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2431: Iran Before And After The Revo
... Iran or Persia, was crowded with a young generation looking for full freedom against the Shah. Persia, once as a powerful country with vast oil resources, soon became a vulnerable nation, ready to accept a new leader to guide them. The people were ready for change, but were the changes they got the changes they were looking for. The people wanted freedom against the shah, (For generations Iran was ruled by ... great for the people. Finally the Shah was forced to leave to the United States, which triggered celebrations of victory throughout Iran. The Iranians then brought religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini to lead them into a new government. With the Shah passing away, Iran was now being led into a completely new government under supreme guide Ayatollah Khomeini and under President Ali Khamenei. The government was corrupt, because everything was being done from scratch and with Iraq invading Iran everyone was covered by mixed feelings. Iran ...
2432: Private Cable TV
... IN FRANCE 3.1 HISTORY TO BE FILLED WITH THE BEGINNING (PUBLIC TV 1930S - 1984) The first broadcasting tests happenned in the late 30Ôs like in Germany. It is only in 1945, after the second world war, that The Ordinance formalized the state monopoly of broadcasting which was assigned to Radiodiffusion de France. The Radiodiffusion de France has then included television in 1959 and became RTF (Radiodiffusion-Television de France). Established ... by Havas. Canal Plus has to broadcast a daily clear program lasting from 45 minutes to 6 hours, the average is 3 hours and a half per day. In 1985 sees the birth of two new private channels France 5 and TV6 which were forbidden to broadcast the year after. Finally in 1987, they have refound the right to broadcast under the respective name La Cinq and M6. At this time ... net. Then when the private French channel, La Cinq, stopped broadcasting, ARTE was allowed to broadcast from 19h to 1h in the morning on this available frequence. The 13th of december 1994, has appeared a new public channel "La Cinquieme" also called "channel of knowledge" (la cha”ne du savoir) which is broadcasting on the same frequence as ARTE until 19h. To summarise, today the French TV-broadcasters are : public: ...
2433: Hinduism and Buddhism
... karma, one can draw closer to ending the cycle and release his Atman. Buddhism also believes in this Hindu concept but has several differences as well. Buddhists believe that everyone is suffering. Nothing in the world is permanent and because of this, life is unsatisfactory. The only way to be free of this suffering is realize the impermanence of life, overcome all worldly desires, and become free from the law of ... a person strives to reach the Nirvana. The Nirvana is the “blowing out” of the flame of desire by ending the vicious cycle of reincarnation. (D) By ending all desire for the illusions of this world, one is able to reach enlightenment and finally rest from his suffering. The Hindu view of Brahman has much to do with life. In the Upanishads, (Chandogya Upanishad 6.13.1-3) a wise father ... This statement means that the Brahman is the same as one’s true self, or his Atman. (pg. 108, A) The Brahman is the backbone of the entire Hindu religion and everyone person in the world. By realizing that everyone is a part of the unified Brahman and coming to grips with the idea that the Atman is the only enduring part of this world, one can finally be free ...
2434: Donatello
... of Abraham and Isaac in 1416-1421 and also the "Zuccone" and "Jeremiah". "Zuccone" is famous as the finest of the campanile statues and one of the artist's masterpieces. Donatello invented his own bold new mode of relief in his marble panel " St. George Killing The Dragon" (1416-1417). The technique involved shallow carving throughout, which created a more striking effect than in his earlier works. He no longer modeled his shapes but he seemed to "paint" them with his chisel. Donatello continued to explore the possibilities of the new technique he would use in his marble reliefs of the 1420's and early 1430's. The best of these were "The Ascension, with Christ Giving the Keys to St. Peter," the " Feast of Herod ... the same kind of statue for him. In the early 1450's, Donatello started to work on some important works for the Paduan church of S. Antonio. These works included a bronze crucifix and a new high altar. His richly decorated architectural works of marble and limestone includes seven life-size bronze statues, twenty-one bronze reliefs of various sizes, and a large limestone relief, "Entombment of Christ." The housing ...
2435: Stephon Marbury
Stephon Marbury is a basketball phenomenon. Mr. Marbury has been known by the basketball world at the young age of eleven. Many pressures and confrontations have encountered Mr. Marbury throught his entire basketball career. These began when he was a young child and they still accompany him. Many people from Brooklyn, New York, the city in which Stephon Marbury was born and raised, have known about his basketball skills for an extremely long time because "...he was dribbling on a court not long after he was dribbling ... covers of magazines in France and Germany. A news show on the American Broadcasting Company, "Nightline", profiled him. Mr. Marbury says: It's real hard for people to understand if they don't come from New York, I was scrutinized for every little thing. In high school, I was like what Michael Jordan is to the NBA. I had to be on top of my game every day. Everybody was ...
2436: News of a Kidnapping
News of a Kidnapping Although Colombia was not discussed in great detail in class this semester, it shares many of the themes and problems associated with Latin American third world countries. For the most part these themes stem from the same problem: the vast separation of wealth and power. Guerrilla movements, narco-terrrorism, drug trafficking and corruption are just a few of the words that come up when discussing most third world countries. These words are all too common in Columbia especially since the introduction of the drug trade with the United States. Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ book, News of a Kidnapping, takes place in late 1990 when ... willing to support anyone who supports them. As Che Guevara was to Bolivia and Subcommander Marcos was to the Chiapas rebels in Mexico, Pablo Escobar was to the poor in the Medellin area. Historically, third world country's governments are run by the rich and tend to reap the most benefits. Perhaps because of this, it is very hard for many of the poor to believe they have a future ...
2437: Catcher In the Rye: The Quest For Love
... actually caring for them and being their friends, during the time of trial. The quest of finding the true love of people is an ongoing dilemma in the lives of many people all throughout the world. The constant need for love is overwhelming, and the tragedy of this great world is the fact that some people do not find the proper love that they deserve. Holden Caulfield is a perfect example of the striving to acquire a love sought all throughout his life. According to ... is later on in the story and the true symbolism is realized toward the end of the novel. Holden also seeks the truth from people in general, reaching for the one theme left in the world, innocence. One kind of bitter truth he does not seek is phoniness. In this, he means the people losing innocence or people who already lost innocence, or has “fallen from the cliff”. He is ...
2438: Abraham Lincoln
... abundance of wild game in the area. Less than two years after the move to Indiana, Mrs. Lincoln caught a horrible frontier disease known as "milk sick.". Thomas Lincoln returned to Kentucky to find a new wife. On December 2 he married Sarah Bush Johnston, a widow with three children, and took them all back to Indiana. Although there were now eight people living in the small shelter, the Lincoln children, especially Abe, adored their new stepmother who played a key role in making sure that Abe at least had some formal education, amounting to a little less than a year in all. To support his family it was necessary that ... was just beginning. After a three month flatboat journey along the Ohio and Mississippi, the 19 year old Lincoln returned to Indiana with an enthusiasm for the lifestyles that he had just encountered. Unfortunately, his new-found joy did not last long as his sister Sarah died in childbirth on January 20, 1828. In 1830 the Lincoln family decided to leave Indiana in hopes of a better future in Illinois. ...
2439: Covenanted Governments
The covenant is very dear to our modern world, being that many political philosophers that shaped our modern world based much of their theories on a covenanted government. When looking at the United States, the theory was considered important from the Mayflower Compact and on. The theory of “a covenanted people” is associated with ... government are there by tactic consent. Around the time the pilgrims rebelled against King James in England, philosophy was abundant, especially that influenced by the belief in god. A majority of the governments around the world were monarchies. As far as our country is concerned, the pilgrims were the first to establish a covenanted government with the Mayflower Compact. This compact stated that all aboard the ship headed for the “ ...
2440: The Revival Of Jazz In South Africa
... and the entire jazz community are still running into problems in South Africa. Despite this, the progress that has already been made is incredible and the future of jazz in this region has reached a new level of optimism. In the 1920s there was an organist from the Eastern Cape called Boet Gashe who made his money, much like the early jazz musicians in America, by playing at wild parties in ... Gwangwa and Miriam Makeba were able to leave when the jazz musical King Kong took them overseas. These artists went on to make a name for themselves and for South Africa jazz overseas: Masekela in New York and Makeba in West Africa.(GOFFIN-189) By the late 1970s and early 1980s, a new generation of performers was emerging, mellowing the established South African jazz style and pervasive African traditional O'CONNOR-6 influences with the kind of jazz-rock fusion being played overseas by bands like Weather ...

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