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2391: Atomic Bomb
Atomic Bomb On August 6, 1945, the world changed forever. On that day the United States of America detonated an atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima. Never before had mankind seen anything like it. Here was something that was much bigger than ... devils wrecking ball. In Hiroshima, it killed 100,000 people, most non-military civilians. The immediate effects of this bombing were simple. The Japanese government surrendered, unconditionally, to the United States. The rest of the world rejoiced as the most destructive war in the history of mankind came to an end. All while the survivors of Hiroshima tried to piece together what was left of their lives, families and homes. Over ... that followed, then would come to have a direct or indirect effect on almost every man, woman and child on this Earth. The United States of America dropped the atomic bomb in hope of shortening World War Two, saving of thousands of military lives and making the Untied States of America look more powerful then ever. President Truman had decided to go ahead and test the bomb in New Mexico. ...
2392: Even from it's humble beginnings, the Internet has always been a battlefield between phreaks and administrators
... beginnings, the Internet has always been a battlefield between phreaks and administrators. The Internet hasn't always been a public forum. In fact, the Internet has been around for years. The Internet is just a new fad ("The More I Learn" A1). The Internet originally began as DARPANET, a government-created network, which was designed for defense communications. The Net structure is such that it could survive a nuclear war ("Internet ... they can be obtained for free ("Internet History"). Although some of the original universities have dropped off the Net for various reasons, every major university in the United States, and now, most others in the world, have a connection to the Internet (Quittner 61). Although it isn't easy for an individual to get a direct connection to the Net, many private institutions are getting connections. This is mainly due to ... Even if only two remain, the Net will continue to exist (Spencer, "Hacking McDonalds" 6). To ease of adding something to the Net is also a factor preventing the total regulation of the Net. A new site can be added to the Net in a matter of seconds, and can be removed just as quickly. It takes authorities considerable time to trace a connection back to it's physical address, ...
2393: 1984- A Valid Prediction
... antiutopian novel, the people of society are viewed as sinful and untrustworthy. A serious of devices are used to monitor the citizens in this government run society. The novel gives a sad vision of the world of the future. When Orwell wrote 1984 in 1948, a strange coincidence, Europe was in the middle of World War II. "The war was unquestionably an important part of his [Orwell's] writing" (Williams 8). Orwell used his novel to speak out against socialism and classism. In a society ruled by a character named ... his predictions were not achieved in 1984, many are becoming reality in 1999. In his day, Orwell's predictions seemed outlandish, but today, many people would argue that his dreams have become reality. Although the world is not under complete control of the government, the leaders of today do influence the direction society goes. Increased technology has led to a highly monitored society, much like Orwell's Oceania. Hidden cameras ...
2394: Women's Roles in the Revolution
... own, succeeded. The businesses thrived, despite of terrible inflation, dense British occupancy, and the absence of important supplies that were badly needed. Though all of thsi, the women's self confidence increased drastically. With this new confidence, the women proved that they could make a living by themselves, without the aid of men. Poorer women who didn't have a source of income without thier husbands, padked up their belongings and ... yell, “ Here comes Molly and her Pitcher!” Therefore, she became known as Molly Pitcher. Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley's moment of glory took place on June twenty- eighth, seventeen seventy-eight, in Manmouth (Now Freehold) New Jersey.4 The British General Sir Harry Clinton, who was movng his troops from Philadelphia to New york, had run into an American Force lead by General Charles Lee. Among them was John Casper Hays, Mary's husband. Mary worked at her pitcher throught the entire battle, bringing cool water to ...
2395: Nelson Mandela
... Mandela's Inaugural Address Your majesties, your royal highnesses, distinguished guests, comrades and friends: Today, all of us do, by our presence here, and by our celebrations in other parts of our country and the world, confer glory and hope to newborn liberty. Out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud. Our daily deeds ... justice, strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul, and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all. All this we owe both to ourselves and to the peoples of the world who are so well represented here today. To my compatriots, I have no hesitation in saying that each one of us is as intimately attached to the soil of this beautiful country as are the ... depth of the pain we all carried in our hearts as we saw our country tear itself apart in terrible conflict, and as we saw it spurned, outlawed, and isolated by the peoples of the world, precisely because it has become the universal base of the pernicious ideology and practice of racism and racial oppression. We, the people of South Africa, feel fulfilled that humanity has taken us back into ...
2396: Video Cards
... something is getting closer or moving away. However, the traditional personal computers can only make use of two dimensional space due to relatively low technology level of the video card in the past. As the new technology has been introduced to the video card industry in recent years, the video card can now render 3D graphics. Most of the PC computer games nowadays are in three dimensions. In addition, some web sites also apply the use of three dimensional space. This means that they are no longer a flat homepage, but instead a virtual world. With that added dimension, they all look more realistic and attractive. Nevertheless, 3D do not exist in most of the business programs today, but it can be forecasted that it is not far away. Many new kinds of video cards have been introduced to the market recently. In the past, the video card could only deliver two dimensional graphics which were only in low resolution. However, there has now emerged ...
2397: Nelson Mandela
... plan to organize mass support for the ANC and make it a more verbal organization.1948; the National Party comes to power under Dr. Daniel Malan. His platform is called apartheid, meaning "apartness." They make new laws supporting racial discrimination and almost deleting almost all black rights. In1949, The ANC responds to the new apartheid policies, the ANC drafts a Program of Action calling for mass strikes, boycotts, protests and passive resistance. In 1951, Mandela becomes national president of the ANC Youth League. After that it is all downhill ... visits Winnie Mandela (Nelson’s Wife). Same year, South Africa's church leaders take up the anti-apartheid cause, led by Bishop Tutu. Late1985, During the summer, anti-apartheid rallies and protests take place in New York City, Atlanta and Washington. North America keeps up their support when world famous musicians, including Bruce Springsteen and Miles Davis, release the anti-apartheid disk "Sun City.' The song "Free Nelson Mandela" reaches ...
2398: Alcohol An Issue Within College Society
... you get the money? Where do you want to go? What are you really going to get out of this? Finally you make your decisions and you now find yourself away from home in a new environment, living the college life. College is a time where tough decisions are to be made and these choices can change the direction of your life. It is a time where in most cases students get a taste of the real world by being away from home for the first time with a new found freedom to live as they please. College life is a new experience and the pressures that come along with it have an effect on a student s path to success. Unfortunately, alcohol is ...
2399: Should Canada Be Allowed To Continue With Genetic Engineering Without Federal Guidelines?
... Be Allowed To Continue With Genetic Engineering Without Federal Guidelines? Should Canada be allowed to continue with genetic engineering without federal guidelines? In the past ten years there has been a rise in a relatively new science, a science that raises alot of controversial questions with very few answers. This science is called Genetic Engineering. In it's simplest terms it is the reordering of a genetic DNA sequence. It is ... Bowen of the Calgary children's hospital to remove blood from the child 4 hours. after birth, the blood was then promptly flown to Los Angeles California where the blood testing was done and a new gene introduced into the specimen blood. From there the blood was flown back to Calgary and then reintroduced into the child's blood stream. Today child leads the life of an average 6 month old ... newer things that scientists have been working on only recently is a cure for HIV or the AIDS virus, what basically would be done is, reintroduce the DNA sequence that deals with the immune system. (New York Times,1993) One thing that environmentalists have already tried to stop is, the testing of bacillus causing ice crystals to form on the potato plant : the genetic lowering of it's temperature threshold ...
2400: Huck Fin 2
... for many of his books. His father died when he was 12. After his father died, he went to work as a printerΉs apprentice and eventually as a printer in Missouri, St. Louis, and New York often writing a few works himself for periodicals. He worked as a printer and a reporter selling much of his work to newspapers. He continually moved from town to town. In 1857, he decided to move to South America to make a fortune there. He boarded a riverboat and headed for New Orleans where he would arrange the rest of his trip. However, he never made it past New Orleans and never into South America. He begged the riverboat to teach him how to pilot the riverboat. The riverboat pilot agreed to teach him for $500. Mark Twain went west during the civil ...

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