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Search results 2011 - 2020 of 22819 matching essays
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2011: Eleanor Roosevelt
By: John Lane Jr. E-mail: johnamaxon@yahoo.com The Contributions of Eleanor Roosevelt Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York City on October 11, 1884. She was one of America's great reforming leaders who had a sustained impact on national policy toward youth, blacks, women, the poor, and the United Nations. As the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, she was one of the most active First Ladies as well as an important public personality in her own right. When Eleanor Roosevelt traveled to New York City a week after her husband's funeral in April 1945, a host of reporters were waiting at the door of her Washington Square apartment. "The story is over," she said simply, assuming that ... a pretty face, Eleanor was plagued by insecurity and shyness. An early marriage to her handsome fifth cousin, Franklin Roosevelt, increased her insecurity and took away her one source of confidence: her work in a New York City settlement house. "For 10 years, I was always just getting over having a baby or about to have another one," she later lamented, "so my occupations were considerably restricted." But 13 years ...
2012: Richard Milhous Nixon
... His applications were all rejected, however, and he was forced to go home to southern California, where his mother helped get him a job at a friend's local law firm. At the outbreak of World War Two, Nixon went to work briefly for the tire-rationing section the Office of Price Administration in Washington, DC, and eight months later, he joined the Navy and was sent to the Pacific as ... far as to have campaign workers make anonymous calls to voters stating that as a fact and advising that a vote for Nixon was therefore the best move. This sort of straightforward communist-baiting was new at the time, and fear of the Soviet Union, who appeared to be spreading its influence throughout Asia (China fell to Mao Tse-tsung's communist forces in 1949), made it a particularly persuasive tactic ... politicking. Nixon performed his task admirably, casting doubt on the abilities and patriotism of his and Eisenhower's Democratic opponent, Adlai Stevenson. Nixon himself had to face close scrutiny during the campaign, and when the New York Post announced that he had received secret campaign contributions from wealthy sources, he was nearly pushed off the ticket. Instead of giving up, Nixon went on national, prime-time television and appealed directly ...
2013: Hacking
... caught, or screw it up for others, or both. XI. Finally, you have to actually hack. You can hang out on boards all you want, and you can read all the text files in the world, but until you actually start doing it, you'll never know what it's all about. There's no thrill quite the same as getting into your first system (well, ok, I can think of ... are made from. It is also very easy to disguise your location using the network, which makes your hobby much more secure. Telenet has more computers hooked to it than any other system in the world once you consider that from Telenet you have access to Tymnet, ItaPAC, JANET, DATAPAC, SBDN, PandaNet, THEnet, and a whole host of other networks, all of which you can connect to from your terminal. The ... Net South Korea 02382 Datapak Denmark | 04542 Intelpak Singapore 02402 Datapak Sweden | 05052 Austpac Australia 02405 Telepak Sweden | 05053 Midas Australia 02442 Finpak Finland | 05252 Telepac Hong Kong 02624 Datex-P West Germany | 05301 Pacnet New Zealand 02704 Luxpac Luxembourg | 06550 Saponet South Africa 02724 Eirpak Ireland | 07240 Interdata Brazil 03020 Datapac Canada | 07241 Renpac Brazil 03028 Infogram Canada | 09000 Dialnet USA 03103 ITT/UDTS USA | 07421 Dompac French Guiana ...
2014: Prince William
... him and his family including general and personal information on him, his schooling and the important influences in his life. Prince William Arthur Phillip Louis Windsor is one of the most known people in the world – despite the fact that he is only sixteen. This essay contains general information on Prince William, personal information, Prince Williams’s education and his life story – obtained from various magazine articles throughout his life. General ... We have a few names in mind. You will have to ask my wife about that. There is an argument about it." Someone in the crowd yelled, "Is he the most beautiful baby in the world?" The Prince grinned, "He's not bad." "Is he like his dad?" someone else asked. "No," the Prince shot back. "He's lucky not to be." Then someone shouted, "Give us another one, Charlie!" implying ... Tiggy" who is not famous but very prominent in Prince William's life especially after the death of his mother. Queen Elizabeth is, of course, the Queen of England and the richest woman in the world. She is the grandmother of Prince William and sole protector – in her own thoughts – of her grandson. Prince William's father is Prince Charles of Whales. Prince William also has personal information obtained from ...
2015: Immigrants In 17th Century United States
... a half Irish, and nearly as many Germans, swarmed down the gang planks. Why did they come? The immigrants came partly because Europe seemed to be running out of room. The population of the Old World more than doubled in the nineteenth century, and Europe began to generate a seething pool of apparently "Surplus" people. They were displaced and footloose in their homelands before they felt the tug of the American ... of them spoke not English but Gaelic of the emigrants, most were young and literate in English, the majority under thirty-five years old. Families typically pooled money to send strong young sons to the New World, where they would earn wages to pay the fares for those who remained behind. These "famine Irish" mostly remained in the port cities of the Northeast, abandoning the farmer’s life for the squalor ...
2016: American Two Party System
... Andrew Jackson, to the Presidency in 1828 and 1832. The party of Jackson is today's Democratic Party. By the election of 1836 the National Republicans and other anti-Jacksonians had merged to form a new party, the Whigs. They lost to the Democrats that year, but in 1840 they succeeded in getting William Henry Harrison elected President. In 1844 the Whig candidate, Henry Clay, lost to James Polk, but in ... split in opinion over slavery. During the next few years most Southern Whigs joined the Democrats. Northern Whigs joined northern antislavery Democrats. In 1854 groups of northern men against slavery urged the creation of a new political party opposed to the continuation of slavery. This party has become today’s Republicans. During 1854 to1860, the slavery issue became such a hot topic that even Democrats were becoming divided among themselves. In ... Depression of the 1930s had a powerful influence on American politics. The economic disaster helped Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat, get elected as President in 1932. His first administration developed what has been called the New Deal coalition. Because of the New Deal social programs, millions of Americans were attracted to the Democratic Party. Blacks, whose loyalty had been with the Republicans since the days of Lincoln, shifted their support ...
2017: Cryogenic
... popular among the cryonicists rather than freezing the whole body. But by the time scientists have developed a method of successfully bringing suspenders back from the dead they should also be able to clone a new body from the genetic codes found in the cells of the head. Alternatively, the head may be transplanted onto a replacement body--which may be either human or robotic. There is a small but dedicated ... in California; and the Cryonics Institute, founded by movement pioneer Robert Ettinger in Michigan. There weren't that many people involved in this process because it is very expensive and it is also a pretty new technology. But today there is a few companies try to make the process cheaper so that the average people can afford it too. There are more and more people involved in this process today. And also the number of patients had also increasing. The spreading of the new technology is now known by people around the world but still they do not dare to try it yet. Cryonics was mostly the stuff of science fiction until Ettinger, a physics professor from Michigan, ...
2018: The History of Computers
... wake up in the morning usually to a digital alarm clock. You start you car it uses computers the second you turn the key (General Motors is the largest buyers of computer components in the world). You pick up the phone it uses computers. No mater how hard you try you can get away from them you can't. It is inevitable. Many people think of computers as a new invention, and in reality it is very old. It is about 2000 years old .1 The first computer was the abacus. This invention was constructed of wood, two wires, and beads. It was a wooden ... they could collect partial results, a memory function (could store information), and output information to a printer. These improvement were made for commercial uses mainly, and also required manual installation. Around 1812 in Cambridge, England, new advancements in computers was made by Charles Babbage. His idea was that long calculations could be done in a series of steps the were repeated over many times.7 Ten years later in 1822 ...
2019: Heroes
... the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime!" --Adlai Stevenson Daniel Webster defines: *Hero: „« one renowned for exceptional courage and fortitude; a champion; an idol A thesaurus goes a little further when it says: „« valiant; brave; gallant I like to think of a "hero" as one to whom I can look up. It is said that there are no heroes left in the world. In all due respect to the cynics and the pessimists of the day, I only have only one thing to say: open your eyes! Today, I would like to introduce you to a "real life ... in a single session. Day in and day out, this was all that he had to look forward to as he lay on that concrete slab with his legs bleeding, locked in stocks, and a world away from anyone who loved him; anyone that is except One above! He related in his book that in one time span he lay in his own excrement for 30 days with the stocks ...
2020: Iran Contra Hidden Policy
... was created to keep the United States from getting involved in problems that could and would occur in Central America. This policy, however, did not stop many government agencies from interfering and creating a few new problems for United States neighbors. Of course, all of this was done in an aim to better the political position of the United States. In 1953, the Central Intelligence Agency created a rumor of an ... would be a scandal that would shake the very foundation of a nation. When President Reagan was elected in 1980, he came into office promising to restore America’s military and moral prestige in the world. Voters responded when he pledged to be tough on terrorists, a vow he repeated time and time again: “Let me further make it plain to assassins in Beirut and their accomplices, wherever they may be ... the Defense department were withdrawn from Central America. In the wake of the Boland I Amendment and the cap on spending, Robert C. McFarlane, Reagan’s National Security Advisor, suggested soliciting support from other third world countries. CIA director, William Casey agreed and made several suggestions as to who should be approached. Contact was then made to solicit said funds. When a one million-dollar contribution was received in 1984, ...

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