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Search results 2131 - 2140 of 22819 matching essays
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2131: Herman Melville: A Biography And Analysis
Herman Melville: A Biography And Analysis Throughout American history, very few authors have earned the right to be called “great.” Herman Melville is one of these few. His novels and poems have been enjoyed world wide for over a century, and he has earned his reputation as one of the finest American writers of all time. A man of towering talent, with intellectual and artistic brilliance, and a mind of deep insight into human motives and behavior, it is certainly a disgrace that his true greatness was not recognized until nearly a generation after his death. Born in the city of New York on August 1, 1819, Melville was the third child and second son of Allan Melvill(it wasn't until Allan's death in 1832 that the “e” at the end of Melville was added ... creditably throughout the hostilities. The Melvill family kept on their mantelpiece a bottle of tea drained out of Major Melvill's clothes after the Tea Party as a momento of this occasion. Herman attended the New York Male High School from about the age of seven until 1830. By that time, Allan Melvill's business had begun to fail, due to his credit being overextended. After futile attempts to re- ...
2132: Jonas Salk
... his family was poor, he did do exceptionally well in all the levels of education. He graduated from Townsend Harris High School in 1929 and then went on to the College of the City of New York where he received his B.S. in 1934. He finally earned his M.D. degree in June of 1939 from the New York University College of Medicine. Jonas Salk was "a somewhat withdrawn and indistinct figure" but was always reading whatever he could lay his hands on. Dr. Salk went on to intern for two years at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. He then moved on to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor as a research professor in the Department of Epidemology. It was here that he found a vaccine for influenza, commonly called ...
2133: Michael Jackson
... a 1996 Grammy Awards nominee, and "Childhood," which is the theme to "Free Willy 2." Some of his past songs include "Black And White," "Billie Jean," "Thriller," "Beat It," "Remember The Time," and "Heal The World." Michael Jackson has been famous for so long that he has won many awards, especially Grammys. Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana. His Mother's name is Katherine and ... by polio since she was a child. (Jackson: 12) When she was a child, she partially recovered from polio when many died from the disease at that time. (Jackson: 12) Michael has been on his "World Tour" for a few years. Lately, he has to wear something over his face during concerts because of his skin condition called vitiligo. (Carlson: 6) In 1984, Michael and his brothers from the Jackson 5 ... beginning of their stardom. (Jackson: 42) Bibliography 1. Anonymous, "Jackson, Michael," Compton's Multimedia Encyclopedia, Copyright 1991, p. 1 2. Anonymous, "Jackson, Michael," Microsoft Encarta '95, Copyright 1994, p. 1 3. Anonymous, "Jackson, Michael," The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, Copyright 1993, p. 1 4. Anonymous, "Michael Jackson," http://yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au/~ frestlyz/mj/mjbio.html Copyright February 3, 1996, p. 1 5. Anonymous, "Michael Jackson The King Of ...
2134: The Art of Rock and Roll by Charles Brown
... novelties , which were a third kind of rock song. It was a song with some gimmick that makes it catchy. During the 1950's most Americans felt secure, we started to see ourselves as a world power. We were involved in the cold war and blacks had started their movements. Because of the cultural situation rock and roll became a focal point for rebellion. The marketing techniques were very primitive, but ... musicians. There were other musicians who came from Memphis and were labeled the Memphis Mafia. They produced a more marketable combination of records using ballads and novelties. Country was also influenced by this wave of new rock musicians and created the Nashville sound. Some rockabilly musicians include Johnny Cash, who was more influential in folk music as he developed his style, Buddy Holly, who could have contributed to rock just as ... predate the invention of the term rock an roll. Chapter eight focuses on soul/mowtown music. This music had great influence around the 1960's which were times of tumult and confusion. Rock music had new messages and new means to communicate. Rock around this time relied heavily on the rhythm section because the style was vocally dominated. Also around this time Memphis played a more important part because it ...
2135: Descartes
... that he does, it is helpful to gain an understanding of the intellectual background of the 17th century that provided the motivation for his work. We can discern three distinct influences on Descartes, three conflicting world-views that fought for prominence in his day. The first was what remained of the mediaeval scholastic philosophy, largely based on Aristotelian science and Christian theology. Descartes had been taught according to this outlook during ... time at the Jesuit college La Flech_ and it had an important influence on his work, as we shall see later. The second was the scepticism that had made a sudden impact on the intellectual world, mainly as a reaction to the scholastic outlook. This scepticism was strongly influenced by the work of the Pyrrhonians as handed down from antiquity by Sextus Empiricus, which claimed that, as there is never a ... was the best way to discover what is certain: by applying sceptical doubt to all our beliefs, we can discover which of them are indubitable, and thus form an adequate foundation for knowledge. The third world-view resulted largely from the work of the new scientists; Galileo, Copernicus, Bacon et al. Science had finally begun to assert itself and shake off its dated Aristotelian prejudices. Coherent theories about the world ...
2136: Sir Isaac Newton
... 11). In 1653 his mother returned after her second husband died. With her she brought one half brother and two half sisters. Although it is not known, bitterness may have inflicted Isaac when his three new siblings arrived. Never the less, two years later at the age of twelve he was sent to Grantham to attend grammar school. While attending grammar school Isaac lived with the apothecary Mr. Clark (Westfall 12 ... steps beyond the bounds of the time in which he lives in, and Newton was one of those men. The only problem with him was, he could think of the processes, and inventions, yet the world at that time did not possess the technology to build and use what he had envisioned. “Newton’s contributions to physical theories dominated scientific thought for two centuries and remain important today” (Serway 86). Sir ... what we call, modern day calculus. “Before the advent of calculus, mathematics was concerned with static situations and could not deal with the constant change which is ever present in the word around us”(The New American Encyclopedia Vol. 3: 891). This ingenious mathematical method has provided us with the ability to create things which the great philosophers of the past could only dream of. This mathematical method allows us ...
2137: The Life of Walt Disney
... he took the money he earned to pay for art classes at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts.3 When he was sixteen he lied about his age to join the American Red Cross during World War I. Walt Disney had difficulty holding a steady job. His father advised him to take a job at the Chicago jelly factory. But, he determinedly replied," I want to be an artist."4 His ... Though critics claimed they weren't true to life, many people liked them. Disney was the first person to make nature films and some of them received well deserved Academy Awards.11 A strike and World War II put Disney Studios deeply in debt. Many of Disney's animators went on strike because they felt weren't being payed enough for the long hours they worked.12 During World War II, Disney Studios wasn't the only organization that needed money. Henry Morgenthau asked Disney to make a movies to encourage citizens to their taxes. The movies that Walt Disney made starred Donald ...
2138: Benjamin Franklin Was A Man of Many Accomplishments
Benjamin Franklin Was A Man of Many Accomplishments Benjamin Franklin was a man of many accomplishments, the accomplishments he had affected the world of today and the world soon to come. Franklin's parents were like any other parents then. Franklin's dad, Josiah Franklin, was an Englishman. He moved to Boston in 1685 from England bringing his wife and three children. Anne ... people who differed from him thought of him as obnoxious and stopped listening to him debate (Meltzer 40). In 1721, James decided to publish his own newspaper (Meltzer 40- 45). He called his newspaper the New England Courant. The newspaper was combined with printing of other books. James saw a new age of newspapers. Newspapers that let poets and essayist express themselves (Meltzer 40-45). Franklin next went to work ...
2139: The Life of Walt Disney
... he took the money he earned to pay for art classes at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts.3 When he was sixteen he lied about his age to join the American Red Cross during World War I. Walt Disney had difficulty holding a steady job. His father advised him to take a job at the Chicago jelly factory. But, he determinedly replied," I want to be an artist."4 His ... Though critics claimed they weren't true to life, many people liked them. Disney was the first person to make nature films and some of them received well deserved Academy Awards.11 A strike and World War II put Disney Studios deeply in debt. Many of Disney's animators went on strike because they felt weren't being payed enough for the long hours they worked.12 During World War II, Disney Studios wasn't the only organization that needed money. Henry Morgenthau asked Disney to make a movies to encourage citizens to their taxes. The movies that Walt Disney made starred Donald ...
2140: Oral Roberts
... He resented the fact that his parents’ made him attend church and Sunday school. To him Christianity seemed repressive and confining, he ran away to get away from the lord. When Oral moved to the new school there was new success. He was elected class president, he was a honor student, editor of the school newspaper, cheerleader for the football team and a member of the basketball squad. In addition to his school activities he ... of the Conference Committee on Education and Publication. While Chairman he sponsored a fund-raising service for Emmanuel College at the Eastern Oklahoma camp meeting. He raised $70 to furnish a dormitory room in the new building at the college. During his pastorate in Fuquay Springs Oral did what he had to do to build up the church. He preached everywhere he could. Including street corners and sometimes he put ...

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