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2251: The Hobbit: Fantasy World Comparison To Our World
The Hobbit: Fantasy World Comparison To Our World The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is set in a fantasy world that has differences, as well as similarities, to our own world. Tolkien has created the novel's world, Middle Earth, not only by using imagination, but by also adding details from the modern world. ...
2252: Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
... the mid-1800^Ňs. It is the story of Huck’s struggle to win freedom for himself and Jim, a Negro slave. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was Mark Twain^Ňs greatest book, and a delighted world named it his masterpiece. To nations knowing it well - Huck riding his raft in every language men could print - it was America’s masterpiece (Allen 259). It is considered one of the greatest novels because ... depiction of adolescent life. The novel resumes Huck’s tale from the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, which ended with Huck^Ňs adoption by Widow Douglas. But it is so much more. Into this book the world called his masterpiece, Mark Twain put his prime purpose, one that branched in all his writing: a plea for humanity, for the end of caste, and of its cruelties (Allen 260). Twain, whose real name ... him constraining and the life with them lonely. As a result, soon after he first moves in with them, he runs away. He soon comes back, but, even though he becomes somewhat comfortable with his new life as the months go by, Huck never really enjoys the life of manners, religion, and education that the Widow and her sister impose upon him. Huck believes he will find some freedom with ...
2253: Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong was famous around the world for his jazz interperitations on the trumpet and the many styles of jazz he produced and played. Not to mention, he also had many great accomplishments throughout his allustrious career. "Armstrong was the seminal artist ... Armstrong is the oldest performer ever to chart a No. 1 hit record, an accomplishment achieved in 1964 when his record of 'Hello Dolly ' unexpectedly displaced the Beatles from the top position". (Guiness Book of World Records) And 17 years after his death, "Armstrong's record of "It's a Wonderful World" generated a new young audience when it was featured in the 1987 film 'Good Morning, Vietnam' ". (www.downbeatjazz.com) Most recent research gives Armstrong's birth as Aug. 4, 1901. He grew up in ...
2254: Nuclear Energy
... plants? You bet. They provide an alternative to burning vast amounts of fossil fuels making electricity production much easier on the environment. They produce much of the electricity that fuels our economic growth. They power new industrial technologies that keep our economy growing and improve our global competitiveness. They cut America's demand for imported oil by nearly 100 million barrels a year reducing our dependence on foreign oil suppliers and ... non-electric forms of energy fell by 3 percent. Clearly, electricity has become America's fuel of choice. It's helped us use energy more efficiently while helping our economy to grow. Where did this new electric supply come from? Over 95 percent of our new electric supply since 1973 came from nuclear energy and coal. More than 80 new nuclear power plants have started operating since 1973. Nuclear Energy: Clean And Green Pollution, soot and urban smog are bad ...
2255: The Life of Ulysses S. Grant
... together. His presidential years also had positive outcomes of the future of the United States. Grant's life was a long and interesting one. He was born at Point Pleasant, OH on April 27, 1822 (World Book CD-ROM, 1995). He was the son of Hannah Simpson and Jesse Grant (World Book CD-ROM, 1995). After he got out of school he went to West Point Military Academy and graduated 21st in his class of 39 in 1843 (Encarta, 1995). After graduating West Point he then was promoted to the Army. Grant was assigned to Jefferson Barracks, MO (World Book CD-ROM, 1995). There he met Julia Dent and married a few months later (Encarta, 1995). They had a family of four children and moved to St. Louis. Grant built a cabin named ...
2256: Dickinson vs. Whitman
... spent four years learning the printing trade; Emily Dickinson returned home after receiving schooling to be with her family and never really had a job. Walt Whitman spent most of his time observing people and New York City. Dickinson rarely left her house and she didn't associate with many people other than her family. In this essay I will be comparing Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman. Emily Dickinson's life ... during his lifetime, but Emily Dickinson only published seven of her poems during her lifetime. Actually, her poetry wasn't published until after her death. Both Whitman and Dickinson were poetic pioneers because of the new ideas they used in their poetry. Emily Dickinson did not write for an audience, but Walt Whitman wrote for an audience about several national events. The forms each poet used are different as well. The ... rhyme in the poetry by Whitman is drastically different from the poetry written by Dickinson, because Whitman didn't use any rhyme. Emily Dickinson grew up in Amherst, Mass, and Walt Whitman grew up in New York City, New York; this is one way that these poets' lives differ. The main people that influenced Emily Dickinson were Ralph Waldo Emerson and Emily Bronte. Walt Whitman was influenced by many people, ...
2257: Environmental Pollution
Environmental Pollution ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION Automobiles like these are around the world everyday, and their exhaust destroys our air everyday. Our environment is a major aspect of our life today. Many of us don't take our Earth seriously and think that as long as pollution doesn ... people burn fossil fuels, and CFCs from aerosols. Every bit of this harms our atmosphere. Factories and transportation depend on huge amounts of fuel billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year. When these fuels burn they introduce smoke and other, less visible, by-products into the atmosphere. Although wind and rain occasionally wash away the smoke given off by power plants and automobiles, the ... towns. Holland spent millions of dollars to put up “dikes” which are big barriers in the water to prevent their town to be completely submerged. With the ocean getting deeper coastal cites all around the world could flood, billions of dollars would be spent to try to prevent it, but in a while it could not be stopped. Instead of waiting and having to spend all this money why don' ...
2258: Dave Matthews Band
... and a stupid look. But today you would get everything but that. The Dave Matthews Band is one of the most successful bands of the late 20th century. But many ask how a band so new has become so successful in such a relatively short period of time. Many come to wonder if it was their music, their look, or possibly something else that has made the Dave Matthews Band what ... Band's success comes from their earth-toned acoustical music, their buttoned flannel shirts and their khaki pants, their heart-laced lyrics, and the need for many Jerry Garcia "Dead Head" survivors to find a new musical connection to life. Using the Official Dave Matthews Web Page (http://dmband.com) as a reference tool, I found that the life of the Dave Matthews Band saga begins early in 1991.Dave Matthews ... vibe of Dave Matthews Band, the transition was an easy one to make. Thus, many of the "Dead Heads" are now faithful followers of the DMB, and many now use Dave Matthews Band as a new musical connection to life. But the death of Jerry Garcia and the flock of newly dedicated fans weren't the only reasons for popularity for the Dave Matthews Band. The sound, the feeling of ...
2259: Dave Matthews Band
... and a stupid look. But today you would get everything but that. The Dave Matthews Band is one of the most successful bands of the late 20th century. But many ask how a band so new has become so successful in such a relatively short period of time. Many come to wonder if it was their music, their look, or possibly something else that has made the Dave Matthews Band what ... Band's success comes from their earth-toned acoustical music, their buttoned flannel shirts and their khaki pants, their heart-laced lyrics, and the need for many Jerry Garcia "Dead Head" survivors to find a new musical connection to life. Using the Official Dave Matthews Web Page (http://dmband.com) as a reference tool, I found that the life of the Dave Matthews Band saga begins early in 1991.Dave Matthews ... vibe of Dave Matthews Band, the transition was an easy one to make. Thus, many of the "Dead Heads" are now faithful followers of the DMB, and many now use Dave Matthews Band as a new musical connection to life. But the death of Jerry Garcia and the flock of newly dedicated fans weren't the only reasons for popularity for the Dave Matthews Band. The sound, the feeling of ...
2260: Thomas Edison and His Inventions
... in history. He was born in Milan, Ohio on February 11, 1847 and died in 1931. During his life he patented 1,093 inventions. Many of these inventions are in use today and changed the world forever. Some of his inventions include telegraphy, phonography, electric lighting and photography. His most famous inventions were the phonograph and the incandescent light bulb. Edison did some of his greatest work at Menlo Park. While ... of 1877 Edison had developed the carbon-button transmitter that is still used today in telephone speakers and microphones. Many of Thomas Edison’s inventions including the carbon transmitter were in response to demands for new products and improvements. In 1877, he achieved his most unique discovery, the phonograph. During the summer of 1877 Edison was attempting to devise for the automatic telegraph a machine that would transcribe a signals as ... they were hearing including a leading French scientist who declared it to be a trick device of a ventriloquist. The public’s amazement was quickly followed by universal approval. Edison became famous all around the world and was dubbed the Wizard of Menlo Park, although ten years passed before the phonograph was transformed form a laboratory curiosity into a commercial product. His most famous and most commonly used invention is ...

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