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Search results 1911 - 1920 of 22819 matching essays
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1911: Satire Essay Mayor Rudolph Giu
... a police state. Police were everywhere - escorting people, putting people into groups, and putting people into jail. People were orderly finally this amazing way of running a state has had a rebirth . Mayor Giuliani of New York City is now running New York City just like a Hitler did in Germany and it is wonderful. Today Mayor Giuliani is running New York like a Nazi would and it is keeping New York in tiptop orderly shape. There are three distinct ways our Nazi (Giuliani) keeps New York in a well-organized Nazi like run state. ...
1912: What Are Five Factors Which Contribute To The Failure Of New Restaurants?
What Are Five Factors Which Contribute To The Failure Of New Restaurants? Definition of Business Failure: Business that ceased operation following assignment or bankruptcy; ceased operation after foreclosure or attaching; voluntary withdrawal leaving unpaid debts. It is a common assumption in the restaurant industry that restaurants ... in the starting years, most restaurants fail. The most often cited statistic is the 95/5 ratio. 95% success and 5% failure. Conversely, another favorite concept exists. Somewhere between 50 to 80 percent of all new restaurants which open this year will fail within the first 12 months of opening their doors. The same conventional wisdom also suggests that about 50% of the remaining restaurants will fail in their second year of operation and another 33% in the third year. This means that if 100 new restaurants were to open this year, 50 to 80 would fail before their first anniversary. That would leave 30 restaurants open in the year two. Half of these 30 would subsequently fail in their ...
1913: Etrade
... it has been our most rapidly growing channel, with transactions over the Internet and through online service providers representing more than 90% of our fourth quarter 1999 transaction volume. (10K report) Strategies used to gain new accounts The extremely strong gains in new brokerage accounts, transactions and assets represent the success of our strategy to become the branded, global leader and recognized authority in electronic personal financial services. This strategy involves: . *leveraging the powerful brand of E*TRADE to increase new customer accounts and assets held in customer accounts by offering a unique and compelling online experience; *providing the broadest range of high value-added tools, products and services; *enabling "anytime, anywhere, anyway" access, worldwide, ...
1914: AIDS - What's new ?
AIDS - What's new ? ------------------- Is the message getting through? We already know enough about AIDS to prevent its spread, but ignorance, complacency, fear and bigotry continue to stop many from taking adequate precautions. We know enough about how the ... as the 1917/18 influenza pandemic which killed over 21 million people, including 50,000 Canadians. Having been lulled into false security by modern antibiotics and vaccines about our ability to conquer infections, the Western world was ill prepared to cope with the advent of AIDS in 1981. (Retro- spective studies now put the first reported U.S. case of AIDS as far back as 1968.) The arrival of a new and lethal virus caught us off guard. Research suggests that the agent responsible for AIDS probably dates from the 1950s, with a chance infection of humans by a modified Simian virus found in African ...
1915: B E C: The New Phase of Matter
B E C: The New Phase of Matter A new phase of matter has been discovered seventy years after Albert Einstein predicted it's existence. In this new state of matter, atoms do not move around like they would in an ordinary gas condensate. The atoms move in lock step with one another and have identical quantum properties. This will make it ...
1916: WWII
By: Jamie Stuckie World War II Summary World War II is the name commonly given to the global conflict of 1939-1945. It is said to be the greatest and most destructive war in world history. The World War II military operations were conducted primarily in Europe but also in Asia, Africa, and the far islands of the Pacific as well. More than 17 million members of the armed ...
1917: Computer Science
... computers through programming languages—artificial languages used to program computers, and operating systems—computer programs that provide a useful interface between a computer and a user. During this time, computer scientists were also experimenting with new applications and computer designs, creating the first computer networks, and exploring relationships between computation and thought. In the 1970s, computer chip manufacturers began to mass-produce microprocessors—the electronic circuitry that serves as the main information processing center in a computer. This new technology revolutionized the computer industry by dramatically reducing the cost of building computers and greatly increasing they're processing speed. The microprocessor made possible the advent of the personal computer, which resulted in an explosion in the use of computer applications. Between the early 1970s and 1980s, computer science rapidly expanded in an effort to develop new applications for personal computers and to drive the technological advances in the computing industry. Much of the earlier research that had been done began to reach the public through personal computers, which derived most ...
1918: Soft Drink Industry Case Study
Soft Drink Industry Case Study Table of Contents Introduction 3 Description 3 Segments 3 Caveats 4 Socio-Economic 4 Relevant Governmental or Environmental Factors, etc. 4 Economic Indicators Relevant for this Industry 4 Threat of New Entrants 5 Economies of Scale 5 Capital Requirements 6 Proprietary Product Differences 7 Absolute Cost Advantage 8 Learning Curve 8 Access to Inputs 8 Proprietary Low Cost Production 8 Brand Identity 9 Access to Distribution ... industry. The general growth in volume for the industry, 4-5 percent, has been barely keeping up with inflation and growths on margins have been even less, only 2-3 percent (Crouch, Steve). Threat of New Entrants Economies of Scale Size is a crucial factor in reducing operating expenses and being able to make strategic capital outlays. By consolidating the fragmented bottling side of the industry, operating expenses may be spread ... and image, however any of the product differences that may develop are easily duplicated. However, secret formulas do create a difference or good will that cannot be duplicated. The best example of this is the "New Coke" fiasco of 1985. Coke reformulated its product due to test marketing results that showed New Coke beat Pepsi 47% to 43% and New Coke was preferred over old Coke by a 10% margin. ...
1919: Hitler And Gleichchaltung
... passed by a vote of 444 to the 94 votes of the Social Democrats. The Act was published on 24 March 1933. The law decreed the transformation of the state parliaments to conform to the new party strength in the Reichstag and provided the laws passed by a state legislature did not need to accord with the constitution of the state. On April 7th 1933, the Reich commissioners in the states were institutionalized as Reich governors by the "Second Law for Co- ordination the States with the Reich." In almost every case, the new office was taken over by NSDPA Gauleiters, who now possessed the right by law "to see the observance of the policy guidelines set by the Reich Chancellor," and, in addition, to appoint and dismiss members ... 1933, a large number of SA ‘commissars' moved into Government offices at various levels, with the excuse that they were making sure that the civil servants were acting in accordance with the principles of the new regime. A good example of this was in a town called Thulburg. With virtual control over the administration of Thalburg and Thulburg County, the Nazis undertook the first and most obvious task: cleansing the ...
1920: Ancient Rome
... Aeneas' wife, Creusa, but she never showed up. Saddened, Aeneas acquired a boat and sailed around the Mediterranean. He bounced around from Asia Minor to Greece to Crete looking for a place to found a new Troy, but he couldn't find a satisfactory place. As told by Homer in the Aeneid, Aeneas was cared for by the gods. Venus, in particular, was very worried about him. She asked Jupiter, king ... a priestess Of royal blood, bear twins begotten by Mars; And one of these, Romulus, fostered by a she-wolf, And joyfully wearing her tawny hide, shall rule And found a city for Mars, a new city, And call his people Romans, after his name. For them I see no measure nor date, I grant themDominion without end. Yes, even Juno...Even she will mend her ways and vie with me ... his daughter, Lavinia. With King Latinus' permission, Aeneas and Lavinia founded a city called Lavinium, where they ruled side by side for many years. When Aeneas died, his son Ascanius took over. Ascanius founded a new city, which he called Alba Longa, and made it his capital. Now we advance four centuries. The king of Alba Longa is Numitor. He had a jealous brother named Amulius, who seized the throne ...

Search results 1911 - 1920 of 22819 matching essays
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