birthday, so he and a friend rode bikes to the fair. While he was milling around, someone stole his bike. He searched for his bike for hours, but it was ...
2560: The Judgments And Moral Lessons Of Robert Browning’s Poetry
... Is the speaker in the poem right or wrong? Every individual must ask this simple question after reading Robert Browning’s dramatic monologues. Like a painter, Browning creates a protrait of a person for the world to analyse carefully. After examining, a conclusion about the speaker’s life must be made. Browning brings the reader through this necessary process for a purpose. In the poems “My Last Duchess” and “Andrea del ... therefore, a distorted image brings to mind the picture of intended perfection. Through the dramatic monologue “My Last Duchess,” Browning displays a wicked and arrogant duke who murders his wife and proceeds to win a new beauty for his possession. An effective portrayal of a debauched man allows the reader to observe his outrageous actions and behavior so that a moral assumption may be determined. Another famous poem of Browning’s ... art. He views women as objects, lovely to admire and possess. Because the duke becomes dissatisfied with the duchess, her beauty is perserved in a painting, only adding to the duke’s art collection. The new lady he admires is the new object which he longs to own. Through the malevolent conduct of the duke, one judges him with dislike and reservation. Browning purposely describes the cruel and selfish duke, ...

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