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2211: Vietnam: The War We Should Hav
The Vietnam War is one of the most disgraceful periods in American history. Not only did the greatest superpower in the world get bested by an almost third-world nation, but we lost badly. Perhaps this war could have been won, or even prevented in the first place. The United States could have and should have won this war, with a combination of better weapons usage, better tactics, and better support from their home country. Before the War Even years before the war, Vietnam was a hotly disputed territory. Many countries had taken Vietnam over, and after World War II, Vietnam was in the hands of France. Obviously, the Vietnamese wanted their own country, and their long history of being a colony prompted the oppressed people to fight for their independence in ...
2212: Teddy Roosevelt
Ascension To The White House As Governor of New York, Roosevelt would once again stand on his own and distance himself from the political bosses and machines that got him elected. The head of the Republican machine, Thomas Platt, had misgivings about making Roosevelt governor of New York because of Roosevelt's total independence and his reform nature. But in the gubernatorial race of 1898, with the bad press the Republican Party was receiving, there seemed to be no one else who ... find a way to gracefully get Roosevelt out of his hair. Platt's opportunity to get rid of Roosevelt came with the approach of the presidential election of 1900. McKinley was discretely looking for a new running mate to replace Hobart in the upcoming election. It was fairly obvious that the Democrats would choose William Jennings Bryan as their candidate of choice again, and McKinley would need a fiery speaking ...
2213: American Labor Movement: Development Of Unions
... United States. Once factory systems began to grow, a demand for workers increased. They hired large amounts of young women and children who were expected to do the same work as men for less wages. New immigrants were also employed and called "free workers" because they were unskilled. These immigrants poured into cities, desperate for any kind of work.(Working People, 1) Child labor in the factories was not only common ... a day. Unrealistic demands were put on the workers who could barely afford to support their families. (1) The United States had the highest job-related fatality rate of any other industrialized nation in the world. Everyone worked eighty hours or more a week for extremely low wages. Men and women earned twenty to forty percent less than the minimum deemed necessary for a decent life. The number was even worse ... economy was rising, but its people were miserable. Technological improvements continually reduced the demand for skilled labor. Yet, eighteen million immigrants between 1880 and 1910 entered the country eager for work. With an abundance of new immigrants willing to work, and no laws protecting a worker’s rights, businesses disregarded the lives of the individuals. (Department of Humanities, 1) This began to change with the formation of National Unions, collaborations ...
2214: Sumthn Called Music
... Yesteryear to Here Punk music is a unique form of music which incorporates heavy, raw and distorted guitars; intricate, deep sounding bass lines; high paced, pounding drum beats; and vocals that catapult ideologies of a world run by anarchy. Punk is a form of underground music which appeals to people who are either bored or dissatisfied with the way the world works. In The Merriam Webster Dictionary the definition of the word punk is; a young inexperienced person or a petty hoodlum.1 This is the typical stereotype which is associated with punk. This definition is far too vague and neglects to mention that punk is also a form of music. Punk is a relatively new form of music in the music world that originated out of New York¹s club scene in the mid sixties. Ed Sanders and Tuli Kupferberg were two members of a band called the Fugs. ...
2215: First Amendment
No other democratic society in the world permits personal freedoms to the degree of the United States of America. Within the last sixty years, American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have developed a set of legal doctrines that thoroughly protect all forms ... for the first time. He depicts how people of all backgrounds worked together for one cause: freedom. I selected Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 as a fictitious example of the evils of censorship in a world that is becoming illiterate. In this book, the government convinces the public that book reading is evil because it spreads harmful opinions and agitates people against the government. The vast majority of people accept this ... throughout the book and finally prevailed in the end when his main character rebelled against the practice of burning books. Among the many forms of protests are pickets, strikes, public speeches and rallies. Recently in New Jersey, more than a thousand community activists rallied to draft a "human" budget that puts the needs of the poor and handicapped as a top priority. Rallies are an effective means for people to ...
2216: Secularization
The word secularization is derived from the Latin word saeculum(world) it was first used to refer the transfer of property from the church to the civil princes. Now it denotes the process by which religion loses some or all of its power, dominance and authority. Secularization as a concept refers to the actual historical process whereby this dualist system this world and the sacramental structures of mediation between this world and the other world progressively breakdown until the entire medieval systems of classification disappear, to be replaced by new systems of spatial structuration of the spheres. The structured division of this world into two ...
2217: Success In Times Of Paradox
... profits RMB 250 15% RMB 300 Tax RMB 18.5 10.8% / Export $ 25 16.3% $ 30 The Tel exchange capacity of China National Public Tel Net has become the second largest one in the world. Last year, the sales volume of PC broke through three million, which indicated that it had increased by sixty percent than 1996. ...... All the above data depict an exciting success for China -- a developing country ... whole society. At present, this kind of waste engendered by the undeveloped IT industry widely exists in all walks of life in China. It is urgent to prompt the informationalization grade of the nation. The world economy has been turning from industrial economy to information economy. P.R.C. Chairman Jiang Zeming once said, IT is the accelerator and amplifier of the national economy. Therefore, a country's information industry embodies its power. Developing IT industry becomes a world trend , and a strategic task in many countries. Several contrasts: u The informationalization degree of the developed country has reached a considerable level. In 1993, US declared "National Information Infrastructure" (NII). It is expected ...
2218: Sailing
... shipping. Yet, the size of these sails were so large they became unmanageable without mass amounts of crew. Where labor was cheep, the Far East, huge sails were fitted, but for the rest of the world, a knew solution needed to be found. Sails became split into smaller units and ships carried more masts. Some ships had as many as seven masts and forty nine sails set at once. Bit by ... to the hull, the sail would move sideways. For the actual sails, any shape will work, but many sails have certain shapes to perform in various situations and conditions. Many boats today for round the world races like B.O.C. use asymmetrical sails that are cut for use on just one tack. Storm sails are much baggier and heavier with less height to maximize drag and reduce drive. Light wind ... surplus of forward motion. Playing with the shapes of the keel and hull, we can obtain boats that perform for specific speeds, weather or even areas of the globe. Many boats today in around the world competitions, have winged keels. These keels were so secret at the beginning of the 1987 America's Cup, that the New Zealand team kept the boat covered during the weighting in. This keel is ...
2219: Computer Crime
... s the weekend, you have nothing to do so you decide to play around on your computer. You turn it on and then start up, you start calling people with your modem, connecting to another world, with people just like you at a button press away. This is all fine but what happens when you start getting into other peoples computer files. Then it becomes a crime, but what is a ... pursuit of knowledge. Of course this is still against the law. But where did all of this start, MIT is where hacking started the people there would learn and explore computer systems all around the world. In the views of professional hacking is like drugs or any other addictive substance, it's an addiction for the mind and once started it's difficult to stop. This could be true, as hackers ... who have ragged on him or do anything termed to be dishonourable to phreaks. [fr'eek] n. 3. A certain code or dialup useful in the action of being a phreak. (Example: "I hacked a new metro phreak last night.")" The latter 2 ideas of what a phreak is, is rather weird. A Phreak like the hacker likes to explore and experiment, however his choice of exploring is not other ...
2220: Children And Play In The First
... is both a reflection of and an influence on all areas of infant development: intellectual, social, emotional and physical. Play is a central, all–encompassing characteristic of infant development, allowing children to learn about the world and themselves. Even during the first half-year of life infant’s really do play, even though the interpretation of what is play and what is exploration must first be established. The focus of this ... second stage is secondary circular reaction, and it appears at about four months. This stage is similar to the first, except now the child enjoys the pleasing effects that their actions make in the external world, and continue to repeat it. Piaget describes the actions of his son Laurent at four months. Lying in his crib, his father ties a watch chain to a set of rattles stretched above Laurent. “Laurent ... the repetition of the previous stage is accompanied by an attempt to vary the activity without repeating it precisely. This form of play is very clear as the child experiences novelty and actively looks for new ways of producing experiences. Consider Piaget’s thirteen-month-old daughter Jacqueline as she plays in her bath: “Jacqueline engages in many experiments with celluloid toys floating on the water...Not only does she ...

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