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2511: Creative Story: Lobito
... puts everyone on ignore mode. He'll eventually gives us permission to pet him, and kiss up to him, but not before he shows us his feelings were hurt. And last but not least, Lobitos world famous stuffed toy collection. This is his pride and joy. He has about ten stuffed toys scattered around the house. In the front and back yard, under beds and even in the bathroom. Each one ... to perfection! This is where our trick to make him happy comes in. If we really want Lobito to like us, we just add a piece to his collection. He tends to play with his new animals for days, and carries them around in his mouth everywhere he goes. He shows off his his new toy by taking it to us so we can play with him. He has this thing of playing fetch with his stuffed animals, except it's not a good idea of playing in the ...
2512: Symbolism In The Great Gatsby
Dove and peace, rose and love, they are simple yet symbolic. Every two years televisions around the world are graced with the images of five multicolored joined rings meant to represent the unity of the world in a celebration of the Olympic games. Although a circle is nothing more than a geometric shape to some, others take it to be a representation of endless love and friendship. People hold different things to be symbolic, but the inevitable truth is that everyone holds something to be representative of something else. Symbolic representation is common amongst people and cultures around the world, however it is also used by authors in literature to change meanings or instill a different meaning in the mind of the reader. In the novel The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, ...
2513: Black Supremacy
... races are equally imperfect as the next statement will show. The Afrocentric religion goes on to state how the white race was formed, apparently, a "black scientist named Yakub rebelled against Allah by producing...a new creature with an excess of bad(white) genes...These evil creatures were alloted...six thousand years of rule (i.e., until almost the present day), after which...the oppressed blacks will be liberated from their bondage"(Davies 51). Note the use of words in this passage: new creature, bad(white) genes, evil creature, and once again the reoccurring oppressed blacks will be liberated. All the words directs one's attention to the idea that the white race is nothing more than devils ... occurs beyond what has already happened, for instance; "an outburst of homosexuality among black men, fed by the prison breeding system, threatens to distort the relationship between friends...these gays live in the make-believe world of white gays"(Asante 57). The white race has already begun to corrupt the black race, according to black supremists, with the introduction of homosexuality, which is clearly a bad white habit. The word, " ...
2514: Nuclear Power: Cons
... nations. Nuclear power has been a great advance in the field of electrical production in the last fifty years, with it's clean, efficient and cheap production, it has gained a large share of the world's power supply. However with the wealth of safer alternative sources of electricity, the dangers involved with nuclear reactors to humans (ie. cancer) and past disasters such as Chernobyl there are well based reasons not to pursue this energy source. New sources such as fusion power, new studies concerning the health of nuclear by-products and scares of nuclear accidents like those at Chernobyl are slowly rendering Nuclear Fission an obselete energy source. This essay will prove that nuclear power is ...
2515: Rabbit, Run Happy Endings
... the acts of living. It is from this that we open our eyes to see what is fresh, for one's state of happiness or unhappiness colors everything else. People who are happy perceive the world as safer, make decisions more easily, rate job applicants more favorably, and report greater satisfaction with their whole lives. When your mood is gloomy, life as a whole seems depressing. Let your mood brighten, and ... In John Updike's novel, rabbit, run, Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom is a man who wants constant change. He hasn't found his happiness so he runs away from what he knows as life to something new, in hopes that he can find his answer. For some people happiness is a walk in the woods, a sunny view of a waterfall, or some other experience of the tranquility and beauty of unspoiled ... Best, and The Life of Riley. Steven Mintz said in his chapter Families of the Fifties, "Television programs conveyed cultural images as strong and as influential on the viewer as the commercials which financed the new medium. Each night on TV, screen stars projected conceptions of masculinity and femininity, parenthood, and childhood and adolescence to millions of viewers." Though this still happens in today's world, TV was more of ...
2516: African-American Literature, M
... comparisons can be drawn between the novels Meridian, by Alice Walker, and Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston. The protagonists of both books are African-American females searching in a confused, bewildered world. Meridian is the story of the title character’s life from childhood to the Civil Rights Movement while Eyes chronicle Janie’s ever-evolving character from life with a white family in the Deep South ... was when Meridian decided that her community, her life for the past 20 years, was not her. She became aware of the Civil Rights movement and of “the past and present of a much larger world” (73). She was to connect with the community through activism, no longer through helpless subservience. She put her baby up for adoption and left to join the movement that would truly connect her with her ... was willing to leave with Joe Starks even though “he did not represent sun-up and pollen and blooming trees” (28). She was willing to leave with Joe Starks because she imagined herself becoming a new person. She imagined herself connecting with a new community that would allow her to be the woman she wanted to be. Starks was merely a vessel and an unimportant one at that. Hurston comments ...
2517: Andy Warhol
... him for being the different person he was. He was able to attend college. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in pictorial design from Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1949, he went to New York City with Philip Pearlstein, who was a fellow student that later became a well-known realist painter. In 1960, Warhol finally began to paint in earnest and to view art seriously as a career ... silkscreen technique, which is a process of applying the same image over and over again without changing the original. In 1963, he began turning film into his next aesthetic. He was the recorder of the world around him. Warhol saw this world as populated by hustlers of various sorts, motivated largely by money and the goods it would buy. Later that next year, he started to experiment in underground film. In the late 70's he ...
2518: Clockwork Orange
... revolved around the corrections aspect of reforming the criminal element. Within the confines of the seventies Londoner. The character, Alex is created as the ultimate juvenile delinquent leading a small gang. Living within his own world the use of old Londoner language and attire reflect the non-conformity with society. Let loose within a large metropolitan, Alex is engulfed in the affairs of several criminal practices, from rape to aggravated assault ... a norm. This is the case involving Alex when he must prove his worth in a correctional institution by beating a fellow inmate. "If we can't have sleep let's have some education, our new friend here had better be taught a lesson ...I fisted him all over, dancing about with my boots on though unlaced, and then I tripped him and he went crash crash on the floor. I ... of institutions like this, though more in than out for most of you, or are you going to attend to the Divine Word and realize the punishment that await the unrepentant sinner in the next world, as well as in this?"(Burgess 90) and the main focus for reforming is in the hands of God and individual moral choice. Through religion Alex soon becomes a model prisoner, externally, yet internally ...
2519: Cloning 5
Cloning: Is there a good side to human cloning? Technology is changing the world as we know it. Not all of these advances in technology are viewed as positive. One of the breakthroughs that has received mixed responses is the issue of cloning. There has been much debate on ... certain to rage on for many years to come. You may be asking yourself: What is cloning? How can I benefit from cloning? Is cloning legal? Why should we clone human beings? What is the world community doing to control cloning? I hope to answer these and other questions throughout the course of this paper. What is cloning? According to the Human Cloning Foundation (HCF1998), cloning is a scientific process in ... specific tissue cells and injecting them into damaged area of the heart, thus causing the tissue in those areas to regenerate. Considering that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S.(New England Journal of Medicine 1998), the implementation of these life saving techniques would be a major break through in the medical professions fight against heart disease. The fields of cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery ...
2520: The Chosen
... with them on their journey from adolescence to adulthood. They face many conflicts, and through those trials the author makes his readers think more deeply into life’s true meanings. The novel was set in New York during the Second World War. Since the main characters are Jews, this period of time is very significant. Not only were the Jews persecuted during WWII, but New York was also close to a military base, which made it a prime target for bombing. Even the setting has an underlying sense of tension. One of the protagonists in The Chosen is Reuven ...

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