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2411: Caravaggio
... as a consequential reaction. Caravaggio was one of the premier painters who worked during the midst of the counter reformation in Rome. He is responsible for a number of historically significant paintings which set a new trend among relationships between painters and their patrons. Some of his paintings include the Calling of Saint Mathew, Bacchus, David with the Head of Goliath, and Judith and Holoferne. His new use of naturalism in his work set the new trend of genre painting, a trend some considered vulgar and grotesque for its realistic tendencies. For the purpose of this essay, Death of the Virgin will be considered, for in it Caravaggio, painting in ...
2412: Calvin And De Las Casas
... the American Indians as rational beings with soul and that their lives and property should be protected."8 In 1542, he returned to Spain and convinced Charles I once more to support him by signing "New Laws" that prohibited Indian slavery and tried to put an end to the endomienda system by limiting ownership of serfs. Las Casas receive opposition when he declared that any Spaniards that refused to release his ... of their churches in society. In Calvin's case, he was asked to come back to Geneva, succeed because he had so many supporters unlike Las Casas, where he went back and forth between the New World and Spain, fighting to even get his own king to support him. Calvin is considered victorious in his time; and although Las Casas was considered a failure in his lifetime, both left something behind ...
2413: Extensive Symbolism Of The Sca
... who witness his confession and death. At the end of the novel, as a summary symbol, the scarlet A refers against the black background on Hester and Dimmesdale's tombstone. The forest represents a free world and a dark world. For the latter, it is a place where no Puritan law subsists. Luckily, at least for the four main characters, Hawthorne provides such a sanctuary in the form of the mysterious forest. Hawthorne uses the ... can open up and be themselves. For Pearl, it is a place where she can run and play freely picking flowers and make friends with the animals who live there. It also represents a dark world where witches gather, individuals sell their souls to the devil, and where Dimmesdale can acknowledge his sin to Hester, but not to the rest of the world. The trees surrounding it allow for only ...
2414: Great Issues In Western Civili
... background. Every human has been socialized in some way, and these circumstances factor into the making of a great issue. What is incredible about nearly every great issue is that one individual can make a world of difference. Luther and the Reformation, Voltaire and the Enlightenment, Marx and Marxism, Darwin and Darwinism, Bolshevism/ Communism and Lenin, Nazism and Hitler, these are all people and movements that are mentioned together. In one ... that we live. Each of these issues has enhanced history and the relevance of its studying. Put them together in a sort of time line, and one will be able to see what makes the world that we live in today. In fact these great issues are the foundation of today’s society, and to fully understand the society that we live in today we need to understand the great issues ... crumble. No longer was the pope in control of the nations, but instead individual conscience, religious tolerance, and the awareness of cultural and national differences began to work its way as becoming part of our world today. Luther and his influence directed the transformation of the church that has paved the way for the Enlightenment that was to come. Then there is writer and philosopher Voltaire, who is commonly known “ ...
2415: Record Holders
... months. He ended the streak at 56-games. DiMaggio’s streak ended only because of the two great plays made by Cleveland third baseman, Ken Keltner. After that game he went on to start a new streak, which only lasted seventeen games, but if it wasn’t for that one game he would have had a 73 game hitting streak. DiMaggio shattered the previous record, by 12 games. The only one ... the game, but his one record didn’t compare to all of Denton True (“Cy”) Young’s. DiMaggio was one of the greatest players ever to step into cleats, he was the king of the New York Yankees. Over his career of more than sixty year his lifetime batting average was a remarkable .325. He was also a great hitter because he only had 369 career strikeouts througout his major leagur ... with a hit, which is stunning. Yet, Joe DiMaggio actually hit safely in 61 striaght games, but it was for the San Fransico Seals of the Pacific Coast League. DiMaggio won three MVP awards, nine World Series, and played in eleven All-Star Games. He was probably the greatest player to play in the 20th century. Even with all of his accomplishments he isn’t as recognize in the record ...
2416: OBE: The Restructuring Of American Society.
... America regarding the quality of public education. Students are graduating from highschool without adequate knowledge of the three R's. Universities are recruiting a multitude of incompetent pseudo-scholars. Employers don't understand why the new generation of workers do not possess the basic skills to perform the job. It would appear that American students are not learning as much as their parents did. And yet, teachers are still teaching, taxes ... a graduate with a well rounded education, and prepared him for further development of career skills. With the exception of those who did not apply themselves, the system worked. Today America's educators take a new approach in the classroom. The focus of education has moved to measuring what students can do, rather than what they understand. This is the core principle of Outcomes Based Education (OBE). An outcome, by definition ... for changing student behavior." (p 14 of Ron Sunseri's book OBE: Understanding the Truth about Education Reform, Questar Publishers, P.O. Box 1720, Sisters, OR 97759) Bloom called it "Mastery Learning." Techniques for his new style of education, based on Skinnerian behavioral psychology, focus on stimulus-response conditioning. Bloom said the mission of education is to change the thoughts, actions and feelings of students. He held that the desired ...
2417: Oppression (native Son)
... but handle it in different ways. Some of these people include his mother, his girlfriend, and Max his lawyer. All of these people have a certain amount of oppression given to them by the outside world. The only difference is the way each one of them handle it. Ever since Bigger was a little boy he has felt very oppressed by the world because he was black. Bigger feels that he has nothing to be proud of so he takes this oppression to the heart and turns it into fear. The only way that he could express himself was to show the world that they should not oppress what they don t know the power of. Bigger demonstrated that he should be feared and acknowledged by murdering the daughter of a very rich family. At one point ...
2418: Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt was 32nd president of the US 1933-45, a Democrat. He served as governor of New York 1929-33. Becoming president during the Great Depression, he launched the New Deal economic and social reform program, which made him popular with the people. After the outbreak of World War II he introduced lend-lease for the supply of war materials and services to the Allies and drew up the Atlantic Charter of solidarity. Once the US had entered the war 1941, he ...
2419: Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality INTRODUCTION Imagine yourself being able to jump off of the Empire State Building and fly over New York City on your own personal tour. You catch a glimpse of Madison Square, you see a breathtaking view of Broadway, and then you quickly pass over Monk's Coffee Shop, where Jerry, George, Elaine ... of these things are ever going to happen to you in real life. However, there is a way that you can experience the feeling that something like this is happening. If you're open to new ideas, and you have a good imagination, virtual reality may be a toy for you. What is VR? Virtual Reality grew out of flight simulation research during World War II and early computer graphics research in the 1960's. In 1965, computer scientist Ivan Sutherland published a paper describing "The Ultimate Display" and set the stage for research on the technology of ...
2420: Madonna
... in high school. This was the main reason she continued onto college. In the beginning of her college education, she enjoyed going to school on a daily basis. In addition, she enjoyed learning and meeting new friends. However, she began to get bored with her college education and her stay in college was brief. Within the next two years she dropped out of the University of Michigan and decided to pursue ... knew that she wanted to either continue in the field of dance or somewhere in the music industry. She believed that she had greater opportunities in these careers in a large, diversified metropolitan city like New York City. Once in New York City, she joined a band and began writing musical notes, lyrics, and songs. This was the start of her music career. However, she still wanted to pursue her dance career. She always had ...

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