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2041: Hemmingway
Hemmingway’s Influence Ernest Hemmingway is one of the greatest writers of all time. Like many great authors he was influenced by the world in which he lived. The environment that surrounded him influenced Hemmingway. These included such things as serving in the war and living in post war areas where people went to forget about the war. Another ... as soon as he completed high school he started working for the Kansas City Star. After several years of working for them he moved to Spain. Here he became an ambulance driver and infantryman in World War II. He was also a war correspondent during the Spanish Civil War. During the war he was one of the first wounded. He was shot in the knee and spent a while in a ... was very successful at fishing and loved the way of life in Cuba. Hemmingway then decided to take up deep big game hunting in Africa. This to he was very successful at and became a world-renowned hunter. After this he moved back to the states and spent a couple more years writing. In 1954 Hemmingway won the Nobel Prize for literature. Then on July 2, 1961 Ernest Hemmingway committed ...
2042: Catcher In The Rye 2
... begins to propel him through his novel and in the end gives him a purpose to even continue living. Since the beginning of the novel Holden never really expresses any liking for anything in the world except his sister. When he begins to think about his sister and all of the things she is going through he begins to feel a purpose and. To a person who never felt like his ... of his protection of innocence evidently because this is one example of something that he has always done. It has not occurred because of his want to become a "catcher". Holden simply feels the outside world is phony and does not want his sister corrupted by them. Holden would like to keep children as innocent as he can, he believes that he has already lost his innocence and eventually gives up his own to help the other children. Holden would go through his time in New York not focusing on anything specific. He just went there to have fun and pass the time. After his "catching" dream he goes through various phases where he begins to change, and his innocence ...
2043: Cival Rights Act 1964
... rights, by individuals. This decision allowed white Southern conservative leadership to make laws and policies regarding blacks that eluded constitutional guarantees. In the face of this blatant discrimination black Americans started to gather and form new organizations to further, and in many cases create civil rights for themselves. Civil rights leadership was assumed by organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people (NAACP), and the National Urban ... government. Around the middle of the century gains were being made in small places, with a few minor changes in state laws. Yet blacks were still for all conventional purposes second class citizens (Mooney 776). World War II and its homecoming black veterans brought back even more unrest than before. After fighting the Germans and witnessing Hitler's racial holocaust blacks realized the inequality at home even more. The problem was ... ve driven God out" Slowly, with much violence and the use of federal marshals, and on occasion federal troops, segregation was achieved. The South had no choice, Congress had finally entered the scene with the new Civil Rights Act of 1964, which had delivered a mandate - desegregate the school system or lose all federal funding. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the first strong piece of civil rights legislation ...
2044: Holocaust (devil IN Vienna)
... out their beliefs. Hitler became totally obsessed with anti-Semitism and although he said some outrageous things, for one reason or anther people listened. Hitler had one main dream and that was to conquer the world starting with his homeland, Austria. Austria was once a peaceful country, with sweeping hillsides and quiet towns until one day - the day Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany. Soon he started invading neighboor countries ... divided into seven administrative districts. This was around the time the holocaust began. In the meantime, the Austrian economy continued to move in a downward slope. Austria remained occupied by Germany during the entire Second World War. In 1943, with the Allies beginning to push the German army backwards, an independent Austria was considered one their goals. The Moscow Declaration signed by the US, great Britain and the USSR stated this principle. By early 1945 the Eastern part of Austria was liberated by the Soviet army, with the Western part following a few months later. With the end of World War II, Austria became free of Nazism, independent, neutral and began to rise once again. Its industry, which had totally collapsed as result of the war, was helped with funds from the United Nations ...
2045: Prince William
... him and his family including general and personal information on him, his schooling and the important influences in his life. Prince William Arthur Phillip Louis Windsor is one of the most known people in the world – despite the fact that he is only sixteen. This essay contains general information on Prince William, personal information, Prince Williams’s education and his life story – obtained from various magazine articles throughout his life. General ... We have a few names in mind. You will have to ask my wife about that. There is an argument about it." Someone in the crowd yelled, "Is he the most beautiful baby in the world?" The Prince grinned, "He's not bad." "Is he like his dad?" someone else asked. "No," the Prince shot back. "He's lucky not to be." Then someone shouted, "Give us another one, Charlie!" implying ... Tiggy" who is not famous but very prominent in Prince William's life especially after the death of his mother. Queen Elizabeth is, of course, the Queen of England and the richest woman in the world. She is the grandmother of Prince William and sole protector – in her own thoughts – of her grandson. Prince William's father is Prince Charles of Whales. Prince William also has personal information obtained from ...
2046: Mark Twain’s Greatest Downfall
Mark Twain’s Greatest Downfall Mark Twain is one of the greatest humorists and writers that the world has ever seen. Mark Twain had a natural ability to portray the lives of real people and also add a humorous twist to their lives. As most people know, Mark Twain’s real name was ... from them greatly. Samuel Clemens was born the son of a Missouri lawyer, married Olivia Langdon, wrote various books, short stories, and other stories. He gave various lectures and traveled to many parts of the world. His life was always moving, always traveling from place to place. He was never happy with the success and fame that writing had given him. He was skilled in taking financial risks that probably wouldn ... Mark Twain was so disgruntled (Howards 74). Twain relives the experience when the telephone stock was introduced to him and after it became a success: He was with Graham Bell and was agent for a new invention called the telephone. He believed there was great fortune in store for it and wanted me to take some stock. I declined. I said I didn’t want anything more to do with ...
2047: Tricky's Pre-Millenium Tension
... any type of electronic music based on more than samples and beats? Well...thanks to one innovative performer, that answer may just be YES. Tricky's Pre-Millenium Tension is a revolutionary album, defining the new boundaries of the trip-hop genre. With harder beats than Space Girl, breaks like DB, and enough perversion and ego to make Marilyn Manson look like Mr. Rogers, Tricky's album is a truly original ... sequencer. Every decade one album is produced which redefines the limits of popular music and starts a cataclysm within the industry itself. Pre-Millenium Tension has been hailed by critics and music fans throughout the world as the album of the nineties which will influence the creation of an entire genre. Why? Because it is more than loops and samples. It is more than the overplayed beat/quirky sample standard. Instead ... urgency which cannot be denied or overlooked. Pre-Millenium Tension's hip-hop beats and ambient soundscapes ooze with an explicit passion never before found in electronic music. The most interesting aspect of Tricky's new music is the fact that it is better suited to headphones than to the dancefloor. When most of the music world thinks about electronic music and DJ's, they think about dancing. The fact ...
2048: Email What Is It Good For
... electronic message system. For the user of E-mail that is merely a technical term for something simple, but for the non-users it screams the horror of a technology advance that is sweeping the world. People who fear this kind of advancement are people who fear change overall, E-mail in today's world is not an accessory but it's a necessity. Our ever-growing business world demands people to communicate faster and cheaper. E-mail provides instant communication at a fraction of cost compared to talking on the phone or video conferencing. It gives people to go portable which in ...
2049: Red Badge Of Courage
... the fields at dawn: "As the landscape changed from brown to green, the army awakened, and began to tremble with eagerness at the noise of rumors" (43). The fog clears to reveal a literal green world of grass. It also reveals another green world, the green world of youth. Like schoolchildren, the young soldiers circulate rumor within the regiment. This natural setting proves an ironic place for killing, just as these fresh men seem the wrong ones to be fighting in ...
2050: Beloved
... has a strong root. A root that represents all of the sorrow’s of her life, but she is still strong and is willing to fight to get rid of the weltering branches and sprout new ones, which represents new hope, new life and new beginning. In comparison with Sethe, many of us could probably relate to Sethe and the tragedies and devastations she has had to face. Like her, we and the people around us ...

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