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2501: Maurice Sendak
Maurice Sendak may be the best-known children's author / illustrator in the world today. His artwork has become somewhat of an American icon; some even became the basis of an advertising campaign for Bell Atlantic. This extremely gifted genius was actually cultivating within Sendak since his childhood, and ... dreams, imagination, drawing, etc. This allows children to be who they want to be. Along with In The Night Kitchen, Sendak's most famous book Where The Wild Things Are exemplifies a child's dream world at best. One of Sendak's earlier stories, The Sign On Rosie's Door, exemplifies a child guided by her own imagination and features, "Real children, playing only as real children know how". Only Sendak ... Rosie, she is now, "Alinda, the lovely lady singer." She has a certain charisma about her with which she can impose her fantasy on her less-imaginative friends and bring them into them in her world. She is by far the most popular child on the block because she makes the boring summer days more fun with the imaginary scenarios she creates. This book inspired an animated film called Really ...
2502: Don Quixote: The Misadventures Of A Lunatic
... a simple-minded peasant named Sancho to become his squire, promising him wealth and a high spot in society. This book consists of many adventures these two had, both were convinced that they were doing brave and honorable acts of chivalry, when they were only two fools running around the countryside. Cervantes tries to make his book more interesting with the use of point of view. Don Quixote sees what his mind and imagination create, not that which is transferred through the optic nerves in a very clean-cut scientific manner. He retreats to a world that holds meaning for him. When he first departs, he stops at an inn and his eyes make it a beautiful castle with blushing maids and noble sirs. The wench Aldonza is turned into Dulcinea ... a simple-minded peasant named Sancho to become his squire, promising him wealth and a high spot in society. This book consists of many adventures these two had, both were convinced that they were doing brave and honorable acts of chivalry, when they were only two fools running around the countryside. Cervantes tries to make his book more interesting with the use of point of view. Don Quixote sees what ...
2503: A Clockwork Orange
... revolved around the corrections aspect of reforming the criminal element. Within the confines of the seventies Londoner. The character, Alex is created as the ultimate juvenile delinquent leading a small gang. Living within his own world the use of old Londoner language and attire reflect the non-conformity with society. Let loose within a large metropolitan, Alex is engulfed in the affairs of several criminal practices, from rape to aggravated assault ... a norm. This is the case involving Alex when he must prove his worth in a correctional institution by beating a fellow inmate. "If we can't have sleep let's have some education, our new friend here had better be taught a lesson …I fisted him all over, dancing about with my boots on though unlaced, and then I tripped him and he went crash crash on the floor. I ... of institutions like this, though more in than out for most of you, or are you going to attend to the Divine Word and realize the punishment that await the unrepentant sinner in the next world, as well as in this?"(Burgess 90) and the main focus for reforming is in the hands of God and individual moral choice. Through religion Alex soon becomes a model prisoner, externally, yet internally ...
... ago people believed that the earth was still flat, 50 years ago people doubted the existence of an alien life, 5 min ago the people of earth believe that aliens existed. Many individuals around the world have reportedly been contacted by extra terrestrial beings. They allege that Earth is currently being visited by several different species of extra terrestrial. These individuals report that extra terrestrials are visiting the Earth because they ... which to make runways. Ever since the U-2 program, Area 51 has been the test area for the latest technological developments in the US military. Allegedly, Area 51 is the testing ground for a new top secret hypersonic stealth aircraft project called Aurora. Area 51 does contain many secrets: but does it contain any extra terrestrial secrets? Skeptics argue that people could be mistaking a new US military secret project for extra terrestrial crafts. While, other researchers believe that the US military is flying captured extra terrestrial ships. The answers lie deep below the Nevada desert locked away for history ...
2505: Internet Censorship
... governments have tried to regular materials deemed inappropriate or offensive. The history of western censorship was said to have begun when Socrates was accused "firstly, of denying the gods recognized by the State and introducing new divinities, and secondly of corrupting the young." He was sentenced to death for these crimes. Many modern governments are attempting to control access to the Internet. They are passing regulations that restrict the freedom people once took for granted. The Internet is a world wide network that should not be regulated or censored by any on country. It is a complex and limitless network which allows boundless possibilities and would be effected negatively by the regulations and censorship that ... is elusive, since it is not so much a physical entity as a description of an intangible." The complexity of the Internet is demonstrated through its many components. The most readily identifiable part is the World Wide Web (WWW). This consists of web pages that can be accessed through the use of a web browser. Web pages are created using a basic programming language. Another easily identified section of the ...
2506: Falkland Islands War Paper
... wore on, however. This was mainly due to the Argentineans, as Great Britain almost certainly desired a continuation of the status quo. Argentina was being relegated to a position of third-rate influence in the world. The country was still recovering from “la guerra sucia” (the dirty war) waged by military dictator Jorge Videla from 1976 to 1978. During these two years, nearly 18,000 Argentineans vanished, including dozens of journalists ... three-man military junta which ran the country, Galtieri largely ended the dirty war and worked very hard to build a closer relationship with the United States. As the government was positioning Argentina as a new regional power, Galtieri began to concern himself with the state of the Falklands negotiations. He convinced himself that regaining the Falklands was essential to maintaining national pride. By December 1981, Galtieri, after speaking with Admiral ... Argentina’s decision to attack the Falklands was a classic series of misjudgements on the part of the junta. Ralph K. White performed an extensive analysis of the reasoning behind Austria’s decision to instigate World War I. In doing so, he identified six forms of misperception that led to the war.(32) Three of these can also be traced to Galtieri and his junta. White suggests that a virile ...
2507: Warm Feelings For Cold Blood
... sympathetic for him. He proves that you can even see some good in the worst of people. He does this by slowly developing Perry s character. He gave an in-depth view of Perry s world. He showed that Perry, although he had troubles in his life and sometimes had a total disregard for people s life he also respected the people. Perry felt bad for some of the people he met. He also was willing to forgive people. Truman Capote was born Truman Streckfus Persons, in New Orleans September 30th 1924. His parents got a divorce when he was four and his mother later remarried and took on the last name of his stepfather. Capote s childhood was extremely insecure. He was ... his life, Capote shied away from formal schooling. (Breit) By his mid teenage years he was technically accomplished writer. He stopped going to formal school when he was seventeen. He received a job at the New Yorker magazine. There he was just an errand boy but was noticed because of his mannerisms. During the early stages of World War II, Capote s interests still focused on his writing. (Norden p162) ...
2508: Computer Fraud and Crimes
Computer Fraud and Crimes In the world of computers, computer fraud and computer crime are very prevalent issues facing every computer user. This ranges from system administrators to personal computer users who do work in the office or at home. Computers without ... person logs onto the Internet, he or she may download a file corrupted with a virus. When he or she executes that program, the virus is released into the system. When a person uses the World Wide Web(WWW), he or she is downloading files into his or her Internet browser without even knowing it. Whenever a web page is visited, an image of that page is downloaded and stored in ... scanned for viruses and safety. Whenever it passes one of these security layers, it is scanned again. The second resistance against viruses and corruption is computer law. This defines what is illegal in the computer world. In the early 1980's, prosecutors had problems trying suspect in computer crimes because there was no definition of illegal activity. The third defense is the teaching of computer ethics. This will hopefully defer ...
2509: Heinrich Himmler
... police president, a former tutor to the princes of the Bavarian court, and a headmaster by profession. Himmler originally intended to be a farmer and in fact acquired a degree in agronomy. He fought in World War I at the every end, and afterwards drifted into one of the many right wing soldier's organizations that were so prevalent at the time. It is here that he came into contact with ... and the concentration camps, which up to that time housed prisoners of the state. Himmler's men staged the phony border incident that Hitler used to justify the invasion of Poland at the outbreak of World War II. As the war went on, the armored portions of the SS - the Waffen SS - began to rival the Armed Forces for power in the military field, culminating in Himmler's being named Minister ... that around 6 million Jews were killed during the Final Solution, along with as many as another 6 million non-Jews. At the end of the war, Himmler made attempts to negotiate peace through the World Jewish Congress. Attempting to flee in disguise in May 1945, he was captured by British forces and admitted his identity. When a doctor was ordered to search him to ensure he did not have ...
2510: Unidentified Flying Objects: Fact or Fiction?
... More today than ever, hundreds of thinkers, theologians, and scientists have tried to answer why there are or whether there aren't UFOs. According to some, the speculation that UFOs are alien spacecrafts from another world is an absurd and foolish proposal. Others vehemently disagree and assert that extraterrestrial life is not only possible, but such life forms may be superior, technologically advanced beings who visit our Earth regularly. Are these ... saw (Life 138)." Later on, a William Spaulding of the Ground Saucer Watch Inc., put these Trent photos under intense computer scrutiny and came out with the same conclusion: It was no hoax (Life). In World War Two, Allied and Axis air pilots witnessed these eerie luminous balls that would either chase planes or zip in and out of the planes' courses. Such oddities were to be eventually called "foo fighters." World War Two was a time of secrecy and great inventions. Instinctively, the allies thought they were some kind of high tech German innovation. Naturally, too, the Germans thought vice versa. Therefore, nothing of an ...

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