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2341: Cranes Use Of Ironic Symbolism
... beginning to realize the effect his arrival on the town will have. The train car is the perfect symbol of the East moving toward and imposing itself on the west. The second setting is "a world of complete contrast to the Eastern Pullman: the setting is Western, the bar of the Weary Gentleman Saloon" (Solomon 253). The saloon Fischer 2 contains all the necessary Western elements-- whisky, guns, barflies, and an ... havoc on the social structure of Yellow Sky, and Potter knows it. Potter's "opposite, Scratchy Wilson cannot face his own two roles" (Solomon 252). Where Potter has realized and is attempting to accept his new role, Scratchy will do nothing of the kind. Scratchy is the town's drunken bum. The occupants of the town are Fischer 3 terrified as he rages up and down the street. Scratchy is, however ... and fancy boots. Though he isn't conscious of it, these are a symbol of the East's encroachment on Scratchy. His shirt was "made principally by some Jewish women on the east side of New York and his boots had red tops with gilded imprints, of the kind beloved by little sledding boys on the hillsides of New England" (407). Despite his comical appearance, Scratchy is still the terror ...
2342: Life of John F Kennedy
... As the time went by, the family’s wealth grew, as well as the size of the family. The Kennedy’s moved to larger, more impressive homes, first in Brookline, then in the suburbs of New York city. John had a good childhood, full of family games and sports. He attended several private schools throughout his education, but finally ended up at Choate School in Wallingford, Connecticut where he graduated in ... then enrolled at Harvard where he was an average student during his first two years. A trip to Europe with his father in the summer of 1937 and again in 1939 introduced him to the world of international politics. His interest soared and upon returning to Harvard for his senior year, he wrote an honors thesis and graduated in 1940. “As discussed in the Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 16, page362.” He had ... invasion was planned before Kennedy took office; he allowed it to proceed with modifications and limited support from the United States. He accepted sole responsibility for the failure and received harsh critism from abroad and world wide anti-American feelings. His Presidency was plagued with confrontations with Russia over Berlin, and again when Soviet missiles were spotted in Cuba. This made the United States venerable to a nuclear attack from ...
2343: Major Themes in Faulkner’s Light in August”
... determine where he belongs, because he has no idea of his origins, he has no idea of self, even to the extent of not being sure of his race. Christmas is thoroughly alone in the world, completely separate from everyone. "Well, here I am" (p.134). This is the first thing Christmas says. A fitting statement on his utter aloneness. While Christmas is emotionally alone, he is not left alone by ... of who he is onto him, another reenactment of the scenes before follows, only this time ending in Christmas once again killing the person trying to change him. Christmas is drawn into evil, by a world that would never let him be anything else. Christmas symbolizes the cause and demonstrates the effect of man's falling. His dual coloring is an ironic emblem for the divided society in which he is ... Christmas’ character, and the interaction between the other characters that come into conflict with him, thoroughly demonstrate these themes through Joe’s struggle in Faulknerian society. List of Works Cited Faulkner, William. Light in August. New York: Vintage Books, 1987 Major Themes in Faulkner’s Light in August” Faulkner's Light in August is a metaphor. In fact it is many metaphors, almost infinitely many. It is a jumble of ...
2344: Gothic
... Ages, that the Gothic style got its most meaningful expression, providing the widest scope for the development of architectural ideas.1 Although by 1400 Gothic had become the universal style of building in the Western world, its creative heartland was in northern France in an area stretching from the royal domain around Paris, including Saint-Denis and Chartres, to the region of the Champagne in the east and southward to Bourges ... not only between neighboring towns but also between far-distant regions. Politically, the twelfth century was also the time of the expansion and consolidation of the State. Along with political and economic developments, a powerful new intellectual movement arose that was stimulated by the translation of ancient authors from Greek and Arabic into Latin, and a new literature came into being. Gothic architecture both contributed to these changes and was affected by them.5 The Gothic style was essentially urban. The cathedrals of course were all situated in towns, and most ...
2345: Global Warming 3 -
... All of these activities are unfavorably altering the composition of the biosphere and the Earth s heat balance. If we do not slow down our use of fossil fuels and stop destroying, the forests, the world could become hotter than it has been in the past million years. Average global temperatures have risen 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last century. If carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to spill into ... next century. The warning will be the greatest at the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, with the largest temperature rises occurring in winter. Most areas will experience summertime highs well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. New temperature records will be set each year. As a possible prelude to global warming, the decade of the 1980 s has had the six hottest years of the century (Erandson 18-22). Atmospheric disturbances brought ... species to become extinct. Weeds and pests could overrun much of the landscape. Since life controls the climate to some extent, it is uncertain what long-term effects a diminished biosphere will have on the world as a whole. It is becoming more apparent, however, that as man continues to squander the Earth s resources, the climate could change in such a way that it is no longer benevolent to ...
2346: Appearance Is Everything
Appearance Is Everything Appearance is everything. The saying could be the foundation for a religious cult among American teens. Movies, music, and tv commercials create an Orwellian world where everyone think, acts, and looks the same. The youth of American is presently being exploited by large corporations that use tactful methods to get teens to fit the mold. MTV is a lifeline for ... loser”. First of all, it is obvious that the stories are fictional and the alleged couples are actors. But the real problem lies within the idea behind the show. Is that the biggest problem the world is facing today? Who to blame in some strange couples breakup? It is disturbing to know that the same audience members and at-home viewers that are voting on whom to place the blame, will ... popular girls give her “the chance of a lifetime”. They give her a makeover in return for her silence regarding the murder. The next day in school she receives instant popularity solely based on her new look. Appearance is everything. Another film entitles She’s All That hit theaters around the same time. In this movies, a “loser” girl is given a makeover because of a bet made by two ...
2347: Farewell To Manzanar
Farewell To Manzanar In the true story "Farewell to Manzanar" we learn of a young girl's life as she grows up during World War II in a Japanese internment camp. Along with her family and ten thousand other Japanese we see how, as a child, these conditions forced to shape and mold her life. This book does not ... line, told them, "I'm going to sell you to the Chinaman." So when Jeanne saw all these Japanese kids she assumed she was being sold. They were soon given 48 hrs. to find a new place to stay. Again they found refuge in a minority ghetto in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles. But then the government issued Executive Order 9066 which gave the War Dept. power to define military areas in ... her life had been relatively simple. As a 7-yr. old one doesn't really no much of life anyway! This was soon to change for her, as she is now being forced into a world guarded behind barbed wire. Manzanar, located near Lone Pine, California was the camp Jeanne's family, kept together only by an effort made by Jeanne's mother, was assigned to. The conditions were raw, ...
2348: Kamicaze Pilots
Kamikaze Pilots During World War II in the Pacific, there were pilots of the Japanese Imperial Army and Navy who made suicide attacks, driving their planes to deliberately crash into carriers and battle- ships of the Allied forces. These ... as a symbol of a militaristic and extremely nationalistic Japan, the current Japanese respond to the issue with ignorance and false stereotypes and with generally negative and unsympathetic remarks. However, the Kamikaze fighters added a new wrinkle to navel warfare. Kamikaze expressed their feelings and thoughts about the missions through haiku poems. In many of the haiku that the Kamikaze pilots wrote, the Emperor is mentioned in the first line. According ... from prestigious colleges such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Keio, and Waseda Universities. These students from college tended to have more liberal ideas, not having been educated in military schools, and also were more aware of the world outside of Japan. All the pilots involved in the "Okinawa Tokko" had been trained in/as one of the following: The Youth Pilot Training School, Candidates for Second Lieutenant, The Imperial Army Air Corps ...
2349: Compare And Contrast The War Poems By Jessie Pope And Rupert Brooke To Those Of Wilfred Owen
Compare And Contrast The War Poems By Jessie Pope And Rupert Brooke To Those Of Wilfred Owen World War One, or the Great War as it was sometimes known, took place between 1914 and 1918. During this time there were many emotions shown by people of all walks of life. Emotions, which could only be brought out by a catastrophe with the magnitude of World War One. Only those who had experienced the bravery shown by the soldiers and had seen the true brutality of war, could possibly have any idea of what war was going to be like. This ... gets attention and promotes enrolment, but the next poem- “Peace” by Robert Brooke takes a different angle on the matter. “Peace” is a poem with the idea that the dawn of war has created a new life for the people of the world. The early 20th has become a mundane and monotonous period of time, the residents of Britain have worked themselves into a rut and the war is their ...
2350: Amelia Earhart
... forever...a phone call from Captain H.H. Railey asked, "how would you like to be the first woman to fly across the Atlantic?" H.H. Railey had been asked by George Palmer Putnam, a New York publisher, to find the woman to make a trans-atlantic flight. No woman had so far flown across the Atlantic. A week later, Amelia met with George Putnam in New York. George was said to have been so impressed by her at the meeting that he decided Amelia should be the woman to make the flight. Amelia accepted the offer although she would only be ... everyone's mind and in the pages of newspapers across the country. Amelia flew a solo flight from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast in September 1928 to attend the National Air Races. Returning to New York, she began a series of lecture tours organized by George to publicize her new book about the Atlantic flight, "20 hours, 40 minutes". Often George accompanied her on these trips.. They had become " ...

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