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2271: World War I Propaganda
World War I Propaganda The United States used propaganda to control what people thought and to create positive feelings towards World War I. The newspaper was used to release information that had sometimes been altered to glorify the war. Music and motion pictures were used to try to help the people understand why America was in ... things were used to educate and sometimes mislead the people it reached. The newspaper was the main influence on the American people because most people tried to read the newspaper everyday. The first appearance of World War One propaganda was the tragic sinking of the Lusitania1. The United States took this as a direct attack on the nation and so did the newspapers. They saw this as a perfect excuse ...
2272: The Roots of Christianity
... Jesus. After the crucifixion, Jesus appeared as a resurrected being to his disciples and friends. His disciples then carried on the work of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, both to the Jews and Gentiles. New disciples then joined the original disciples, particularly by Paul. Paul traveled throughout Greece and Rome establishing Christian churches. Eventually, most of the early disciples were imprisoned and executed. Paul suffered martyrdom in Rome, probably in ... Rome at about this time. John was banished to the island of Patios. When Christianity started out, they did believe that they were Jewish. It is one of the early controversies spelled out in the New Testament. Nonetheless, when something (person or community) transforms, that is changes its form, it can survive quite well around the circumstances or agent of change. What did remain consistent is the belief in the same ... resurrection, nor ascension, or at the Pentecost event. Christians see Christianity as the fulfillment of Judaism. Jews seek a Messiah; Christians say the Messiah is Jesus. The basis of Christianity can be found in the New Testament book of Matthew, The Sermon on the Mount. In each of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) a different viewpoint of the person of Jesus is presented. Christians honor and read the ...
2273: John Dos Passos
... the case, John Dos Passos was such a man that appeared to have been significantly influenced by his past. Born un-rooted to any plot of land, his life was a mission to search for new ground on which to grow, which can be seen as an major theme throughout all his works. Dos Passos grew up to a turbulent childhood, being unconventionally born on January 14, 1896. His father, John ... Passos's side that desired independence from his parents, producing a theme of individual liberty. The theme of Dos Passos not being born to any plot of land, with his life a mission to find new ground on which to grow is representative by Jimmy Herf's life. Jimmy arrives in Manhattan hopeful of a new life; to settle down with a beautiful wife and acquire a satisfying job. He eventually does win the heart of Ellen Thatcher and becomes a successful writer, but in the end he allows Ellen ...
2274: Lucid Dreams: The First Virtual Reality
... dreams has constantly puzzled us, because it is here where all things are possible and seem to occur. In our dreams we perform superhuman and wonderful feats that would normally be impossible in the "awake world". We find the men or women of our dreams, depending on our sexual orientation. While we dream, these wonderful things become our temporary reality. Yet sometimes while dreaming we may experience the most horrifying events ... their dream they can simply take complete command of their dream and can consciously cause anything to happen. To the semi-conscious mind the experience is virtually identical to being awake. This concept is nothing new, in fact many of us will experience at least one of these dreams in our lifetime. There are a variety of stimuli that he uses to induce this state of mind. One method is playing ... mind. Another name for this state of mind is called hypnosis. Although the "lucid" state of mind that Dr. Laberge's patients experience is not completely conscious or subconscious, they are still asleep, and the world that they are in is very detailed and just as realistic as our waking world. That is what puzzles most people who look into his research. Although not mentioned by Dr. Laberge in his ...
2275: United States and Imperialism
... with the climax of the industrial revolution, the United States had become an industrialized and more sophisticated nation. The United States now had the resources, technology, and political organization to hold the status of a World Power. Consequently, the United States took on the role of an imperialist country; it had aspirations to put the American flag on as much of the globe as possible. During this exciting and innovative era ... heavily by idealism, or more heavily by self-interest. Those who argue that the most influential factor was idealism believe that the United State's goal in expansion was to literally help create an "ideal" world (in the United State's view). The United States felt a sense of duty to intervene when they observed the situations of different territories such as Cuba, Hawaii, and the Philippines around 1900. When intervening in these different areas of the world, the United States (supposedly) planned to idealize by imposing their civilized ways of society and religion on these crude populations of foreign people. This idealizing by the U.S. would also involve introducing American ...
2276: Asian Financial Crisis
... mid-1997 has led to sharp declines in the currencies, stock markets, and other asset prices of a number of Asian countries. It is hard to understand what these declines will actually do to the world market. This decline is expected to halve the rate of world growth in 1998 from the four percent that was projected pre-crisis to an estimated outcome of about 2 percent. The countries that are included in the East Asian crisis, known as "Tiger" economies, are ... its overcapacity and its lack of growth to the West, particularly to the US. History The past ten or fifteen years have seen an unprecedented expansion in the extent to which the countries of the world are tied together, both by instant communication and by international trade, institutions, and markets, including financial markets. On the whole, this process of globalization has been an enormously positive development. It has opened new ...
2277: John Kennedy
... 1960 they had a son John Junior. John Kennedy's education process is remarkable. He started out by going to a couple of Public schools in Brookline. He later moved onto Private schools in Riverdale, New York, and Wallingford, Connecticut. In the years 1935 and 1936 John attended the London School of Economics. Later on in 1940 at Harvard University he graduated with honors. John also did some graduate work in economics at Stanford, the prestigious university. In his college thesis he wrote "Why England Slept" concerning England's involvement in World War Two, or the lack they re of. This later turned into a full novel that became a New York Times bestseller. John's early work began with being a correspondent for The Chicago Herald American and International News Service. He became bored with this job and decided to represent the Eleventh Massachusetts ...
2278: Art in the Bible
... Contents Part 1 The Painting Part 2 A compalation of abstract ideas Part 3 Components of the picture Part 4 A few thesis statements Part 5 The essay Art in the Bible Many percieve this world as completly dichotomus. For many people they will go through their whole life thinking that there is nothing in between black and white. This may present a formidable situation for many, however, for Michelangelo this was not clear enough. He took the Christian religion that was important to him and the society that he lived in and percieved it a way more accoustomed to the modern world. He created a sense of greyness in a world that was previously percieved as only black and white. In his depiction of Adam and Eve being expelled from the garden of Eden he sets up a dichotomus world but through subtile and not ...
2279: Islam More Than A Religion
Islam More Than A Religion Despite its huge following around the world and the growing Muslim communities in the United States, Islam is foreign to most Americans who are familiar with Christianity or Judaism. Because most Americans know little or nothing about Islam, they have many misconceptions about Muslim beliefs and rituals. The negative image many people in the United States and Europe have of Islam and the Muslim world has a long history. Many have judged Islam without making an effort to consider this religious tradition on its own terms, without bothering to become acquainted with its teaching and the ways in which Muslims ... in Arabia, in the 7th century A.D. The term Islam virtually means “surrender”. Within Islam the believer (called a Muslim) use the Arabic word for God, Allah, to refer to the creator of the world and of all life within it. Allah is viewed as the sole God----creator, sustained, and restorer of the world. The will of Allah, to which man must submit, is made known through the ...
2280: Federal Express
... more expensive than the competition. Their success is evidence of this. There is a high barrier to entry in this industry. The tremendous infrastructure necessary to compete with the likes of FedEx keeps out potential new entrants. In the market segment where packages can be picked-up as late as 9:00 p.m. and delivered by 10:30 a.m. there is only one player…FedEx-the threat of substitute ... then flown in reverse. From early on Smith has been quite the visionary. In 1972 Smith offered the following on Federal Express, “This company is nothing short of being the logistics arm of a whole new society that is building up in our economy – a society that isn’t built around automobile and steel production, but is built up instead around service industries and high-technology endeavors in electronics and optics ... says, “We want 100% of our customers doing 100% of their transactions 100% of the time.” In terms the value chain, FedEx, it would seem fills a need that is created when businesses around the world determine that they cannot deliver their goods to customers quickly, reliably and efficiently (at least not as well as FedEx). When other companies, who need to get their goods to customers, examine their value ...

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