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2331: The Aztecs
... opportunity for rebellion, the Mexica allied themselves with the Tetzcocoans and a rebellious Tepanec town, Tlacopan, to get rid of Atzcapotzalco. The balance of power was changed, and the victorious allies divided the empire into new spheres of political and economic dominion. Like their predecessors, the allies sought to profit directly by tapping into local economic production without maintaining direct territorial control. Their "hegemonic" type of empire was unlike the empires ... controlled the resources of a vast landscape, enabling them to construct impressive residences, to distribute wealth within their hierarchy, and to consolidate and expand their personal power as well as that of their nations. A new aristocracy--the pipiltin--was created that also wrested political power at home from the old tribal communal organizations, the calpullis. During the 15th century a succession of rulers carried out systematic programs of conquest, leading ... regulated the recurrent annual ceremonial calendar of the state. It was divided into 19 "months" of 20 days each, called vientenas by the Spanish, plus a five-day period between the old year and the new. Each vientena had its own special festival identified with a deity or complex of deities, correlated to agricultural or warlike activities in the dry and rainy seasons. The 260-day tonalpohualli cycle and the ...
2332: World War 189
World War 189 Bazooka shots echoed everywhere as the Kwarsakian Military launched the initial attack of World War 189 on USA. Women from across the world were evacuated on a cheap 100-billion dollar NAASSA hotels to prepare for boarding of the Rudnnex, a sophisticated space shuttle that went 99.999% mph of the speed of light. Funny that women ...
2333: Devastation of the Rain Forests
... to pay." - Eduardo Albuquerque Barbosa There is a constant war that is being fought in the rainforests of South America. The death toll is one that far surpasses any other war in history. Vietnam and World War II had minimal loss of life compared to this never-ending battle. It is predicted that by the year 2020, the casualties will reach 150 per day. This total does not even include the ... for possible life saving medicines. About 70 percent of plants used in anti- cancer drug come are the rain forest. We are slowly destroying the environment and ourselves. Whether we realize it or not, the world could quickly come to an ecological stop. Every day 144,000 acres of the rainforests are cut down, slashed and/or put up in flames. In 1974, Brazil started a forest fire of 20.6 ... rainforest dwelling animals and local environmentalists, large corporations can some how justify their murderous ways. Rainforests cover only a mere seven percent of the Earth's land surface, yet they contain 50 percent of the world's species. Along with the thousands of animals in these century old forests, there are many tribes of Indians who are subjected to torment and usually death by their companies. Heartless Corporations such as ...
2334: Psychoanalysis Of Hamlet
... play, Hamlet is finally willing to make the ultimate sacrifice: to avenge his father's death and to kill his uncle, as well as part of himself. Hamlet will live on forever in the literary world. It has become extremely popular and famous because the reader can analyze the play from a diverse and countless number of ways. Psychoanalytic criticism is one of many ways of looking at Hamlet's actions ... In a sense, Shakespeare wrote two plays in one; one play dealing with a tragedy, leaving the stage with many corpses; the other standing the test of time, in a captivating exploration into an unconscious world of the unknown. Works Cited Adelman, Janet. "Man and Wife is One Flesh:" Hamlet and the Confrontation with the Maternal Body. Hamlet. Ed. Susanne L. Wofford. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1994. Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory. New York: Manchester University Press. 1995. Jones, Ernest. "Ernest Jones: Hamlet and Oedipus." N. pag. Online. Worldwide web. 21 May 2000. Available at: http://click.go2net.com/adpopup?site=hm&shape=noshape&border=1&area= ...
2335: The Promise of Genetic Engineering
... can be used to humanity's best advantage. This speech will investigate the ways in which genetic engineering affects two important areas in today's society. The first one will be the improvement of the world's agricultural techniques. With an ever-increasing growth in world population, the Earth's resources are constantly becoming scarce. The advent of genetic engineering may be used to avert the occurrence of worldwide famine and starvation. The second one investigated will be in the field of medical development and study. Currently, genetic diseases are decimating the world's population. Thousands of people have already died without a single worthy treatment or cure. Worldwide acceptance and support of this technology would aid in our battle against these diseases. According to the United ...
2336: The Accomplishments of Alexander the Great
... with great speed, he took extraordinary risks; his success was achieved by the amount of sheer force and drive to overcome these risks. Alexander was one of the greatest and most courageous fighters in the world. He was educated as a student by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. The philosopher imbued Alexander with a love of Greek art and poetry, and instilled in him a lasting interest in Philosophy and science. Within ... had a weakness. The current king, Darius III, had come to the throne through the murder of his predecessor and was highly incompetent._Darius was no leader-in fact, h e was not even a brave man. The best of his generals and satraps might have been able to compensate for his shortcomings, but the rigidly structured hierarchy of the Empire did not give them a chance._ Besides the fact that ... one brief and self-assured sentence his contempt for the Persians, his even greater contempt for the Spartans, and his conviction that he was furthering a Greek cause. _Of all the generals of the ancient world Alexander was surely the greatest. He possessed an almost clairvoyant insight into strategy and was a consummately resourceful tactician. Alexander could be compared to Napoleon in swiftness and in movement, but Alexander could be ...
2337: Assisted Suicide Or Euthanasia
By: Mayan Marshall E-mail: MMars8008@aol.com ASSISTED SUICIDE or euthanasia On July 26, 1997, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upheld decisions in New York and Washington State that criminalized assisted suicide. As of April 1999, physicians-assisted suicide is illegal in all but a couple of states. Over thirty states have established laws prohibiting assisted suicide, and of ... abuse (REED A9). The word Euthanasia originated from the Greek language: eu means “good” and thanatos means “death”. The term euthanasia normally means that the person who wishes to commit suicide must initiate the act (WORLD BOOK). However, some people define euthanasia to include both voluntary and involuntary termination of life. Euthanasia has many meanings so it is important to differentiate among the vaguely related terms. These meanings of terms were ... policy for all adults, including religious liberals, Humanists, Atheists, Agnostics, and rest of the population. Dr. Abraham Halpern, an ex-president of the American Association of Psychiatry and the Law, wrote an article in the New York Times stating that “Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act….should be repealed. It greases the slippery slope and will surely result in undignified and unmerciful killings”(HALPERN). Dr. Gibson, the founder and president ...
2338: Misconduct in Police Departments
... the Police Foundation found that blacks represented 42 percent of citizens' complaints of excessive force filed against large urban police departments in 1991." (113-114) Has it been in our past or is it just new? "Williams, an African-American and former police chief of Newark, NJ, sees police racism as a historical legacy." (114) Police officers go under a different book for whites and blacks. "Police have been the ones ... approach." (115). "Beat officers attend all neighborhood association meetings and take complaints from residents." (115) With the help from the public and the communities this will lessen police misconduct in the police department throughout the world. Complaints are often filed against certain officers. "You investigate a complaint and you get to a stalemate because there's not enough evidence to call what happened one way or another," says Lawrence Sherman, a ... beating." (118) Some of the crimes done by police officer can be hard to believe. "I'd seen vicious beatings, but I'd never seen anything like that in America," says David Whitfield, a retired New York City polices lieutenant. (118) Police officers are learning how to prevent these kinds of problems by taking a class on ethics. "Law Enforcement executives who take the FBI's special 11-week training ...
2339: Kamicaze Pilots 2
Kamikaze Pilots During World War II in the Pacific, there were pilots of the Japanese Imperial Army and Navy who made suicide attacks, driving their planes to deliberately crash into carriers and battle- ships of the Allied forces. These ... as a symbol of a militaristic and extremely nationalistic Japan, the current Japanese respond to the issue with ignorance and false stereotypes and with generally negative and unsympathetic remarks. However, the Kamikaze fighters added a new wrinkle to navel warfare. Kamikaze expressed their feelings and thoughts about the missions through haiku poems. In many of the haiku that the Kamikaze pilots wrote, the Emperor is mentioned in the first line. According ... from prestigious colleges such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Keio, and Waseda Universities. These students from college tended to have more liberal ideas, not having been educated in military schools, and also were more aware of the world outside of Japan. All the pilots involved in the "Okinawa Tokko" had been trained in/as one of the following: The Youth Pilot Training School, Candidates for Second Lieutenant, The Imperial Army Air Corps ...
2340: Beowulf And Norse Mythology
The Norse World In Beowulf, many beliefs had to do with Norse mythology, from the way they buried their dead to their thoughts on war and violence. In Norse mythology, a person’s honor depends on the way ... proves himself by dying while fighting the forces of evil, not by conquering it. (Hamilton, 444). Beowulf becomes a hero by dying while fighting the dragon. In most religions, Mythology is used to explain the world in which a person lives. For the Anglo-Saxons, the world was filled with war and violence. Norse mythology explains the world, and justifies the kind of people that they are. The gods and goddesses live in a hostile environment filled with war and violence. ...

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