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2231: Latin Drug Trade
... Western Hemisphere. Appreciable gains were made in crop reduction, in interdiction, in weakening trafficking syndicates, strengthening law enforcement, and in targeting drug money laundering. The year's best news came from Peru, for years the world's largest coca growing country. Three-plus years of joint efforts by U.S., Peruvian, and Colombian forces to choke off the "air bridge" that carries Peruvian cocaine base to Colombia for processing paid off ... the smallest in ten years; a result of its government's determination to confront the drug trade. (1. Security Problems in Latin America). Colombia was a different story, since successful coca control operations also spurred new planting. Colombian traffickers accelerated their campaign to plant new coca outside the traditional growing areas, both to offset heavy losses from government eradication missions and to replace cocaine supplies cut off by the "air bridge" denial. The global community faces a different set ...
2232: IMF And The World Bank
... 1970's decade population transfer programs permited the development of an important commercial sector: Breeding. until 1983, breeding represented 80% of Somalia importation takings. At the beginning of the 80's the IMF and the World Bank imposed a program of reforms. This program led to the colapse of the fragil balance between Nomad and sedentary sector. One of the goal of this plan was to collect money to refund the IMF and other creditors from several debts. In 1989, the IMF loan was void because Somalia had failed to pay previous interests. Somalia had to comply with the SAP in order to have new loans. The results are well known: The collapse of the state, civil war, famine and finally the intervention of the United Nations and US soldiers (Le desordre des nations,p21). The effects the SAP's on society are felt by the poorest. For exemple, spending on healthcare has fallen in most of the world's poorest countries since 1980. In Uganda 4$ is spent per person on healthcare compared with 23$ per person on debt repayment. Because of budget cuts, Sub-Saharan Africa is very vulnerable to basic ...
... distribution actually live. When we deal with poverty we should know how many people are poor and how desperate conditions they live in. In most of the European countries and in the other parts the world; the absolute approach is used in defining poverty. The poverty line defined and this line is raised each year according to inflation. However, one way or another there are many individuals and families suffering from ... production) was started especially in England. Landowners enclosed their land to grasp sheep and to obtain more profit. And many serves became jobless so they migrated to cities. They became free labour forces for the new capitalist system. At first labourers had some control over system because the merchant was not free. However, after merchant owned the tools and capitals, which were necessary to produce goods, the labourer could only sell ... withdraw from economy but exploitation still continued. Although exploitation existed, poverty seemed to be declined relatively. However, it should not be forgotten that in this period, especially between 1940s and 1950s, public concern switched to World War II then to issues such as Korean War and Spread of Communism. Therefore in this period poverty was no longer recognised as a major problem, although large segment of the population continued to ...
2234: MkIS Support For The Marketing
... marketing information by means of IT has become one of the most vital elements of effective marketing. By collecting and sharing marketing information and by using it to promote corporate and brand image, IS offer new ways of improving the internal efficiency of the firm. IS allow dynamic marketing communication between personnel in corporate planning, accounting, advertising and sales promotion, product management, channels of distribution and direct sales. These systems also ... IOS) have become a common form for processing transactions and there are many examples of IOS that create electronic linkages between firms (see Bakos, 1991; Cash and Konsynski, 1985). IT has a key role in new flexible organization forms such as strategic partnerships and cross-functional networks. New organizations will be designed around business processes rather than functional hierarchies (Rockart and Short, 1989) and we will face the need for new kinds of IS in marketing. In fact, IS will be the ...
2235: Ancient Egyptian
Egyptian creation stories tell of several variations of how the world was composed. According to one variation, the ocean was the only thing in existence. Then the sun, Ra, came out of an egg (or a flower in some versions) that appeared on the surface of ... being accepted as the supreme god, Ra was a rival. To satisfy the claims of supremacy made by Amon and Ra, the two deities merged to form the god Amon-Ra or Amon-Re. This new god was worshipped as king of the gods, creator of the universe, and the father of the pharaohs. Amon-Ra was said to have guided the pharaohs in the battlefield. During the battle of Kadesh ... Isis, taught her subjects to ground flour, weave, and cure illnesses. She is often credited with establishing the custom of marriage. Having civilized Egypt, Osiris decided to do the same for the rest of the world, leaving Isis to rule during his travels. After several years, he returned, pleased to find that Isis' rule had kept everything in order. But shortly afterward his brother Seth, who had immense jealousy in ...
2236: Death Of A Salesman Log
... constantly feeds him. Biff never can hold down a job long enough to be successful. Biff is constantly being fired for stealing. This stems from his father. Willy always thought that his children were just brave souls, and daredevils. In his world his children could never be thieves. Biff seems to be an amplification or reflection of Willy s problems. He was nurtured on Willy s dreams, but was forced to see them for the lies and ... in the play. Charlie stands for completely different beliefs, and is quite successful. Charlie attempts to help Willy; however, he will not listen to his advice. In the end Charlie offers Willy the job in New York he so desperately needed. Willy s refusal seems to stem more from pride, then from insanity. Willy seems to have too much pride to admit that Charlie s beliefs are superior to his. ...
2237: Prozac: Harmful or Helpful?
... the biggest money makers ever for the pharmaceutical companies. The use of Prozac among children from ages 6-12 went from 41,000 in 1995 to 203,000 in 1996 (“ICFDA” 3). The number of new Prozac prescriptions written for children increased almost four hundred percent in just one year. Prozac is a very potent mind-altering drug that has not been approved for use in children and yet “children are ... effects. Many doctors admit that Prozac is not as effective as they had believed at first. “It is well known in medical circles that you are more likely to prescribe a drug when it is new. There’s a placebo effect that produces hope in the scientific community and among patients. Prozac seemed to work well in the beginning and it can be useful, although it’s probably over-prescribed. It ... Oct. 1997: 73-74. Freundlich, Naomi. “When the Cure May Make You Sicker.” Online. BusinessWeek. Internet. 15 Apr. 1999. Available: http://www.businessweek.com/1998/11/b3569025.htm Huffington, Arianna. “Peppermint Prozac.” U.S. News & World Report 25 Aug. 1997: 28. ---. “U.S. Attention Deficit on Legal Drug Risks.” Online. The Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology. Internet. 19 Apr. 1999. Available: http://www.breggin.com/RitalinAH2.html “ ...
2238: Genghis Khan Destined To Be A
Genghis Khan: Destined to be a Hero Arriving in this world with a blood clot in the palm of his hand , Genghis Khan was destined to be a hero. In 1167, Genghis Khan was born to Yisugei, Chieftain of the Kiyat-Borjigid, and his wife Ho ... poisoned by a group of Tartars. This loss of their leader caused the Kiyat tribe to scatter, leaving Temujin and his family alone. Yet, with much will power and determination Temujin developed into an intelligent, brave warrior at an early age. In 1189, when Temujin was 22, he was elected new leader of the Kiyat tribe. His rise to power came when a rival clan, the Merkit, captured his wife, Borte. The Khan of the Kereit tribe, Toghril, helped him by providing him with 20, ...
2239: Black Like Me
... would deprive them of the care they needed. Even though he was not oriented to his family, he was full of courage. He was willing to discuss topics that people hesitated to talk about, trying new ideas that people were afraid to do. After turning back to his own skin color, he attended most media conferences and also wrote books about what he had gone through. During those interviews, Griffin was ... He gained success after conquering over all of the difficulties, and his persistence should be taken as an example by the people of today. During adverse circumstances, Mr. Griffin saw the reality of the cruel world. On his way to Mississippi, he rode on a bus, and there was a ten-minute break. He asked the driver whether he could go to the restroom or not. The driver forbade him and ... only his or her skin color. Although they have different colors, it does not represent that they have a bad heart. The author wanted people to understand that there were many unfair cases in the world, but everyone has to be brave to face it. He once read a case from the newspaper. In Mississippi, there was a white man who killed a black man, but he was released. In ...
2240: Black Like Me
... would deprive them of the care they needed. Even though he was not oriented to his family, he was full of courage. He was willing to discuss topics that people hesitated to talk about, trying new ideas that people were afraid to do. After turning back to his own skin color, he attended most media conferences and also wrote books about what he had gone through. During those interviews, Griffin was ... He gained success after conquering over all of the difficulties, and his persistence should be taken as an example by the people of today. During adverse circumstances, Mr. Griffin saw the reality of the cruel world. On his way to Mississippi, he rode on a bus, and there was a ten-minute break. He asked the driver whether he could go to the restroom or not. The driver forbade him and ... only his or her skin color. Although they have different colors, it does not represent that they have a bad heart. The author wanted people to understand that there were many unfair cases in the world, but everyone has to be brave to face it. He once read a case from the newspaper. In Mississippi, there was a white man who killed a black man, but he was released. In ...

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