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2201: K.k.k.
The rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan started a new wave of white supremacy in the United States. Under a different leader as well as a distinctly fresh creed, the second Klan began its reign after World War I. This Klan, unlike the Klan during the years of Reconstruction preyed upon more individuals and also struck a cord within the realm of politics. Also, the second Klan made its way into the ... history with lightning." With the President's support The Birth of a Nation opened to audiences around the country in March of 1915 and ran for 47 straight weeks including 280 sold out shows in New York. D.W. Griffith's film spawned a new generation of the KKK. William Simmons was the first to seize upon the white supremacist feeling that swept the nation. On Thanksgiving night in 1915, ...
2202: Korea 2
... South Korean economy has reached a more mature stage of its economic growth, what are the evolving challenges it has had to face? What are its prospects of continued economic success in the increasingly globalised world economy? The rapid growth and development in the newly industrialising economies (NIE’s) in recent decades has been nothing short of spectacular. Now among the world’s most dynamic industrialised economies, the NIE’s of Singapore, Taiwan Hong Kong, and South Korea which will be the focus, stand as perhaps the best examples of successful economic development. The economic development of South Korea, which has been among the most rapid in the world is typical of the ‘miracle’ that is the NIEs. Korea has come far since the days it was ‘a nation of hungry rice farmers’, by pursuing an industrialisation-led development commitment since 1961, which ...
2203: The World Of Perfumes
Few would dispute the importance of petroleum to the world economy. In fact, some argue that in 1991 the United States and its allies fought a war in the Persian Gulf over this liquid that, at current prices, cost less than half a cent per ... a product made with perfumes- such as soap, facial tissue, insecticides, or even cattle feed. With that in mind, we'll first discuss the ingredients of perfume and then we'll examine some of the new commercial applications of perfume Let's start with the ingrediets. Quite likely, you think of perfume only as a smelly liquid. But many connoisseurs of the stuff would disagree. In fact, perfume is complex mixture ... natuaral essential oils and can greatly reduce the cost of the perfume. In the case of the perfume classic Channel No.5, an artificial aldehyde provides the perfume with its signature scent. When creating a new fragrance, a perfumer will usually draw upon the scents of between 30 to 50, and sometimes up to 500, different oils, hoping to find the perfect blend of smells. Ofcourse, the perfume or cologne ...
2204: Silent Nightmare
... had happened. We now believe that "at least 27 cities and villages near the Chernobyl nuclear plant are too contaminated by radioactivity to be resettled in the foreseeable future; and that "the radiation released stretched world wide (1). We also know that the explosion and fire tore apart one of the reactors and that "31 people died" (2). However this figure conflicts with the April 29,1986 United Press International "unconfirmed ... by Washington officials would not be considered a related story. However, such criticisms are considered "Official Reaction", our third perspective. The words and official actions in response to the disaster, by other officials around the world would also fall into this category, including criticisms of the Soviet Union by then Vice President George Bush. Finally, a separate category has been established for editorial commentary, our fourth and final perspective. Editorial material ... of death fears" (4). The accident was a page one story and it contained the Soviet statement, but, it was presented surrounded by headlines concerning the work of the U.S., and its allies on world economic problems; The surprise move of former White House aide Michael Deaver who joined advocates of an independent investigation of his own lobbying activities; announcement of the opening of Chicago's first international theater ...
2205: The Voice Of The Dispossessed
... four main speeches seem to be the catalyst that propels Invisible Man from one situation to another. The speeches open up many opportunities for him and, at the same time force him to confront the world around him. Words are how IM expresses himself and how he finds satisfaction in being. He loves nothing more than speaking to a crowd, to hold them with his every word and make them feel ... hadn't felt before. Oration seems to be the only way IM can individualize himself. On the surface, it seems that he works very hard at blending in, fitting in, and getting lost in the world, but when he's delivering a speech IM takes on a new form and in that form finds that part of himself that defines him not only as an individual, but also as a part of society. When we are first introduced to his talent for ...
2206: Domus Aurea, Golden House Of N
... The Golden House, and so, the residence is called: The Golden House of Nero. While the Domus Aurea had rather unjustified reasoning behind it, it is one of the greatest architectural achievements of the ancient world. Nero’s residence before his Golden House, was the Domus Transitoria. This was by now means any small living space. It was considered to be a mansion in itself. This palace linked to the Imperial ... Nero’s future house. Promptly after the fire construction was begun on Nero’s Golden House. It would continue until AD 68 (Wheeler 142). In fact the Domus Transitoria would soon become part of the new Domus Aurea. The architects of this great project were more engineers than they were architects. Their names were Severus and Celer (Picard 116). They were more like Italian bosses heading up a team of technicians ... of the first on any major building of this scale (Maso 52). Light filtered in from a round hole at the top of the cupola. It preceded and foretold of the Pantheon to come. This new technological advance was made possible by the invention of concrete. This octagonal atrium though was a bold new step towards something that had never been practiced on such a large scale. Each side of ...
2207: The Roots Of Communist China
... more than a clich‚. That revolution has been primarily directed, not like the French Revolution but against alien Western influences that approached the level of domination and drastically altered China's traditional relationship with the world. Hence the Chinese Communist attitude toward China's traditional past is selectively critical, but by no means totally hostile. The Chinese Communist revolution, and the foreign policy of the regime to which it has given ... Chiang Kai-shek, and the younger and weaker Communist Party of China (CPC ). With indispensable support from the CPC and the Third International, the Kuomintang achieved sufficient success so it felt justified in proclaiming a new government, controlled by itself, for the whole of China. For a time the Kuomintang made a valiant effort to tackle China's numerous and colossal problems, including those that had ruined its predecessor : poor communications ... conscious Chinese, were aware of these conditions and anxious to eliminate them. Mao Tse-tung envisioned a mixed economy under Communist control, such as had existed in the Soviet Union during the period of the New Economic Policy. The stress was more upon social justice, and public ownership of the "commanding heights" of the economy than upon development. In 1945, Mao was talking more candidly about development, still within the ...
2208: Egyptain Foreign Policy In Reg
... the Arab homeland. Considering the past 20 years of the Egyptian state, and of most of the Arab nations, was a continual conflict again imperial powers, the Egyptian were naturally weary and afraid of any new imperialistic powers developing in the Middle East. In September 1947, the League of Arab States decided to resist by force the plan for the partition of Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish State, and ... The United States was angered because it had not been informed by its allies of the invasion, and realized that it could not allow the Soviet Union to appear as the champion of the Third World against Western Imperialism. Thus, the US put pressure on the British and French to withdraw. While France and Britain withdrew, Israel was very reluctant. Eisenhower placed a great deal of pressure on Israel with withdraw ... look at the United States as a possible ally against Israel, if his connections with the USSR failed, and saw the possible opportunity of gaining this through the superpower conflict. Similarly, Nasser realized that his new found status as the champion of the Arab nations against the Imperial powers made him a more powerful figure than before. During the mid-1960’s the Tension between Israel and Egypt increased. In ...
2209: Morocco
... petroleum products are produced chiefly for export. Casablanca is the main industrial center. Mining employs less than 2 per cent of Morocco's labor force but is highly important to the economy. Morocco is the world's largest exporter of phosphate rock, which is used to produce fertilizers and other chemicals. Morocco has about two-thirds of the world's known reserves of phosphate rock. Other minerals include iron ore, lead, zinc, coal, copper, and natural gas. Energy sources. About three-quarters of Morocco's energy needs are supplied by imports, mostly of oil ... from the same family), which governed Morocco for almost 200 years. The country's rulers came to be called sultans. Fez, the Idrisid capital, developed into a major religious and cultural center of the Islamic world. From about 1050 through the mid-1400's, Morocco was ruled by three Islamic Spanish dynasties. At various times, the Berber empires covered much of northern Africa and extended into the Christian lands of ...
2210: The Contenders
... immigrants, Catholics and other assorted minorities. The party was born in 1850, when several covert "Native American" societies joined together, their secret password being "I know nothing." Smith was nominated by the Abolition party in New York, which had nominated Frederick Douglass for New York secretary of state the year before under the label New York Liberty Party. The Campaign: Neither Buchanan nor Fremont campaigned themselves. Republicans declared Buchanan dead of lockjaw. Fremont, however, had a splendid campaign substitute, his beautiful wife Jessie, prompting "Oh Jessie!" campaign buttons. The ...

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