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2521: Diversity On Campus
... are still present among every human. To go a step further you can say all animals have similarities as well as differences. So the skills and values acquired by college students is imperative to the world's survival. The attitudes and values are well defined concepts that are appropriate for college students to acquire have been described as: "1. Appreciation of similarities and differences. 2.Utilization of techniques that exemplify the ... and mental abilities and talents existing among every racial and ethnic group. 6. Recognizing that differences in attitudes and behavior are determined largely by one's cultural enviroment, and that they are, therefore, changeable through new kinds of encounters and reactions. 7. Practicing those skills needed to live in democratic societies-leadership, group membership, voting on basis of qualifications, ability to follow leadership of others when leadership is positive, making wise ... facts, ideas, concepts, successes and failures, future needs, and general principles of American government and the American way of life. 13. Realizing that laws serve as guides for different people in different times and places. New times and new needs cause the creation of new laws, and the modification and explication of some of the old ones.14. Maintaining open-mindedness toward ideas, events, and persons of one's own ...
2522: Tactics of a Revolution: The Protestant Reformation
... land, especially free imperial knights. These knights owed allegiance to the emperor, but often only held less than one square mile of land. The knights were also being forced out of work due to a new reliance on infantry and artillery, rather than cavalry. All these people were becoming increasingly disapproving of the church and were desperate for a new means of worship and religious power in Germany. The political situation in Germany during that time was also favorable for those desiring a religious revolution. Germany was not a centralized monarchy, but “a collection of ... s lack of power prevented him from placing limits on taxes and charges for indulgences by the pope. This turned the Germans against all powers of the time and led them to search for a new means of satisfaction. With a discontented society and a lack of empirical power, Germany was left open for military attacks and invasion. In the early sixteenth century, the Turks, a Muslim society, began a ...
2523: To Kill A Mockingbird- The Effect Of Environment On Classism
... and encourages his children to stand up for their own, though they may stand alone. In stark contrast with her father are the subjective townspeople Scout encounters daily. The aforementioned population of Maycomb sees the world in families, classes, and streaks. Helping Scout through many difficult obstacles and to come to terms with her beliefs, Atticus becomes closer to Scout as one of her most trusted sources. Through the novel, Harper ... of the pivotal points of the book, Scout experiences an egalitarian environment that Atticus provides, is beginning to accept his views and counsels, and therefore adjusting her perspective on social status to concur with her new environment. Scout¡¯s transformation can be seen the most clearly during one of Aunt Alexandra¡¯s attempt to mold Scout into a miniature version of herself. Shortly after Alexandra¡¯s arrival Atticus fulfills her request ... has abandoned her. Scout has been enlightened into recognizing the hurtful nature and immorality of classism, but has not begun to assert her beliefs yet. This step to further maturation is a result of the new approach to raising Scout by a trusted source as she is exposed to the intolerant mindset of the world, thus altering her behavior towards class to configure with a new environment, while her Scout¡¯ ...
2524: Mao Zedong
... were not his alone. Looking at the period from the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921 to Mao’s Death in 1976, one can justly consider Mao Zedong the principle architect of the New China (McHenry 1992). Mao Zedong was born in 1893, in the village of Sao-Shan, Hunan Province. He was the son of a poor man who had become affluent as a farmer and grain dealer ... were formed in the matrix of the May Fourth Period. Along with many of the young Chinese of his generation he was concerned with how to maintain China’s integrity in a time when the world was dominated by the great powers and how to use for his own purpose the knowledge and ideas which had led to western superiority. He wished at the same time to preserve select portions of ... a united front was the "People’s Democratic Dictatorship" which equaled the "Peoples’ Democratic Autocracy.’ Aside from depressing all those marked as "counter revolutionaries" and "helping" the people to reform themselves, the purpose of this new state was to "create socialism" by developing the economy. Mao had no doubts about what the term "modernization" implied and used it freely from the 1940’s through the 1960’s. Mao adhered to ...
2525: The Third Millennium - Threat
About a week ago, a conversation between my friend, Stephen and I was sparked by the new Millennium bridge on the quays. We talked about the prospects of the new millennium and how it has been used as a financial leg-up for companies all around the world. I think that GM foods will wipe out hunger after much research, he strongly disagreed and believes it is just another mess that the human race has brought upon itself. In the end, we ...
2526: Animal Farm vs. Marxism
... in Animal Farm, were a laboring class of people that received low wages for their work. Like the animals in the farm yard, the people is Russia thought there would be no oppression in a new society because the working class people (or animals) would own all the riches and hold all the power. (Golubeva and Gellerstein 168). Another character represented in the book is Farmer Jones. He represents the symbol ... death of Lenin. He was underestimated by his opponents who always became his victims, and he had one of the most ruthless, regimes in history. In was not till very many years later that the world found out about the many deaths that Stalin created in Russia during the Revolution. For almost 50 years the world thought that the Nazis had done the killing in Russia, when in fact it was Stalin. (Imse 2). The last characters that are symbolic of each other are the animal Snowball with the Russian ...
2527: Marketing Analysis Of Oakley I
... helmets, sunglass accessories, gear bags and a limited range of athletic footwear, technical apparel and premium timepieces (Scott, 1998). With focus on consumers for the next generation, the company has established itself as a legitimate world brand with unique expertise in product design, performance and production. Product Design & Development State-of-the-art technology allows Oakley to shorten dramatically its product development cycle. Stereolithographic computer modeling is combined with CAD/CAM ... product design before introduction to the public. After the development stage is complete, the final sculpture can be used directly in preparation of production tooling. Utilizing these processes, the company is capable of introducing a new product line within four months of initial concept. Oakley has obtained hundreds of patents worldwide to protects its proprietary manufacturing methods and product features. Among the company’s most important patents are those which guard ... a reinvention of current styles and sciences. The company continues to expand the limits of today’s technologies, most recently by introducing wristwatches that merge critical innovations in gearing, bearings and microcircuitry from around the world (Oakley.com, 1999). The company intends to introduce other product line extensions and new product lines in the future, in order to attract additional consumers to the brand. This type of diversity is part ...
2528: A Clockwork Orange
... revolved around the corrections aspect of reforming the criminal element. Within the confines of the seventies Londoner. The character, Alex is created as the ultimate juvenile delinquent leading a small gang. Living within his own world the use of old Londoner language and attire reflect the non- conformity with society. Let loose within a large metropolitan, Alex is engulfed in the affairs of several criminal practices, from rape to aggravated assault ... a norm. This is the case involving Alex when he must prove his worth in a correctional institution by beating a fellow inmate. "If we can't have sleep let's have some education, our new friend here had better be taught a lesson …I fisted him all over, dancing about with my boots on though unlaced, and then I tripped him and he went crash crash on the floor. I ... of institutions like this, though more in than out for most of you, or are you going to attend to the Divine Word and realize the punishment that await the unrepentant sinner in the next world, as well as in this?"(Burgess 90) and the main focus for reforming is in the hands of God and individual moral choice. Through religion Alex soon becomes a model prisoner, externally, yet internally ...
2529: Stay Tuned: The Exploitation Of Children In Television Advertisements
... in the form of animation (Brady). The advertisements primarily directed towards the childrens' market are for toys and foods (Pediatrics 295). Studies show that children see the images on television as a window of the world, these images affect their thoughts and ideas (Pingree 253). Therefore, advertisers are manipulating children by predominantly showing advertisements that encourage materialism and eating. Research findings on how children interpret television commercials are not the only ... This implies that such advertising manipulates children through a character they admire and encourages the child to want this product by extending the exposure so that the child will demand the product. The proliferation of new products aimed for children increases the number of television commercials as well. Common categories are videotapes, 900 number information services, a wider range of food products, including children's TV dinners and other foods that ... children can not understand the relationship between food choices and chronic nutritional diseases, advertising food products to children promotes profit rather than health (Kotz 1300). Profit seems to be the main motivation in the advertising world. The second effect advertisers promote in young children is materialism coupled often with a loss of self-sufficiency in their ability to make the best with what they have. Due to advertisers influential power ...
2530: Jack Kerouac-On The Road
... in the footsteps of Dean and his friend Carlo Marx. Instead of making use of the money he has earned he takes to the road on foot and hitch hikes his way across America from New York to Denver, his ultimate goal. Upon arriving at his destination and reuniting with Dean he realizes Dean's madness, his inability to control his emotions, his vagueness, his incoherence can only imply one thing ... money. They get by with the help and money of others. Dean and Sal begin to long for so much more than America, so they decide to leave for Mexico and experience more of the world. As they begin to make their way towards Mexico City, they realize the cops are much nicer and less suspicious in Mexico and to them it is like a whole different world. Cut off from technology, poor, hot, and not knowing any better, Dean and Sal fall for the Mexican way of life way. The Mexican girls appeal to them very greatly. Sal and Dean are ...

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