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2031: Creative Writing: Revenge of the Hacker
... finished with the tyranny of school he went home to practice the main ceremony to this "secret life." He would get comfortable turn on the TV or radio and become an instant celebrity around the world. Ri ch was a computer "hacker." Known to all those brave souls who dared the "information highway" as Hax0r, Rich would penetrate computer systems locally and around the world. Never malicious in his endeavors he sat back and explored what seemed to be another dimension to the every day "lamer." Rich was not alone on his journey's though. He had four friends ...
2032: Technology
... working class members has the privilege to lie around their homes, watching Jerry Springer and indulging in the fine delicacy of junk food all day. A worldly population that is trapped within the massive corporate world is unavoidable. Cities run by powerful, bloodthirsty executive committees, seeking to increase their profit margin by providing a surplus amount goods for the people, but at the same time will deplete the earth of its ... Many of today's factories have begun to use "smart-technology" and "artificial- intelligence" to replace thousands of workers worldwide. Robot machines that produce a better product in a shorter span of time. Is the world on the brink of yet another industrial revolution? Where shall this advance take us? Into a global system of social relation and peace--where people from all over the world can intertwine within a perfect Utopia? Or will it cause pain and suffering due to a worldwide depression? A scale that would be twenty-times the size of the Great Depression during the 1920' ...
2033: Madonna
... father Chrysler engineer Sylvio (Tony) Ciccone and French-Canadienne Madonna Fortin, for whom the future superstar was named “Veronica” was added to her name for confirmation. While at a young age of five, Madonna’s world fell apart as her mother struggled to a long process of breast cancer on December 1, 1963. Gathering strength from the tragedious loss of her mother, Madonna took a role of the head female of ... in her childhood life. In addition to being a cheerleader, Madonna took up ballet classes while attending Rochester Adams High School. She found a mentor in dance instructor Christopher Flynn, who introduced her to the world of spunkiness and sophistication at Detroit gay clubs. Madonna’s wild sexuality made her fly sky high! She went on dates with guys, had her first rape encounter at 14 and toyed with the idea ... attend his gigs. Finally, after spending just five semesters at U of M and the encouragement of Flynn, the nineteen-year-old set off to realize her dream. Despite her fathers dreams, Madonna began her world wide adventure, looking for roles where she could not only dance but sing also. Later on back in Queens, the Gilroys started The Breakfast Club in the fall of 1979 with Madonna on drums. ...
2034: The Scarlet Letter: Use of Romanticism in Development of Characters
... Letter, the use of Romanticism plays an important role in the development of his characters. He effectively demonstrates individualism in Hester to further our understanding of the difficulties of living in Boston, the stern, joyless world of Puritan New England. It is all gloom and doom. If the sun ever shines, one could hardly notice. The entire place seems to be shrouded in black. The people of this society were stern, and of course ... she finds a sense of relief in dressing her child in gleaming colors, imaginatively arranged. Hester dresses her child in her own "wild, desperate, defiant mood, that flightiness of her temper" (66). As Hester's new garments represent her restraint in dealing with the world around her, Hawthorne uses Pearl's attire as a vehicle by which Hester deals with her new life after being imprisoned. Since Hester is unable ...
2035: Ryans Red Badge Of Courage
... description of the fields at dawn: \\"As the landscape changed from brown to green, the army awakened, and began to tremble with eagerness at the noise of rumors\\". The fog clears to reveal a green world of grass. It also reveals another green world, the world of youth. Like school children, the young soldiers circulate rumor within the regiment. This natural setting proves an ironic place for killing, just as these fresh men seem the wrong ones to be fighting ...
2036: Red Badge Of Courage
... the fields at dawn: "As the landscape changed from brown to green, the army awakened, and began to tremble with eagerness at the noise of rumors" (43). The fog clears to reveal a literal green world of grass. It also reveals another green world, the green world of youth. Like schoolchildren, the young soldiers circulate rumor within the regiment. This natural setting proves an ironic place for killing, just as these fresh men seem the wrong ones to be fighting in ...
2037: The Growing Popularity of Computers
... global sales were bad; the PC era was finally ending. In fact, sales grew at a healthy 19 percent annual rate. Worldwide, well over 100 million PCs will be sold this year. That means the world now buys almost as many PCs as color TVs. The PC's growing popularity isn't surprising. Prices have fallen sharply while the power of the hardware and software has kept increasing. Consumers and businesses ... your data -- files, schedule, calendar, e-mail, address book, etc. -- across different machines; you won't have to think about it; it will be automatic. If you want to find the best price for a new car -- and check out your budget to see if you can afford it -- you'll be able to do that at the dealership, on the device you have with you. Wherever you are, whatever you ... network that will constantly monitor performance, update software and download device drivers and the like), it will be incredibly easy to administer, automatic in operation and maintenance-free. And the PC will morph into many new forms, such as book-size "tablet PCs." But they'll still be PCs underneath, with all the benefits of the universal PC model. That model will play a vital role in this new world ...
2038: Sport Psychology
... important questions, first, what is sport psychology and second, who is it for? Put in the most sim-ple way, sport psychology can be an example of psychological knowledge, principles, or methods applied to the world of sport. "Two psychologists, Bunker and Maguire, say sport psychology is not for psychologists, but is for sport and its participants." (Murphy & White, 1978:2) However, it can be argued that sport psychology, can be ... to benefit more from mental practice than tasks requiring large amounts of strength." (Butt, 1987:191) This would affect gymnas-tics, ice skating, or any team sport where the performer is attempting to learn a new game play or strategy. Given these findings, it is unwise to replace physical practice with mental practice. Other parts of sport psychology deal with social psychology. "It is generally true that the presence of others ... more available for coaches to buy. This will help athletes tremendously. Alongside work on coaching, goal setting represents one of two primary areas where occupational psychologists have made a direct and considerable impact on the world of sports, in both a theoretical and a practical sense. "While the use of goal setting within sport is widespread, the adoption of formal goal setting principles has not been without controversy and it ...
2039: American Impressionism
... In the years following the Civil War, American art underwent a fundamental shift. The traditional Romantic style of painting, which focused on portraying majestic scenes in stark, vivid lines and shapes, gave way to a new concern for light and atmosphere. It was the age of Impressionism. Impressionism was not indigenous to America. In fact, its origins lay in France, which had long been at the fore of artistic innovation. The ... had scoffed at European art as too stuffy and urbane. The Americans drew inspiration from the beauty of their native landscape, turning to naturalist and romantic styles to portray the land they loved. The Literary World wrote, What comparison is there between the garden landscapes of England or France and the noble scenery of the Hudson, or the wild witchery of some of our unpolluted lakes and streams? One is man s nature, the other, God s. However, after the horrific Civil War, this proud view of a New Eden was shattered. Soon Americans were turning elsewhere for inspiration. It is interesting to note that while dozens of Americans were studying in Paris in the mid-1800 s, thousands came there in the ...
2040: When the Government Stood Up For Civil Rights
... rights, by individuals. This decision allowed white Southern conservative leadership to make laws and policies regarding blacks that eluded constitutional guarantees. In the face of this blatant discrimination black Americans started to gather and form new organizations to further, and in many cases create civil rights for themselves. Civil rights leadership was assumed by organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people (NAACP), and the National Urban ... government. Around the middle of the century gains were being made in small places, with a few minor changes in state laws. Yet blacks were still for all conventional purposes second class citizens (Mooney 776). World War II and its homecoming black veterans brought back even more unrest than before. After fighting the Germans and witnessing Hitler's racial holocaust blacks realized the inequality at home even more. The problem was ... ve driven God out" Slowly, with much violence and the use of federal marshals, and on occasion federal troops, segregation was achieved. The South had no choice, Congress had finally entered the scene with the new Civil Rights Act of 1964, which had delivered a mandate - desegregate the school system or lose all federal funding. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the first strong piece of civil rights legislation ...

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