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2091: Dicks' Androids and Scotts' Replicants
... 2019. The city of Los Angeles is overpopulated, teeming with all sorts of humans. Japanese ADs are all over the place. The Japanese input was strictly the director, Ridley Scot's. Scott saw the future world being controlled by the Japanese. Philip K. Dick did not mention this. The planet is recovering from World War III, although I'm not sure they actually say this. In the book, the war is clearly stated and was called World War Terminus. The effects of the radiation has mutated some people. Only the ones who had not been disfigured or altered genetically by radiation from the nuclear bombs could emigrate, (leave the planet earth). ...
2092: Sex in Advertising
... use of sex in advertising has become a major selling method in the society we live in today. It began sixty years ago when a beautiful young woman introduced the first windproof lighter and a new wave of advertising emerged - The Pinup Girl. She advertised everything from lighters to laundry soap. She even recruited for the U.S. armed forces (Parade Magazine; pg 6). Sexuality in advertising is now a major ... known about its effects or the norms for it's use (Baltimore Sun; pg. 1G). Advertisers use of sex appeals has grown and become widely present throughout the U.S. and really most of the world, but it has never really been clear the line between offensive and effective advertising. Over the last couple of years, commercial content, like programming, has gone through a significant maturing process. Sex has become a ... but they've drawn a huge amount of attention (Baltimore Sun; pg. 2G). "We wanted the women to say, 'Hey,' and we have gotten a fantastic response," there's a fine line between doing something new, different and interesting, and angering your customer with offensive commercials that spoil their commercial intent. An Ann Klein spot that showed a man kissing a woman and beginning to unbutton her shirt, was not ...
2093: King Lear: Sense of Renewal
... good are not rewarded for their principles in this incident, as in the situations of Cordelia and Kent. In his blindness, Gloucester is able to experience a sense of rebirth in that he gains a new and much more clear insight of the world. Previously, he had denounced his son Edgar as villainous do to the intentional set up by Edmund, in an attempt to gain the inheritance. It is while becoming blind that Gloucester learns the truth of ... He sees the intensity of the situation and often does not want to be involved in society. In Act IV Scene I, Edgar's speech says that it is better to live in the real world and know ones relations, than it is to be false flattered or tricked, “Yet better thus, and known to be contemned/Than still contemned and flattered”(p 939 lines 1- 2). After saying these ...
2094: Democracy
... direct democracies, and representative democracies. In a direct democracy all the people meet to discuss problems and creat laws. A direct decision consults all the people for the decisions.. Since that is unpractical in todays world, a new form of democracy, the representative democracy has arisen. This form of democracy has elected representatives making most of the day to day decisions, while the main groups of citizens consulted for only the most important ... Bill of Rights, which assured people many basic civil rights. In the Renaissance, the first modern democracies emerged. One of the main reasons democracies emerged was because the Renaissance tought independence and individual thought. This new way of thinking helped to influence political thinking and to speed the growth of democracy. The growth and evolution of democracy was caused by the demands of greater freedom from many different people. As ...
2095: The Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower
... war effort (Branyan and Larsen, 251). The Republican party has not been happy with the nations economic policies for quite some time. These are the policies of the Democrats, and more specifically those of the New Deal and the Fair Deal. These social programs, such as social security and welfare have been a drain on the federal budget for quite some time. Republicans feel that the time has come to start ... living for each and every American and not the immediate reduction of taxes, a goal which many members of the Republican party would like to see pursued. The programs initiated in the policies of the New Deal and Fair Deal should not simply be maintained, instead they should be expanded upon. I suggest that the Social Security system be amended to include benefits for self-employed farmers and disabled workers. While ... Trade is essential to overcome the dollar gap that prevented foreign marketing of United States goods (Melanson and Mayers, 159). There are many economic issues which face the nation at this time. A recovery from World War II and the Korean War, a recession, a change of political party of the president, and many other factors. Thus this must be a time of strong economic leadership. The policies made and ...
2096: European Union
European Union Introduction Europe made up more than 30 countries and even more distinct cultures; it is now trying to adjust to new economic systems throughout the world. Today with the trend toward big trading blocks like: N.A.F.T.A. or G.N.A.T.T. Europe is trying to advance it's old Trading block called the European Economic Community ... of the E.U. will eventually become one. The way to a unified Europe is not a easy one; problems caused by countries unwilling to give up their sovereignties, and by countries afraid of the new Union continually slow it's progress. Problems Facing the European Union Sovereignty or Unity? This raises many conflicts with Europeans. For thousands of years Europe has been torn time and again by wars which ...
2097: Does The Mass Media Cause Unde
It started by way of messengers and scribes, evolved through the presentation of newspapers and radio, brought us together with television, and now serves us world-wide via the ever-popular Internet. It is the mass media, and even from the earliest days of its existence, it has contributed greatly in ways that both enlighten and enrich society, and ways that deteriorate and perplex it. It is not a surprise to learn, then, that the mass media is the most powerful source of information we have, and nothing else in today’s world influences public perception quite as heavily. Unfortunately, however, most of what is broadcast or transmitted in the news today is with reference to the chaotic condition of our planet, or something else that society as ... that pornography is largely a male interest, a noted increase in female interest would certainly cause an increase in the amount of pornographic material geared for women; this relates to the laws of the business world (Christensen 1990:50). Having discussed the untruthfulness of the claims against pornography and showing that pornography is not “evil”, it is now possible to consider the violence issue. Are men who are exposed to ...
2098: Egyptain Foreign Policy In Regards To Israel & The United States
... the Arab homeland. Considering the past 20 years of the Egyptian state, and of most of the Arab nations, was a continual conflict again imperial powers, the Egyptian were naturally weary and afraid of any new imperialistic powers developing in the Middle East. In September 1947, the League of Arab States decided to resist by force the plan for the partition of Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish State, and ... The United States was angered because it had not been informed by its allies of the invasion, and realized that it could not allow the Soviet Union to appear as the champion of the Third World against Western Imperialism. Thus, the US put pressure on the British and French to withdraw. While France and Britain withdrew, Israel was very reluctant. Eisenhower placed a great deal of pressure on Israel with withdraw ... look at the United States as a possible ally against Israel, if his connections with the USSR failed, and saw the possible opportunity of gaining this through the superpower conflict. Similarly, Nasser realized that his new found status as the champion of the Arab nations against the Imperial powers made him a more powerful figure than before. During the mid-1960’s the Tension between Israel and Egypt increased. In ...
2099: The Black Panther Party
... name was shortened to the Black Panther Party (BPP) and it began spreading eastward through the Black urban ghetto-colonies across country. In the summer of '68, David Brothers established a BPP branch in Brooklyn, New York, and a few months later Lumumba Shakur set up a branch in Harlem, New York. I joined the Harlem BPP in the fall of '68 and served as its Finance Officer until arrested on April 2, 1969 in the Panther 21 Conspiracy case which was the opening shot in the government's nationwide attack on the BPP. Moving westward, Police Departments in each city made military raids on BPP offices or homes in Philadelphia, Chicago, Newark, Omaha, Denver, New Haven, San Diego, Los Angeles, and other cities, murdering some Panthers and arresting others. After I and most other Panther 21 members were held in jail and on trial for two years, We were ...
2100: The Presidential Contenders In
... immigrants, Catholics and other assorted minorities. The party was born in 1850, when several covert "Native American" societies joined together, their secret password being "I know nothing." Smith was nominated by the Abolition party in New York, which had nominated Frederick Douglass for New York secretary of state the year before under the label New York Liberty Party. The Campaign: Neither Buchanan nor Fremont campaigned themselves. Republicans declared Buchanan dead of lockjaw. Fremont, however, had a splendid campaign substitute, his beautiful wife Jessie, prompting "Oh Jessie!" campaign buttons. The ...

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